What was this feeling mean

Who are you...


"haaa, what a boring day..." "uhh i want to sleep ,i'm soo sleepy yaahhh. i'll wake up when its 7:00am" then Kai was asleep again...


What! huh its just dreaming heol~ i want its become true! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ "Lee soora-shhi!!!!!! PALLI AHHH!!!!"

"eomma i'm coming." are my mom just got histeria? ㅡㅂㅡ mom, i wish your will be okay next time~ㅋㅋㅋ "PPAALLI! Take your breakfast"

"can you just calm down eomma???"

"WHAT! look a this! what time is it?"

"ahh...its 7:20am wae?" My eyes Suddenly become O_O!!! WHAT! WAIT ITS 7:20am!!! OMO! I'M LATE! "OMO! eomma why you didn't tell me about this! why you didn't wake up me early ahh!!!"

"what? i'm already shout your name for many time but you just reply~10 Minutes~5 Minutes~ See! you just kill yourself." OHH? Jinjja? i didn't!!! "eomma! i need to go now!" i take my school bag and i wear my shoes. "Oh No! i'll be latei'm start Running like i'm joining school Marathon.

the guard was saw i'm running and at that time i'm was wearing sport clothes and the guard said... "PPALLI! YOU WILL BE THE WINNER! RUN MORE FASTER!" i'm just stop running and i'm looking at that guard.

"you think what i'm just doing right now? ㅡㅁㅡ ??? ahh!!! what time is it?!!!"

"ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ its 7:28am" GYAAAAAAHHH!!!! i'm start running again but now more faster!

"Aish~!!! i'm must be late. first period is Mr. Hyunwoo classes, the most evil teacher!" i'm run to faster then i'm fall. AHHH!!!! i'm hurt, i can't walk...Oh ! why can be like this at this time ahhh!!!. i'm start crying when i saw blood on my feet.

"ehh!!! YOU?" i look up...KAI! It was Kai! are he my angel? i didn't feel the hurt when i saw kai. "Yaaaahhh!!! ARE YOU OKAY! YOUR FEET!" Kai looks really worried!

"ahh Gwaenchana`!" i'm trying to get up, then i fall to Kai body.

we looking each other...Oh No! he going to kiss me! he going to kiss me!!!

"tell me what your adress, i'll send you back home"

FAIL~! ridiculous my imagine was Fail. "ANIYA! i want go to school..."

"with your feet like this?" i look at my feet... "uhh,mmm..."

"Fine! you must have take a rest nae! i'll told the teacher that you was fall that time when you on the way go to school. Now, you sit here behind me, hug me tightly okkie?" Kai was showned his bicycle.

i'm..i'm..with...Kai...that...bicycle..we..two...together??? really?!!! "Hello! what are you looking for, ppali sit here or we will be late"

"ahh? ahh okay okay!" i'm hug him...its just dream right!? OMONAHHH!!!!!


~i'll said at teacher, i'm late because i was help this girl then teacher will forgive me ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ~ ahh! my heart...Mianhae girl, i'm not using you...



"Songsaengnim~! this girl was fall when she on the way want to go to school, i was found her, she was crying. when i saw her! i'm help her to get up and she told me ,she don't want go back home, so i'm just send her into school"

"aigoo! i'm must check your feet. its maybe will got bacteria on there. lemme wash your feet first with this Antibiotic bacteria. Kai go back to your class now, thank for helping her. you can told your teacher about this, so the teacher may not going to mad you."

"Kamsahamnida Songsaengnim!" ahh! yes!!! hahaha...

Kai just walk away and his stop when he want to open the door... "i hope you will get well soon" smiling brightly. i'm blush! i saw Kai close the door and i'm feeling well and sad. i hope i'll be more longer talking with Kai! Hmmm...Sssstttt....OHH! WAIT!!! aarrrrgggghhh!!! i didn't introduce myself yet! ahh!!! i hit my feet.


"hahaha what wrong with me? don't think to much Kai! Now your way is go to your class!!! Okkay! My class!!!"


Kai! i really want you call my name... aigoo yahh! what i'm doing? he so kind to me! but what i'm doing to him yesterday. i'm dreaming we do something badly in lab! ........i hate myself for this~

"Lee soora ahh`! Lee soora`! are you here? are you okay?" Minyoung looks scared and she was check all my body.

"yyyaaahhh Gwaenchanaaaa~!!!" i'm okay because of kai always be beside me ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ "What your mean you okkie!!! i'm was worried" "wait...how did you know about this?"

"songsaengnim told me ahh~!" Minyoung was angry. i thought you know it from kai!

"ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ are you worried?" Minyoung making face...

"you think what the fish i'm doing here? i'm worried! ANI! Really worried! you're the one my besties. ANI! the best besties ever i have in my life!" Minyoung want i'm touching with all word that she say's just now ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ

"yeaaahhh i know you worried~~~" "Heol~~!!! you didn't trust me? Kick your !"

