Masked Dancer

After, Woohyun's big masquerade celebration the last night, he was now the official CEO of Nam Corporations.
Hyunae congratulated him one last time on earning the trust of their parents to hand him over their company.They were very proud indeed. She waved goodbye as he drove himself to the company for his first day of work. What he didn't know was, that the employees decided to give a him surprise party. They were really fond of Woohyun. He did a great job while he was still some sort of trainee. They trusted him to lead the bussiness to a greater future.

On the other hand, Hyunae was going back to her 3rd year of dance school at Seoul Dance Academy of the Arts. She was so excited to meet her friends and dance until her hearts content again.

She entered the school and since she was one of the best dancers there, plenty of the students know her. Hyunae wasn't friends with everyone though. They still had those people who were jealous of her, but she didn't care at all. She was there to dance and no one can stop her.

Her class doesn't start until 9:30 AM so she decided to go to an empty practice room to do a little dancing of her own. Hyunae the stereo and plugged in her Ipod. She played a random song and started to move infront of the wall mirrors.


Howon walked through the doors of S.D.A.A. following his bestfriend Dongwoo. It was his first day at the academy. Since Dongwoo knew he enjoyed dancing a lot, he decided to enroll Hoya with him too this time. Dongwoo got bored when he had to go alone, the last semester he went, but now he's got his best buddy by his side. Hoya was reculant at first because, it's a place pact with rich people. He wouldn't fit in that easily with them. Wich was one of the reasons why Dongwoo decided to bring him along. In then end, he chosed to go.

" Our class doesn't start until 9:30 so just chill around for a while kay ? We'll meet here at 9:25. See you later gator. " Dongwoo saluted, leaving Hoya alone in the hallway.

* Tsk. We'll be together the whole time bro. Don't worry. I won't leave ya. Tsk. Lies. * Hoya thought as he shook his head towards the direction his buddy went.

He began walking casualy down the hallway. As he did so, his ears caught the sound of music being played in one of the rooms. Curious as he was, he followed the melody being played until he reached the door to the room.

To his liking, the door was open. Hoya took a peek inside and discovered a beautiful sight. A lady about his age was dancing to a latin beat. His eyes ravished her body. From to bottom she looked absolutely amazing. Her body was fit and lean. She was definitely a dancer. The form of her curves was just carved to perfection. Her chest was just eye catching as well as her behind. For a normal korean woman she did have a nice behind, he confirmed that. How she moved was just breath taking. The way she followed the beat with her hips made him want to join her from behind and lead her. Somehow, her movements looked familiar to him. Although her dancing was great, he could see a lack a fluidity. That's when it hit him. The girl turned around revealing her face more clearly.

She was the girl he danced with at the masquerade ball. She's the woman he led around the dance floor, the one whom he held against his body as they looked into eachothers eyes. He remembered how he had to guide her to follow the music as she danced with him. To let the feeling of the song take over her. Hoya smiled to himself and without even noticing, his legs brought him into the room.


Hyunae was just dancing to the latin beat when she suddenly felt strong arms wrap around her waist. She was surprised, but she felt him dance along with her as his hands guided her hips to follow the rythm. She let the stranger be and continued dancing with his company. Hyunae wasn't crazy though. She was in an elite school, no student would dare ruin their family's name or mess with her since she was one of the founding families of the academy. Plus, he knew how to dance, thus making her happy. The song felt as if it was never going to end as they danced along with it.

His body was very close to hers, her back against his built chest. His head beside hers. Hyunae couldn't help but feel hot when she felt his breathing against her nape. The sensasion was too overwhelming. Their bodies rocking together to the rythm. Having more that enough of that position, she turned around to see the stranger's face more clearly.

To her surprise, a handsome lightly tanned man greeted her with a smile. As they continue to dance, she couldn't help but examine the fine man infront of her. His features were clearly standing out. Thick eyebrows that frame his sharp eyes, a cute nose, luscious lips in wich she wanted badly wanted to get a taste of, hard chest,firm muscles and biceps and of course, her eyes couldn't skip the ABS that were obvious under his shirt. His looks looked deeply familiar. She started thinking, where she saw his face. His features couldn't be skipped. As she tried running through her memories, her alarm started ringing indicating it was 9:25 and that she had to get to her class.

