Hidden Feelings

Masked Dancer

At the Nam mansion.

" So Myungie ? " Woohyun started wiggling his eyebrows.
" So what hyung ? " Myungsoo answered in a questioning manner.
" What he meant, dear brother is ... When are you going to tell Hyunae you like her ? Althought it's already obvious. " Sungkyu elborated teasingly.

Myungsoo redened. Poor boy, he was being mocked again.

" You know, if you don't tell her soon, someone might get her before you do. " Woohyun sing songed.

" No hyung. I won't let that happen. She is mine. Only mine. No one is going to take her away from me. " The young lad said sternly.

Myungsoo was very kind and nice, but everything has a dark side right ? When he sets his mind on something or even just marks it or her to be exact, he would do anything just to keep what he promised to himself. Things always went his way one way or another.

" We'll have to see that. " Sungkyu challenged.
" Oh trust me hyung, you'll be surprised with what I'll have in plan... " He smirked.
" OH MY GOD ! You're not touching my dear baby sister ! Not before you two get married ! Hell no ! OVER MY DEAD BODY ! " Woohyun suddenly yelled horrified.
" What the hell hyung ? I wouldn't do something as low as that. " Myungsoo stated loud and clear for him to hear.
" You better not ! Even if you're my bestfriend's little brother and my dongsae I wouldn't hesitate to beat you up for my little bunny. "  He said sternly.

Sungkyu just shook his head at the two younger ones.

" But seriously, Myungsoo, you should tell her soon. The earlier the better. " He advised.
" Don't worry hyung. "
" Alright ! Now that's out of the way, why don't we go clubbing ? Hmm? PLEASE I DIDN'T GO FOR A WHOLE MONTH ! " Woohyun begged the both like a little puppy.

The Kim brothers just stared at him blankly as he did his heart throwing whiny noised ageyo.

" Just don't do anything scandalous again. You own your father's company now. You have an image to keep remember that. " Sungkyu surrendered.
" Wait t'ill Hyunae hears about this. " Myungsoo threatened and smirked.

The youngest one jump when Woohyun just suddenly dropped to his knees and hugged his leg.

" PLEASE NOOOOO ! DON'T TELL HER ! DON'T TELL MY BABY BUNNY THAT WE'RE GOING ! PLEASE ! I'M BEGGING YOU ! SHE'LL NEVER FORGIVE ME ! " He begged as if he was going to be killed. He remembered the time when Hyunae had to drag him out of the club by his ear because he was misbehaving.
" You know how much my baby sister means to me. " He let out a sob.
" QUIT IT ! What kind of man are you hyung ? And what do you mean we ? Go with Sungkyu hyung. I have other things to do. " Myungsoo said and shook his leg off.

The older one stood up and looked at him with puppy dog eyes.

" So you won't tell her ? " He asked with hope.
" Yeah. Yeah. Whatever hyung. " Myungsoo said.
" MYUNGIE YOU'RE THE BEST ! I LOVE YOU ! " Woohyun yelled and hugged the younger one tightly.

Woohyun let go and hid behind Sungkyu.

" Is Myungie bipolar ? ... " He whispered.
" I heard that ! " Myungsoo shot and sent him a cold glare before he stormed off.
" Myung Myung scares me somtimes... " Woohyun said and let go of Sungkyu.

The other just shook his head and began walking to the mansion's exit.



Meanwhile at S.D.A.A

Hyunae and Hoya decided to meet up again, at the academy to start making up some choreography for their dance presentation. Unfortunately, both seemed a bit distant, hard to believe but it's how they felt. Knowing that they both danced together so intimately made the atmosphere even more bizzare.

" So Hoya... " Hyunae started awkwardly.

The male lifted his head up to see her face. Her and him were sitting down on the studio's hard wooden floor.

" Yeah ? " He answered.

* Hyunae step up ! It's your dance partner ! You gotta get used to him ! *
* Damn ! Hoya what happen to you ? Why you muting out ??? *

They both scolded themselves.

" Okay well... Uhmmm... Since we'll be partners why don't we get to know eachother first... " She spoke timidly avoiding his gaze.

