The Prank

Night of Epic Proportions


“Hyung~ Hurry and come to the car! We need to go to the picnic already!” Sungjong cried, staring at Sungyeol.

“Just a second, I forgot something in the dorm.”

Entering the small apartment Sungyeol reached in his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. He started to dial a number as Woohyun and Dongwoo watched curiously. A voice answered the phone. “Hello?”

“Ah, Ryeowook hyung,” Sungyeol said into the phone. “Do you have everything ready?”

“Oh, hey Sungyeol-ah. Yes, I do,” Ryeowook said, causing Sungyeol to grin evilly.

“Excellent. We are on the way to the park. I’ll see you and the other guys there.”

“Ok, see you.” Ryeowook said ending the call.

Sungyeol turned to Woohyun and Dongwoo, “Everything’s in order.”

“Sweet!” Woohyun and Dongwoo cried, slapping hands with each other.

“Now let’s go, before they get angry,” Woohyun said, skipping out the door. “We all know how Sunggyu hyung gets when we’re late. And since Dongwoo hyung is the designated driver, he’ll get very angry.”

“Right,” Sungyeol agreed as he and Dongwoo followed him out the door.

“This should be fun,” Dongwoo stated before walking to the driver’s door and opening it up. Sungyeol and Woohyun piled in the back of the van with the other three. “Everyone ready?”

“Yes Dongwoo. Just go,” Sunggyu said, rolling his eyes.

“Neh hyung,” Dongwoo said, starting the car.

“You seem happy,” Myungsoo stated, eying Sungyeol skeptically.

“I am,” Sungyeol said, nodding his head. “Because we finally get to spend time with the Super Junior sunbaes. It’s been a while.”

“I agree,” Myungsoo said, nodding his head.

***Meanwhile, with Super Junior***

Ryeowook hung up the phone.

“Who was that on the phone Wookie?” Yesung walked up to Ryeowook.

“It was Sungyeol, he wanted to know the status on the prank.”

“Ah yes, finally Siwon with his good looks and nice build is going to be embarrassed like the rest of us!” Yesung stomped.

“Yeah!” Shindong adds.

“Hey, Leeteuk is getting really impatient. Let’s go, and don’t forgive the bag.” Heechul exits just as fast as he entered.

Yesung, Heechul, Ryeowook and Shindong exit their dorm to find Leeteuk leaning against the van with his arm crossed. “Took you long enough,” Leeteuk said with raised eyebrows.

“Sorry hyung,” Ryeowook said, jumping into the van. The others followed and Leeteuk got into the drivers seat. He started the car and they were off.

“Oh, this will be so fun!” Donghae cried, Eunhyuk nodding his head in agreement.

“It’s always fun spending time with those Infinite kids,” Eunhyuk said. “They’re always so bright and fun. They are just so sweet.”

“They are. Especially Sunggyu with his small eyes,” Ryeowook said, laughing.

“Don’t make fun of the poor kid,” Leeteuk said, eying them through the rearview mirror.

“Whatever you say.”

***At the park***

“I’m here now your lives have gotten three times better!” Heechul said touching his face.

“Stop being so conceded.” Siwon said in a low tone budging Heechul’s shoulder. Heechul stared at him as he walked to the tree joining the seven Infinite members who were already sitting under it.

“He thinks he’s so cool. We’ll see how cool he looks when he bites into his sandwich.” Heechul followed him.

Sungyeol looked up to see the ten SuJu members arriving and gestured to Dongwoo and Woohyun to follow him. As Leeteuk, Sungmin, Siwon, Donghae, Kyuhyun, and Eunhyuk joined Sunggyu, Sungjong, Hoya and Myungsoo under the tree the remaining members of the two bands hid behind a nearby bush. “Okay, who has the sandwiches?” Sungyeol asked, looking at everyone.

“I do,” Woohyun said, opening his backpack and taking out the brown bag full of everyone’s sandwiches. “You guys made me make the lunches, like I’m the slave or something.”

“Alright, take out Myungsoo’s and Siwon’s sandwiches,” Sungyeol ordered.

“Yah, speak formally,” Woohyun said, pouting.