Hyunae parted from him and went to turn off her phone's alarm.

She turned back, about to introduce herself, but he was gone.

* How the ??? Eh.. Whatever, I'll probably see him around anyway. *


" There you are man ! I was looking all over for you ! I told you to be here at 9:25 ! " Dongwoo scolded Hoya.
" Sorry man... I got lost. " Hoya lied.
" Okay, but we have to stop by the principal's office to get your own time table. " He said and then dragged him along to the headmaster's office.


" Alright ! So we have a new student who will be with us for the rest of the year ! Welcome him hmmm ? " The dance instructor told his class.
" There he is ! " He exclaimed.
Everyone turned their heads towards the room's doors only to see their familiar groupe mate Dongwoo and another guy.
" Come come ! " The excited instructor gestured.

Hoya began walking to him while the girls in the group oggled him like crazy.

" He's hot. " One girl whispered.
" He's mine. " The other girl whispered back.

Hoya grinned hearing those comments. He looked right into the first girl's eyes sending her a fierce charismatic look. The girl blushed and looked away.

Hyunae's eyes widenned. It was the stranger she danced with earlier. She didn't know why, but excitement started rushing through her body like a bolt of lightning. On a another hand, she couldn't help but wait what he had to bring. She already saw him move with her, he was amazing , but she knew that those moves were just part of his abilities. She wanted to see more.

" Aneonghaseyo ! Hoya imnida ! " He bowed and greeted.
" Alright, now take a seat. " The person in charge instructed.

Hoya flashed a mischievious smile before taking a seat on the ground beside her.When he got by her side, she gave him a warm smile.

The dance instructor welcomed his students for another year at the academy and did the usual welcoming information.

" So I'm going to change things up a bit this year ! What better to start the year than having a partner project. " He said enthusiastically.

The trainees started talking between themselves and got excited.

" Mr. Kwon can we chose our partner ? " One asked.
" Yes... , he grinned, but randomly. " He smirked.

Their faces fell. Hyunae didn't mind at all though. She could always adjust to them if she needed too. Hoya just listened attentively.

" Alright everyone so please right down your names on this piece of paper and put it in here. " He said going around giving little pieces of paper and pencils to all of them.

When they were done, they went to him and dropped their names in his snapback hat.

" Okay so Yoon JiAe please come and pick your partner. " He said.

The girl stood up and went over to him. She planted her hand in the hat and picked out a paper then she gave it to Mr. Kwon.

" Ahhh. You chosed Baro. Now go sit next to him. " He said and checked off their names. " Next ! "

So most people were already paired so he had to skip some names and landed on Hyunae. She stepped up hearing her named being called to chose. She closed her eyes and buried her hand in the hat.

* Please let me get Hoya ! Please ! *

She pulled out the first paper she felt and gave it to Mr.Kwon.

" Oh. Perfect ! You're with Hoya ! Coincidence, you already sit next to him ! "

Hyunae unknowingly smiled and fist pumped in her head as she went back beside Hoya.

" That happy to be my partner huh ? " He teased seeing her smile.
" Tch. You wish ! You better dance well because everyone wants to be my partner ! " She said confidently.

* Oh gosh. Did I just say that ? ... *

Hoya just smirked. * Sure. Sure. *

All of them were now partnered up when another hat was presented to them.

" Okay, so to test if you and your partner will work well together, one of you have to come up here and take a piece of paper with a kind of dance. You will be dancing it right now infront of me so I can see if you are able to work with your partner. That dance will be the kind of dance that you and your partner will be performing at the end of two months. It can be the kind of dance itself or it can be a dance in the same kind. You are also creating it's choreography so make it good ! Oh and don't try faking the dance just to change partners cause I can see if you do ! And no peeking on the paper ! " He warned.