Hoya seemed to notice what she was doing and smirked to himself. He scooted closer to her making his the side of his thing touch hers as they both sit cross legged beside eachother. Hyunae flinch at the sudden contact, they were acting as if they never had touch before. She had no idea on what's gotten into her. Why she was acting like this ? She didn't know herself. Dancing with him was alright but just sitting ? That was another story. After a short period of silence Hoya decided to reply.

" Hmm. Okay then. You first. " He said.

That's when she chose to face him. The girl turned shy once she met his eyes. They seemed familiar. Without knowing, she began staring at him for a few seconds until his voice snapped her out of her trance.

" Uhh. Hyunae ? You okay there ? Am I that good looking ? " He teased cockily.
" Hmph. Conceited much. I wasn't staring ! " She defended.

Hoya let out a small subtle chuckle when she had her little outburst. Now he found her amusing and wanted to a bit more.

" I never said you were stairing at me. Why did you say that ? Were you stairing at me ? " He asked lightly making fun of her again.
" Stop it ! I did not ! " She hit his shoulder playfully.
" If you say so. " He shrugged.

Poor girl's cheeks started to blush.

" So ? Are you going to tell me about yourself ? " He questioned.
" Why do I have to start ? " Hyunae argued.
" Because you asked first ? " He replied.
" Touché. Okay then, I'll start. " She said.

The boy placed himself right infront of her to have a better listening ear as he urged her to continue.

" Okay well, as you know my name is Nam Hyunae. I'm the only daughter of the Nam family. Umm. My parents own Nam corporations but then passed it to my brother Nam Woohyun. Uhh. I started to like dance when I was 5, my first dance was ballet and I started loving dance when I turned 14. " She finished.

Hoya expected that story from her. Ofcourse, he knew who she was. Everyone does, but he wanted to know more about her and so he couldn't stop himself from asking her a question.

" Since you like dance, what kind of dance do you like doing ? Maybe we can incorporate our favorite dances into our routine. " The boy said.

Hyunae got lost for a while when her eyes diverted to his moving lips. They looked so soft and good. She felt like devouring them at that moment.

" Hyunae ? Did you hear what I said ? " He asked, noticing her space outs.
" Uh. Yeah what ? Sorry , I wasn't paying attention... " She admitted shyly.
" Alright then. If you keep spacing out like this then I guess it's best if we just do what we gotta do ? " He stated as he stood up and walked to the stereo.

Hoya turned the music on onto a random song that was played before and made his way to her , putting his hand out to help her up. Hyunae looked up and took his hand as he brought her up snapping her into his arms.

On the other hand, Hyunae felt abnormaly shy once again. Poor girl didn't know what's happening to her, but one thing for sure, his arms around her felt so good. She felt safe. Just like how she felt when she danced with that random man at the masquerade party.

Hoya observed the girl in his arms with amusement. She always seemed like she was thinking deeply into her mind.

* Are you thinking about finding me, princess ? *

He uknowingly smiled to himself at the thought.

" You like dancing like this huh ? " He asked softly.

Her face turned even more pink. She could've sworn that she's becoming as red as an apple. Did she like dancing like this ? She didn't know, but it always felt right. Their bodies just swayed with the music. Like a wave in the water, they let themselves get carried by music.

Seeing that she wasn't answering him, he got her answer. So they just stayed quiet and swayed the whole time. If they couldn't talk then might as well do what they do best. Dance.



" Do you think she'll like this or this ? " He asked the sales lady.
" I am sure she will like whatever you chose sir. " She replied in a flirtacious tone.

Myungsoo was at a jewelry shop trying to find a ring for his proposal to Hyunae. Sadly, the sales lady wasn't much of a help.

* Sir how may I help you ? Can I help you sir ? I ask for help and all you can say is that ? Tsk. Dumb. Even tries to flirt with me knwoing that I am shopping for my girl. People have no shame these days. * He immitated annoyingly in his head.