"please don't! or i'll scream out!"

"Just scream then~!"

"AAARRRH......." i'm said it slowly.

"hahaha you can't scream~"

"hah! i want take that rubbish and put at your face!"

"Aish~!!! i'll call the Rubbish Man to do it to you! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ when you can come to class again?"

"this end reccess!"

"i brought this bread for you, eat it!" "gomawo Minyoung ahh" I love Minyoung, without her maybe i'm alone in this school.

"ahh nae~EHH! are your eomma know about this?" "NO, she didn't. i don't want make her sad. so please secret it..."


Ring bell was ringing. its means the reccess time was ended. "ahh! the bell was ringing! let go. i'll help you to walk."

"i can walk...but thank again Minyoung! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ" "Aish~! shut up, just keep walking! look in front. i don't want you fall here okay."


In Class...

Ehh... what wrong with lee soora? , you don't know? i heard that she come to school with kai , what? really? how come? , i don't know maybe kai was just helping her... , ahh! Jinjja! i'm jealous , they use bicycle to come to school! , OHH! what all this? , and she hug kai at the back to , ahh lee soora what type of girl are you...! , ehh whatever~


I'm just being silently in class. My all classmate was talking about me and kai this morning but...who care? i don't mind~ whatever they want talk about us.

"Ehh? you come to school with kai? why you didn't told me?" Minyoung pout.

"you didn't ask me...but he just help me ohh. ahh~ enough ,i don't want talk about this case at class pppuuuffftt~"

"Aigoo yyash~! since when you become like this aigoo~"


"don't laugh ahh....................! ERRHHH! ~~~teacher is coming~~~"


while student was doing homework that teacher give us... my mind keep repeating all kai video in my memory. "so beautiful..." i'm looking at outside window.

"whut? what? who's beautiful?" Minyoung look at outside to while she head move right to the left. "what wrong with you! keep doing it" hahaha lol minyoung! i'm disturbing her... ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

ahh~! i'm thinking so much about my dreaming last night... why i'm being like this! if Kai know this! he will hate me...cause i've dream bad thing about him. that not what i mean...i'm just to much love him.

"Lee soora? what wrong? your face...?" Minyoung was really don't know what happen to me! and i'm not going to tell her about what i just dream last night~~~~~

"its nothing ohh~"

"yyyaaahhh!!! are you have problem? your face look so errk...derp" Minyoung keep asking me and start laughing. Are she teasing me!

"uhmm... ahh! how was your day? i mean yesterday~ you and sehun~walk~together~gether~ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋi change my topic heol~~~ "AHH! you didn't know what happen to me yesterday..."

ahh? what she means........?

"just tell me then?Minyoung was looks around and i'm hear she sigh. FREAKING WEIRD! "huh...you know what, sehun...he..."

"can't you just talk straightly? you're not in trafic light aigoo."

"i think sehun got something problem! LOL! he doesn't talk with me yesterday, listen carefully....he doesn't at all! i'm just walking with him and just look in front aigooyahhh~~~"

"you means? he being silently?"


"Really silent silent silently?"

"yaaahhhh!!! can you stop talk to me like that"


"imma walk with kai to..." i'm talk so fast ㅋㅋㅋ "WHAT? Repeat again?" Minyoung voice a bit loud! "Ani~~!" huh~i don't want to tell her. i want to be misterious girl hahaha


Sehun Situation...

"Aish~! Jinjja baboya! why i can't talk with her face to face. i just can talk with her when at that time got many people around there."

"hahaha...whatever~ i think to much!"

"Sehunaa what wrong?" Kai suddenly come to sehun and asking him because he being like crazy. he talk to himself.


"Ehh, are you got minyoung phone number? can you give me?"

"what? why?"

"just give me..."

"what plan you have going to do ahh kai~"

"i'm just want to know about minyoung's friend, just that haaarrrhh"

"eeeeeeeeeeehhhhhh!!! are you fall in love with her?" Sehun teasing kai.


"Aish just tell me ahh..."


"don't be secretly like this kai..."


"i know you love her..."




"ppppuuuuffftt~ what! haih! i didn't finish my homework, can i borrow your book?"




"i don't have minyoung number... you know me right~"


Sehun was smack kai . "hah! are you feeling good now ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ..."




haih Jinjja! i'm tired talking with you! if i'm talk with my shoes its not gonna be hurting like this...


LOL KAI! hah!!!!!!!!!! i'm stress!















Annyeong~! kekeke haha, i don't know... i love this chapter~ :p by the way ,sorry for my broken english! but i hope you enjoy it! i love sehun part kekeke~ comment bellow :)



 SeKai cute moments xDD



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Chapter 1: Oh my God!! so cute <33