The Pranksters Get Pranked

Night of Epic Proportions

Sunggyu sighed and walked into his shared bedroom with Woohyun. As he walked in, he found Woohyun playing a game on his Ipad. The older smirked and walked over to him. He sat down and hugged the boy.

"Woohyunnie~" Sunggyu whined, snuggling into his chest. "I'm bored! Come do something with me?"

"Like what?" Woohyun asked, not looking up from his game.

"Go out with me. I don't know. Let's just go~"

"What would I wear?" Woohyun asked, finally looking up. Sunggyu jumped up right away, grinning.

"I'll pick for you!"

"Alright. You do that. I'll finish my game."

"Sounds good~" Sunggyu sang, running over to there closet. He grinned as he pulled out a shirt and placed the small camera inside it. Then he grabbed a pair of jeans and threw the clothing items at Woohyun. "Here, wear that."

"Okay," Woohyun stated, setting down his game. He then picked up the clothes and dressed out into them. Sunggyu grinned and hugged him. 

"Yay! Thankyou Woohyunnie~" Sunggyu said. "Come on. Dongwoo and Sungyeol are coming with us!"

"What? Where?" Woohyun asked, following his leader out of the room.

"To a party."

"Oh, fun," Woohyun replied, nodding his head. They skipped out and found Dongwoo and Sungyeol already waiting.

"Hyung~ Where are you taking us?" Sungyeol asked, putting his shoes.

"Apparently we're going to a party."

"Oh, okay. Let's go then."

"Dongwoo, will you drive us?" Sunggyu asked, walking out the door. The three younger members followed him.

"Uh, sure," Dongwoo stated, pulling his car keys out of his pocket. The walked outside, over to the parking lot, and Dongwoo unlocked the car. Everyone piled in and Dongwoo started the car. "Where to, hyung?"

"Just follow my directions."

"I can't believe we won five awards tonight." Yesung jumped with joy.

"Hey let's go celebrate, yeah?" Leeteuk stared around at the members.

Ryeowook looking confused, "This is so unlike you leader. You usually want to go straight home after award shows and take a nap."

"Well yeah but this is special Wookie." Leeteuk smiled.

"How so?" Yesung asked.


"That's a stupid reason but ok. I want to get me grove on anyway." Shindong stood up.

"Great then I'll call the drivers to pick us up." Leeteuk added.

"And where is this party?" Heechul asked suspiciously.

"It's Siwon's house" Leeteuk repied.

"WHAT?" Siwon asked suprised.

"Yes remember Siwon? We were going to have our friends and family over too." Leeteuk winked.

"Oh, oh yeah! I remeber now."

"How could you forget about your own party. Bronze but no brain I guess." Heechul walked out the door.

Everyone also walked out SM Entertainment's main headcquarter's front door. They waited for ten minuets till both cars arrived.

"I call the seat next to Yesung!" Ryeowook yelled grabbing Yesung by his shirt.

"I call the seat next to the mirror." A conceited Heechul walk up to the passenger seat,

"Oh by the way I want everyone to wear blindfolds." Leeteuk reach in his bag and pulled out multiply blindfold.

"Why?" Shindong asked.

"Because me and Siwon worked really hard on it and we want to suprise you,,,NOW HERE!"

"Fine fine! Jeez...cranky grandpa!' Yesung grabbed the blindfold and walked to the car.

Then everyone piled into the cars and they drove off.

The Infinite members pulled up to the apartment building and Sunggyu immediately jumped out. "Come on guys!" he cried, rushing out of the car.

The other three groaned and piled out of the car, following him inside. On the way there, they bumped into someone wearing sunglasses and a hat and carrying a huge bag, but the three didn't give any notice to it. Sunggyu told them to go on and stopped to look at the person.

"Alright, Sungjong. How did it go?" Sunggyu asked, smiling at Infinite's maknae.

"Well, all the food is out. Sungmin called and said that he can't get any food here till tomorrow," Sungjong replied, shaking the bag around.

"So they'll starve for a day, I'm guessing?" Sunggyu asked, raising his eyebrows.

Sungjong just shrugged and started to walk away. "I don't know. But good luck!"

Sunggyu ran up to catch up with the other three, just as Leeteuk came in with the four misbehaving Super Junior members. Sunggyu smiled and waved at Leeteuk as they followed in behind the three Infinite members. Leeteuk was giving the four directions of where to go.

"Uh, why are they here?" Woohyun asked, motioning to the Super Junior members. "And why are they blindfolded?"

"Well, they're going to the party, too," Sunggyu replied, shrugging his shoulders.

"And they're blindfolded because this party is SUPPOSED to be a surprise. I don't know why you three aren't," Leeteuk stated as they stopped outside of the appartment door.

"This place looks a little dull," Dongwoo stated, frowning.

"Where are we anyway?" Heechul asked, reaching up to take off his blindfold.

"No. You can't take that off!" Leeteuk cried, stopping Heechul's advancing hand.

"Then how come Woohyun and Dongwoo aren't wearing blindfolds?" Ryeowook asked, pouting.