He scanned through the long row of rings displayed before him. He needed to find a perfect one. Myungsoo started imagining his girl's hand with the rings he sees on her ring finger. If he was proposing to her, it might as well be the best proposal in the world. With so much rings, he decided to narrow down the choices.

" Since you offered your help, can you please help me by bringing me all the rings with a Princess cut ? Then you'll be of great use to me. " He commanded bluntly.

The lady turned embarrased and immediately scrammed into the glass cases to get what he asked for.

Within a few minutes, she gathered up ten unique Princess cut rings and placed them all opened up in their cushioned cases.

His eyes hovered over the displayed rings as he tried to find one that he thinks matches her. As he analyzed them carefully, his eyes landed on one.

Myungsoo picked up the small box and took a closer look at the ring inside it.

It had ofcourse the Princess cut he wanted and a very sophisticated edge cut on the main diamond stone. The ring itself was made of platinum sterling silver wich made it have a beautiful shine. Knowing you for years, he knew that you liked purple, but this precious stone carried your most loved favorite colour, lavender.

The young man smiled in content to himself. He has finally found the perfect ring he wanted you to wear.

" I'll take this one. Size 6. " He stated.
" Very nice choice sir. Lucky for you, it is in size 6. That ring is only one of it's kind because of it's rare colour and detailed cuts. " The sales lady remarked.

The lad really had an eye for these kind of things. He got it from his mother.

" Would you like me to wrap it sir ? " The lady asked.
" No. It's fine. " He answered straight forwardly.

The sales lady went to make his reciept and certificate of his purchase.

" Would you like to pay by credit card sir ? " She questioned as she prepared the scanning machine.
" Cash. " He replied.

The lady was startled with his answer. The ring he chose was not just any ring and he says he would pay it in cash ? Clearly she did not know who he was.

He is Kim Myungsoo, second son of the Kim Industries. For a multi-billion company. Paying cash was no problem. It's not a surprise though, the fact that she couldn't recognize him. The younger one never really exposed himself much. It was mostly his older brother who would represent the company in events and such.

Myungsoo had his own little business, photography. Although he has that, he still helps his brother with the company and also holds 40% of the shares.

After he paid, he made his way to his car and called Hyunae as he started to drive. Ofcourse, to prevent amy accidents he was talking on his car's bluetooth speaker phone.




Sweat trickled down their bodies as they danced for a full 5 hours. And for those hours that passed, none of them spoke, yet somehow they have become more closer.

Suddenly, Hyunae's phone started ringing, thus making her part from Hoya to go answer her phone.

" Hello ? "
" Hyunae ! It's Myungsoo, I'm coming to get you in five minutes okay ? "

In the meantime, Hoya went and turned off the music so she can answer her call properly and started changing his shirt.

The young man lifted his shirt infront of the wall miror, exposing his moist built body.

Hyunae's eyes buldged out at the sight of the half male infront of her. The hard feel against her back when she was dancing with him was no joke. She could've sworn to be drooling by then. Those abs and that happy trail just made her hot.

" Hyunae ? Hyun ? You there ? " Myungsoo started asking dew to her lack of response.

Hoya caught her intense stare through the miror and smirked at her.

When her eyes met his, she instantly snapped out of it and looked away.

" Uh. Yeah ? "
" Hyunae, it's Myungsoo. I'm there in four minutes alright ? "
" Okay oppa ! " She replied and hung up.

By the time she hung up and looked back at Hoya, he already changed his top into a big black jersey style tank top.

" Your boyfriend ? " He asked approaching her with a raised eyebrow.

He really meant the question. He heard her say "oppa" it could be her brother, but she doubt it because at this time he probably would be at the office or something.

" No, just my bestfriend. " She answered.

Hoya was now infront of her. Hyunae can now really see his features. Tan skin, thick brows, cute nose, delicious lips...

" Hmm. Alright then... " He leaned in close to her.

* Haha. She's so cute ! *

Hyunae instinctively backed up as he got closer and closer to her face. When she felt his closeness, she shut her eyes tight.



But then nothing... She carefully opened one eye and saw him smiling at her.

" I was just trying to reach for a bottle of water behind you... " He stated and gulped down the water he got.