Hyunae made Hoya get it since she was the one that stood last time. He went with the others and stuck his hand in the hat a pulled out a random piece of paper. He kept it in his hand until they got chosen. As usual, Mr. Kwon went by list and each team that got called danced passionately. Hoya was impressed.

* At least these richies can dance. *

He got bummed when the instructor called out hiphop on another team. He watched the team move. They were good, but they didn't have the feel to it like he did.

* They ain't feelin' it. * He sighed. * I wonder what dance we got... *

The hiphop couple was done performing. Now it was their turn. The two stood up and made their way to the instructor to hand in the paper. Hoya and Hyunae watched him as he raised an eyebrow and grinned.

" You really got a hand Hoya. " He said and then rolled open the paper.

Hyunae's eyes widened. The chosen dance was ... the Tango... She looked at Hoya and he shrugged.

* Oh gosh. Can he dance it ? Calm down Hyunae . He can. You danced with him remember ? ... Calm down. *

Her thoughts got cut off when the music started playing.

* Game face on Hyunae. * She thought, but her eyebrows furrowed when he saw a smirk playing on her partner's face.

Everyone watched attentively. Hyunae remained posed as Hoya started walking on beat towards her. They both had their poker faces on when he snapped her against him. They began dancing around. The man leading the woman. They were times when Hyunae would bring her thigh up against his leg as his hand traced it seductively. The others guys in the room were practically drooling while the girls just wished it was them dancing with him. Hyunae was wearing her short shorts with a deep V-neck tank top. It was revealing alright. Guys really envied Hoya. Then the male dipped her down, his face inches from her chest. He waved his hand over it as she pulled her back up against him. They bore into eachothers eyes as they move in perfect balance. Another move he unexpectedly when the music slowed down did was kneeled and pulled her on his thigh so she would be sitting on him. He caressed her face with his hand slowly and then jumped her back up when the beat snapped.

To their dismay, the music abruptly stop. It was sudden because they were so into it as if they were possessed by the dancing gods.

" Well, I don't want to spoil myself too much. You both are definitely made for eachother ! " The dance teacher exclaimed.

Hyunae blushed a bit realizing the closeness she had with Hoya. He looked absolutely hot at that moment.

Hoya caught her eyes looking at him and he just gave her a little naugthy smirk. She immediately turned around in embarassment.

When class ended, they all began walking to the exit. When she recomposed herself, Hyunae went to her partner and said :

" I'll be looking forward to our performance. Hoya-ssi. " She gave him a devious smile.

Surprised with her sudden change of attitude, he gave back the same look replying :

" Same goes to you. Hyunae-ssi. "

With that, they left oposite ways with foolish smiles on their lips. The couple left with eachother on their minds.

* Why are you so familiar to me Hoya-ssi ? *

* Definitely found you, princess. *


N/A : Sorry this took long to update ... summer is here and of course exams are here too. I need to study and pass so yeah, I'm putting all my will into it. Also, orals :p I hate orals. Talking infront of people isn't my thing... Anyways, I hope you guys liked the chapter. Was it okay ? It didn't bore you too much did it ? I hope not... Sorry. I'll try updating soon again (: But for now I leave you readers with this. Saranghaeyo !
* Throws Namu hearts *

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annabelleshlee #1
Chapter 9: I'll wait... Hwaiting :)
Chapter 9: fighting. Update when you can
Chapter 8: Aigoo~ The ending was so awkward >.< Kekekeke... Gotta love our DinoWoo :DD
Chapter 8: Okay :D I have decided that I 100% Ship her with Hoya ^^
inspirit-beauty #5
Chapter 8: oh my dongwoo! what have u done??? you destroyed a very romantic scene, hoya will probably in rage hahaha good luck dongwoo :p
Chapter 8: er ! i hate yet love youu Dongwoo~
Chapter 8: dinowoo. you. er.
ForeverFive #8
Chapter 8: I dont miss that dino guy! argh dongwooo you just ruined the perfect moment. haha
Chapter 8: OMG I LOVE IT
Sungjong and Sungyeol you two can I kidnap you two. I want you both was my younger brothers hehehe
Sungjong omg so freaking cute
DINOwoo such a little angel