"Because Sunggyu apparently doesn't know how to bring people to a surprise party," Leeteuk replied, exchanging glances with the Infinite member.

"Why aren't we going in? Should I just knock?" Sungyeol asked, turning to look at Sunggyu.

"No," Siwon said, stepping up. "I'll let you guys in."

"You have the key to this place?" Woohyun asked, frowning.

"Yes, it's my apartment," Siwon replied, opening the door.

Leeteuk, Siwon and Sunggyu stood back as the seven of them walked in. Once they were all inside, Siwon quickly pulled the door shut. The three then turned to eachother, clapping hands.

"We did it!" Sunggyu cried, grinning widely.

"We did!" Leeteuk replied, nodding his head. "Now, how about all of us meets here tomorrow at noon. We'll plan what to do next."

"And Sungmin will have to bring them food," Sunggyu added as they left the building.

After the door slams shut the Super Junior members took off their blindfolds.

"What the hell?" Shindong looked around.

"Where is leader? And why does this place look so familiar?"  Ryeowook asked.

Dongwoo scanned the empty apartment, "This is the most boring party ever I'm out of here."

Dongwoo walked up to the door and turn the doorknob, "What the heck...this door doesn't open."

"This place doesn't have any windows either." Woohyun added.

Ryeowook gasped, "No windows. Locked door. Guys, THIS IS EUNHYUK'S APARTMENT!!!"

"You're right Wookie. But why are we here?" Yesung scratched his head.

Sungyeol looked at the Infinite members," You don't think...?"

"Nooo, they couldn't have." Dongwoo responded.

"What are you guys talking about?" Yesung asked confused.

"I think they tricked us." Woohyun said.

"No no no. Not grandpa Teukie, he can't even get out of bed in the morning." Heechul walked up to the other band.

"Think about it Heechul. Why else would they lie and say we were going to Siwon's place. Let's face it, the pranksters have been pranked." Shindong sat on the floor.

"Well it's offical, the only thing we could do it cuddle...real tight." Dongwoo smiled.

Woohyun rolled his eyes, "No one wants to cuddle Dongwoo, but I wonder how long they plan on leaving us in-"


"Whoa what was that?" Yesung asked.

"It was Sungyeol...what's wrong Choding?" Dongwoo asked.

"THERE IS NO COFFEE!" Sungyeol replied.

The Super Junior members stared at each other confused.


"Okay who was that?" Shindong asked.

"That was Heechul." Ryeowook answered.

"Heechul what's wrong?"


"I think I'm going to go crazy. I'm going to get food." Shindong said holding his head.

Woohyun and Dongwoo exchanged looks before following Shindong into the kitchen. Shindong opened the fridge, only to have his jaw drop to the floor. "There's no food in here!" he cried.

"What?" Woohyun asked, frowning. He opened the food pantry, also finding no food. "There's nothing in here." 

Dongwoo started searching through cabinets and only found 2 cups. "What is this?!" Dongwoo cried, closing the cabinet again. "Who keeps no food and no dishes in their apartment?"

"What kind of party is this? NO COFFEE! I MEAN COME ON!" Sungyeol cried, pouting in the corner. Woohyun rolled his eyes and walked out, finding Yesung and Ryeowook in the corner, playing rock paper scissors.

"Well, this will be a fun night," he stated, plopping down on the ground.

The next day, there was a knock on the door of the Infinite members' dorm. Hoya sighed and stood up, walking over to the door. Eunhyuk was sitting in his room, watching the 7 boys freak out and drive eachother crazy at the apartment. Donghae disappeared earlier that morning to get breakfast for them.

Hoya opened the door, finding Siwon, Leeteuk, Kyuhyun and Sungmin standing there. "Hey Hoya," Leeteuk said, walking in.

"Hey, what's up?" Hoya asked as the other three walked in. They all waved at him and walked into the living room. Sunggyu was sprawled out on the floor, watching a drama on his laptop. Myungsoo and Sungjong were playing a video game and bickering non stop.

"Nothing much. But we should start heading over to the apartment, don't you think? So that we can plan what to do next."

"Can't we plan here~?" Sungjong whined, throwing down his controller in frustration and joining the group, who was sitting down around Sunggyu. Sunggyu shut his laptop and stood up.

"Well, let's go then."

"But I just sat down!" Sungjong cried, punching the floor.

"I don't care. Let's go."

"It's like two blocks away from here, right?" Myungsoo asked, walking over to them.

"Yeah, pretty much," Leeteuk said, nodding his head.

"Well, I'm gonna stay here with Donghae and Eunhyuk," Hoya replied, going back into his room. The others just shrugged and stood up, following Sunggyu out the front door.

"I'm walking," Sungmin stated, walking ahead. 

"I'm with you," Myungsoo replied, following him.

"Yes, let's go," Kyuhyun added, nodding his head. Siwon and Sungjong started to follow them, before noticing Sunggyu and Leeteuk sitting at the bus stop.

"Yah! It's two blocks away. You can walk," Siwon called over to them.

"I'd rather take the bus," Leeteuk replied.

"Yeah, me too. I don't feel like walking," Sunggyu added, nodding his head.