Hyunae turned pink once again. What's wrong with her ? Feeling her chest pump up again. As if her heart tried to escape from her body.

" What's your number ? ..."
" What ? "
" Your number... You know... So I can call you for our next practice. I gotta go now. "
" Oh. Um. Here. "

She handed him her phone so he can save and call his phone number to save eachother. He took it and did that.

Unexpectedly, he snapped a photo of her. She looked at him weirdly.

" What ? I like having contact pictures. " He shrugged.
" Well since you took a picture of me, then I'll take a picture of you. "

With that said she rapidly shot a stolen picture of him aswell and saved it as her contact picture.

" Hmm. I guess we're fair now. See you soon Hyunae. " Hoya said and waved goodbye as he exited the door.

" Bye. "



" Ouuf ! "
" Watch where you're going ! " Myungsoo hissed irritated to the guy who bumped into him and walked faster to the other direction.

Hoya shook his head in annoyance, until his eyes caught something on the ground.

He bent down and reached for it. It was a black cloth box. He opened it only to discover a beautiful lavender ring. It looked really expensive.

* Must be that rude guy that bumped into me a while ago... Oh well. Finders keepers, losers weepers. *

He whistled and shoved the ring box in his pocket.

* Maybe I can sell this or something... *

Hoya thought lastly and made his way back to his territory.



" Hyunae ! C'mon, let's go. " Myungsoo said and took Hyunae's duffle bag on his shoulder.
" Oppa ! " She said and smiled at him.

Both of them made their way to his car and started driving back home. As they did Hyunae went to her contacts and searched for Hoya and found his picture.

She looked at it and unknowingly smile to herself. The picture was just too cute !

Myungsoo noticed the girl's smile, but didn't question it because he loved seeing her smile.

When they arrived at her mansion it was already very late. 3AM.

" Where's Woohyun oppa ? " She asked suspiciously when she noticed her brother's lack of presence.

Hyunae turned around when she heard a click from the main door.

She watched to see who just came in. It was no other than her older brother, Woohyun.
The young lady switched the light on, catching her brother off guard.

" Where have you been oppa ? Hmm ? " She asked, her tone a bit demandingly.

Her sharp eyes caught a red lipstick stain on his cheek.

* . * Woohyun thought.

" I thought we talked about this oppa. " Hyunae stated in disapointment.

Myungsoo shook his head when he saw his hyung pleading him for help.

" I'll take my leave now Hyunae. Goodnight. ! "

Hyunae nodded and gave him a smile right before he left and then turned to glare at her brother.

" You oppa, you're coming with me. " She said sternly and grabbed his wrist to the living room.

Woohyun has no other choice than to hang his head low and follow his younger sister.




N/A: Sorry fornot updating late aigoo. I see 50 subbies :D  I reached 300+ subbies in total now ! Yay !I will update again soon . No worries ! EXAMS ARE FINALLY OVER /! I'm using my aunt's PC cause mine is having issues so I might take long to post a new chapter. But the next chapters will be ready since I'm going to write them on my phone. LOVE YOU ALL  ! * Throws Namu haerts ! * 

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annabelleshlee #1
Chapter 9: I'll wait... Hwaiting :)
Chapter 9: fighting. Update when you can
Chapter 8: Aigoo~ The ending was so awkward >.< Kekekeke... Gotta love our DinoWoo :DD
Chapter 8: Okay :D I have decided that I 100% Ship her with Hoya ^^
inspirit-beauty #5
Chapter 8: oh my dongwoo! what have u done??? you destroyed a very romantic scene, hoya will probably in rage hahaha good luck dongwoo :p
Chapter 8: er ! i hate yet love youu Dongwoo~
Chapter 8: dinowoo. you. er.
ForeverFive #8
Chapter 8: I dont miss that dino guy! argh dongwooo you just ruined the perfect moment. haha
Chapter 8: OMG I LOVE IT
Sungjong and Sungyeol you two can I kidnap you two. I want you both was my younger brothers hehehe
Sungjong omg so freaking cute
DINOwoo such a little angel