Power Outage

Night of Epic Proportions

Woohyun frowned as they listened to the others talking outside of their door. When they were all gone, Woohyun turned to the others. Heechul just sat down, clearly uninterested with everything that was going on, and started playing with his fingernails. Sungyeol yawned loudly and walked to the the living room, plopping down on the floor. Woohyun sighed and shook his head, walking towards the kitchen. Yesung quickly followed behind them as they walked to the fridge.

“What’s this?” Woohyun asked, spotting actual food in the fridge.

“Looks like they were nice enough to give us food,” Yesung replied, pulling out a jar of kimchi.

“What all do we have?” Woohyun asked, taking out a bag of salad.

“Looks like kimchi, salad, a bag of apples, a bag of peanuts and corn. Oh, and a carton of milk,” Yesung replied, looking the contents of the fridge up and down.

“Ah, I see. Did they give us anything else?” Woohyun asked, opening the rest of the cabinets. “Well, they gave us A plate, but they took away one of the cups.”

“ONLY ONE CUP?!” Heechul cried, walking into the kitchen. “I am NOT sharing with you guys.”

“Well, then you won’t get anything to drink,” Woohyun stated, rolling his eyes.

“It’s easy to drink something without a cup,” Dongwoo replied as he waltzed right on in and opened the fridge again. He pulled the milk out and started chugging it from the carton.

“YAH! DON’T DRINK MILK OUT OF THE CARTON!” Ryeowook cried, joining them in the kitchen.

“Is this a kitchen party now?” Dongwoo asked with a big goofy grin and setting the carton down. “I like parties.”

“Of course you like parties,” Sungyeol replied as he also joined the in the kitchen, carrying the cat with him. “Ah, Sarang is like a big, fluffy version of Jureumi!”

“Jureumi?” Shindong asked as he also came into the kitchen.

“Sungyeol’s new cat,” Woohyun replied, shaking his head. He was starting to get uncomfortable with the packed kitchen because of his claustrophobia. “Uh, guys? Can we move this to the living room or something?”

“Why?” Yesung asked, turning to face him.

“Ah, Woohyun has claustrophobia,” Dongwoo replied, pushing everyone out of the room.

“Yah yah yah, don’t you dare touch me,” Heechul growled as soon as Dongwoo touched his shoulder.

“Heechul, you don’t have to be a brat,” Yesung stated, rolling his eyes as they all gave Woohyun some space to calm down.

“Okay, thanks guys,” Woohyun said, taking a deep breath.

“Does Sarang need to cheer you up, Woohyun hyung?” Sungyeol asked, shoving the cat in Woohyun’s face.

“Uh- um, sure,” Woohyun said, taking the cat. Yet he could only think of one person who calmed him down, and that person was being an evil hamster right now.

“So guys,” Eunhyuk said with a full mouth. “What are we gonna do next.”

“Well first we are all going to eat with our mouths CLOSED!” Leeteuk teased causing Eunhyuk to squint his eyes.

“I still don’t think we did enough, I want them to suffer!” Sungjong stood up instantly.

“Calm down Jonggie.” L pulled on the maknae’s leg.

“No he’s right!” Kyuhyun stood up as well.

“Oh gosh.” Donghae facepalmed.

“I will not sit around as they party in that apartment!!” Kyuhyun walked over to Sungjong.

“I’m pretty sure there is no party.” Sunggyu insured.

“You don’t know that! I think we should...uh...um, CUT OFF ALL THE POWER!!”

“YEAH!” Kyuhyun yelled.

“NO!” Sungmin countered. “That’s going too far. Now SIT- DOWN!.”

“I agree with Sungmin, they don’t deserve all that.” Sunggyu stared at Sungjong as he sat down.

“You guys are so boring.” Sungjong plopped on the ground pouting.

Sungjong then pulled out his phone, minutes later Kyuhyun received a message:


Kyuhyun responded:


“Well guys I’m going to the bathroom.” Sungjong stated getting up.

“Thanks for telling us, even though we didn’t ask.” L saluted.

“Now to think of it, I have to go too.” Kyuhyun stood up “Don’t follow me. I’ll probably be in there a long time.”

“Too much information.” Donghae said dropping his fork.

When Kyuhyun reached the bathroom Sungjong was leaning against the wall.

“You know why I called you here right?” Sungjong walked closer to Kyuhyun.

“Let me guess, you want to cut off the power even though the other members objected.” Kyuhyun smirked.

“Maknaes think alike.”  Sungjong then reached his arm out to the other maknae. “Team?”

“Team!” Kyuhyun shook his hand.

They both walked back to the table.

“Listen guys, we have to go...maknae stuff.” Kyuhyun stated.

“Don’t follow us or I’ll kill you. Okay bye..saranghae!!” Sungjong pushed Kyuhyun towards the door.

“Um...ooookaaay?” Sunggyu returned to his food.

After the long bus ride Kyuhyun and Sungjong arrived back to Eunhyuk’s apartment.

“Okay so here’s the plan: I will go in and cut the fuses. You stay out here and watch the door. Here,” Sungjong said, handing over a small square object.

“Where did you get walkie talkies from?” Kyuhyun asked.

“I had them them in my pockets the whole time. I’m going in now.” Sungjong slowly opened the door.

He quietly counted to three with his fingers then rushed into the apartment. Everyone was in a circle in front of  the television.

“Okay Kyuhyun, we have to be very quiet.” Sungjong whispered loudly, hiding behind the couch.