"Grandpa Gyu strikes again," Myungsoo stated, rolling his eyes.

"Let's go," Sungjong said, leading the group away. Sunggyu and Leeteuk just rolled their eyes and shook their heads.

"I agree. Let's get out of here," Kyuhyun replied, nodding his head.

"They're officially late," Siwon said, checking his watch. "Well, we can't plan now."

"I'll still go give them food," Sungmin replied, shrugging his shoulders.

"Good idea. I'll go with you," Myungsoo stated. "I'll distract them."

"Ah, okay," Sungmin said, nodding his head. Myungsoo then walked into the apartment, finding all of them in the middle of the floor, tangled in a mess of blankets with a monopoly game in front of them.

"NO! WHY AM I IN JAIL AGAIN?!" Sungyeol screeched. None of them had noticed Myungsoo yet. "I AM NOT LOOSING TO WOOHYUN!"

"Stop yelling, Sungyeol. I already have a headache," Woohyun ordered, rubbing his temples.

"Uh, guys," Heechul interupted, catching everyone's attention. "We have a visitor."

Everyone turned to find Myungsoo staring blankly at them. Sungyeol immediately jumped up, tacking Myungsoo to the floor. "MYUNGGIE! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" he cried.

"Yeah. It's only been a night," Myungsoo replied, shaking his head.

"Why are you here?" Dongwoo asked, walking up to his younger member.

"Oh, I just came to say hi. Hey, guys, can you come over to this room with me? I heard a noise coming from it when I came in."

"Oh, sure..." Ryeowook said, standing up and following Myungsoo to the room.

"I'm not falling for another trick," Heechul said, crossing his arms.

"Let's just go," Shindong said, pulling him up. Ryeowook started pulling Yesung out of the room as Dongwoo and Woohyun followed. Myungsoo went in first and the others followed. 

A second later, they found a big fat white cat sitting in the corner. "SARANG!" Ryeowook cried, running over to the cat and picking it up. Everyone else followed him to the cat, just as Myungsoo left the room. He shut the door and locked it.

"That was too easy," he stated, shaking his head. 

"Yah! Kim Myungsoo! Let us out!" Woohyun cried, pounding on the door.

"Maybe later," Myungsoo said, walking over to the front door and letting Sungmin in. The others piled in, keeping Sungjong at the door to keep it open. "It's all clear."

"Thanks Myungsoo," Sungmin said, walking into the kitchen.

"Who else is here?" they heard Ryeowook ask.

"Sounds like Sungmin," Heechul replied.

"Shut up guys," Kyuhyun called over to them.

"Yah! You can't tell us what to do!" Shindong cried. "We're older than you."

"Yeah yeah yeah," Kyuhyun said, rolling his eyes.

"Guys, let's hurry~ I'm hungry," Sungjong whined, pouting.

"Well, it's Sunggyu and Leeteuk's fault for being late," Siwon said, crossing his arms.

"Two HOURS late," Sungjong added.

"We'll make them pay for our dinner," Sungmin said, walking out of the kitchen. "Let's go to dinner now."

"Shouldn't we wait for the grandpas?" Myungsoo asked.

"No, we shouldn't," Sungmin said, walking out of the house. Everyone followed him and closed the door.

"They left us. Again," Woohyun said, rolling his eyes. "Okay, how are we supposed to get out of here?"

"Just pick lock the door," Heechul replied, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. He took a bobby pin out of his hair and opened the door just like that.

"Why didn't you do that before?" Sungyeol asked. Heechul shrugged and the seven of them ran to the front door, placing their ears to the door. They could hear everything going on. 


"You are so late!" Siwon cried as they all gathered outside the door. Leeteuk and Sunggyu were walking up just then.

"Yeah, two hours late! What took you so long?" Myungsoo asked.

"We missed the first bus and then we got off at the wrong stop. We had to take a different bus," Leeteuk replied, shrugging his shoulders.

"Why didn't you just walk?" Sungmin asked.

"Because I didn't want to walk. Too much work," Sunggyu replied. "Now, let's go get everything done."

"We already did," Siwon stated, leaving the door. The others followed him, leaving the two to stand there.

"Yah! Where are you going?" Leeteuk asked, walking over to them.

"To dinner. You're paying."

"Not fair!" Sunggyu cried, stomping over to them. The two leaders pouted as the others pulled them out.

A/N Hey guys!! Chelsee and Kay here with another update! Sorry it's sooooooo late. We were going to post yesterday, but we ran out of time. We wanted to for Sunggyu's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUNGGYU!!! <3 Anyway, thanks for subscribing and reading. Please comment!! <3

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poop_reader11 #1
Chapter 2: Whoa I'm the first one to comment whoa just .. whoa. Anyway I love your story it's so funny and Sungyeol being a coffee addict and Heechul being addicted infront of the mirror admiring himself are so cute they are my bias is Infinite and SJ. But honestly I love your story I can't wait on what will happen to them I really waited for your update so please *insert a kid pleading with huge eyes* update as soon as possibe. I LOVE YOU SARANGHE~♥