“OKAY!” Kyuhyun shouted through the walkie talkie.

Woohyun heard the commotion and turned around. He got up and looked behind the couch where Sungjong was squatting.

“Hey hyung.” Sungjong said still attempting to whisper.

“Jonggie what are you doing here?”

Heechul heard the whispering in the background and face Woohyun.

“Woohyun? Who are you talking to?” Heechul asked.

“Er...um, no one.” He replied.

Heechul rolled his eyes and faced the television.

“Hyung. Psst.”


“You can’t tell anyone I was here. You have to be quiet.” Sungjong got up to advance further into the apartment when he suddenly fell.

All the members flinched and looked around then focused back on the TV. Sungjong got up and proceeded to the kitchen. When he finally reached the fuse box the key was hanging on a string. Sungjong unlocked the box and turned the switches off one by one. When the the power in the living room went off Sungjong could hear the other members gasp and growl. Sungjong put the key in his pocket and quickly tiptoed out of the apartment. Once out both him and Kyuhyun ran away from the apartment not knowing they left a witness.


Hoya was sitting in his room, watching the computer screen carefully. Every single one of the pranksters were sitting in the living room, watching Air Buddies. Hoya sighed and focused on the movie, knowing the seven of them weren’t going anywhere any time soon. Woohyun said something loudly to the other guys, making them all crack up laughing. Dongwoo was rolling around on the ground and Hoya could only grin at his childishness. He missed having them around, the three missing members. That’s part of the reason why he agreed to watch them 24/7.

He sipped on his bottle of pepsi, smirking when Sungyeol threw his legs onto Heechul. Heechul yelped and pushed Sungyeol away, backing up towards the wall. Sungyeol just sighed and turned back to the movie, making Hoya turn his attention back to the movie as well.

A few seconds later, Hoya could’ve sworn he heard a door open, but ignored it. He heard somebody whispering, but saw that Heechul was talking to Woohyun. But then he turned his attention to Woohyun, who was talking to the couch. Hoya frowned and zoomed in, trying to figure out what Woohyun was talking to. He figured Woohyun was just being his weird self and trying to gain attention, but apparently not. Hoya could make out a VERY familiar figure walking away from Woohyun. Hoya decided to ignore it and found the video more interesting.

Suddenly all the power went out, causing the movie to go off as well. All the pranksters started freaking out, yet Hoya could still see everyone with the night vision option Eunhyuk put on the camera. He spotted a figure walking away from the switch box, trying to hold in his laughter. After a few seconds, Hoya recognized the figure as Sungjong. Sungjong soon made it the door and brought a small device to his face.

“Kyuhyun,” he whispered, very loudly, into the device, “let me out!”

“Yah! Lee Sungjong!” Woohyun screeched, just as the door opened.

Sungjong rushed out and grabbed Kyuhyun’s wrist. Soon enough they were out of sight, and Hoya frowned, leaning back in his seat. The 7 freaked out, but Woohyun was freaking out the most. Woohyun had always been afraid of the dark, so it made sense.

“Yah, Hoya! Anything interesting happen with the chodings?” a voice asked, causing Hoya to turn and find Donghae and Eunhyuk walk in.

“Yes, actually,” Hoya said, pointing at the dark rooms of the apartment. Sungyeol was trying to calm down Woohyun, while the others just freaked out and jumped around in circles, running into each other.

“What happened?” Eunhyuk asked as the two sat on either side of me.

“Sungjong and Kyuhyun happened,” I replied, shaking my head.

“They didn’t!” Donghae cried with wide eyes.

“They did,” Eunhyuk said, frowning.

“What?” Hoya asked, looking at them.

“We specifically told them NOT to do exactly that,” Donghae replied.

“Well, they’re in trouble then,” Hoya said, shaking his head.

“Very much so,” Eunhyuk replied.

Just then, the rest of the members walked into the room, circling them. Donghae told them what the maknaes did, and Sunggyu and Leeteuk looked like they couldn’t get any angrier.

“They’re so going to get it,” Sunggyu hissed. “Lee Sungjong, that jerk!”

“Why would he be a jerk?” Siwon asked, tilting his head. “He just shut off the power.”

“Yeah, but Woohyun is terrified of the dark,” Sunggyu replied, turning on him.

“Oh, that makes sense,” Siwon replied, nodding his head. They all turned their attention to Woohyun, who was freaking out more than ever now.

They heard a door slam and snickering, causing them to all turn and glare towards the hallway. Sungjong and Kyuhyun came into view, walking towards their room.

“Yah! Sungjong! You get in here RIGHT NOW!” Sunggyu shouted.

“You too, Kyuhyun! You’re in so much trouble!” Leeteuk shouted.

“They found out!” they both shouted, before rushing out of the house and leaving their very angry hyungs behind.

Hey guys! Sorry for the very very very late update. We've been kinda busy and haven't been able to get ANYTHING up! But we decided it's going to be ALOT longer than what we originally planned!! Hope you enjoy!! Thanks for reading!! Byee

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poop_reader11 #1
Chapter 2: Whoa I'm the first one to comment whoa just .. whoa. Anyway I love your story it's so funny and Sungyeol being a coffee addict and Heechul being addicted infront of the mirror admiring himself are so cute they are my bias is Infinite and SJ. But honestly I love your story I can't wait on what will happen to them I really waited for your update so please *insert a kid pleading with huge eyes* update as soon as possibe. I LOVE YOU SARANGHE~♥