“I don’t have to. We’re the same age,” Sungyeol said, rolling his eyes.

“I could be a year older than you.”

“Do you two really need to argue?” Dongwoo asked, sighing. He took the sandwich bag out of Woohyun’s hand and took four sandwiches in ziplock bags. “Okay, who has the bugs?”

“I do!” Ryeowook cried, digging into his own bag and pulling out a jar. “It’s from Eunhyuk hyung’s ant farm.”

“You really touched Eunhyuk’s ant farm?!” Heechul asked, horrified.

“Do you know how mad he’ll get?” Yesung asked.

“Ah, whatever,” Ryeowook said, shrugging his shoulders. “He has a lot anyway. He won’t notice.”

“Whatever you say,” Shindong said, rolling his eyes. “Alright, who’s touching the ants? I’m not gonna touch them.”

“WOOHYUN!” Sungyeol cried, turning on Woohyun.

“Yah!” Woohyun protested, glaring at the younger boy. “I am NOT touching ants.”

“Yes you are.”

“Nose goes,” Dongwoo said, placing his finger on his nose. Everyone else but Woohyun did the same. He stared at everyone, before finally realizing what was going on.

“You guys are so mean!” Woohyun cried.

Ryeowook grinned handing Woohyun the jar of ants. Woohyun surrendered snatching it away. Woohyun opened the sandwiches one by one and poured ants into them. The others held their mouths trying not to let out loud laughter.

“There! Happy? Now someones else is going to give it to them.”

“Heechul should! Siwon will never expect it if it’s coming from Heechul!” Shindong said.

“UH-UH, no way! You know how long my nails took? I will not ruin them by touching some gross bugs.” Heechul refused, “Yesung should do it, he obviously doesn’t care about his appearance.”

“Haha,” Yesung said sarcastically. “You’re not even going to be touching the bugs...just the bread.”

Heechul groaned, “Fine!”

Woohyun laughed and handed the sandwiches to Heechul

“Alright let’s go.” Dongwoo said.

All seven boys then left the bush to join the others under the tree. Leeteuk was looking through the basket when they arrived.

“ We are missing four sandwiches. I could have sworn I packed thirty-four.” Leeteuk said worried.

“Don’t worry hyung,” Heechul sat down. “I personally packed Siwon and Myungsoo’s sandwiches. I made them special, with love.”

“I’m scared,” Myungsoo said, eying the sandwiches that Heechul was holding.

“Come on, Myungsoo, you eat anything. You never care who makes your food. As long as its food, you eat it,” Hoya said, rolling his eyes.

“So true,” Sungjong said, nodding his eyes. Myungsoo sighed and took his sandwiches as Heechul gave them to him. Heechul then handed Siwon his and the two exchanged uneasy glances.

“Just eat them,” Sungyeol said, sitting down next to Myungsoo and taking two sandwiches from the basket for himself.

“You didn’t poison them, did you?” Myungsoo asked, looking at Sungyeol.

“Why would I poison my best friend’s sandwich?” Sungyeol asked with big, innocent eyes.

“Whatever you say,” Myungsoo said, taking a sandwich out of the bag and taking a bite. Siwon did the same. Almost at once, they dropped their sandwich and started spitting. “WHAT THE HELL?!”

All the pranksters rolled around laughing.

“Look at your face! Not so cool now huh Siwon?” Yesung pointed at Siwon laughing.

“I guess we finally found something L won’t eat!” Sungyeol barely got out as he slapped the ground, turning red.

Sunggyu and Leeteuk stood up and stared at the boys.

“NOT OKAY!” Leeteuk said aggressively.

“What were you guys thinking?!” Sunggyu added.

“Oh come on, it was just a prank. Nothing serious.” Shindong also stood up.

“Yeah. You never yell at them when they act like they’re better than the rest of us!” Dongwoo defended the pranking group.

“You know what. No food for you,” Sunggyu said, taking away Sungyeol’s, Dongwoo’s and Woohyun’s sandwiches.

“Hyung~” Woohyun cried, forgetting the prank already. He wrapped his arms around the leader’s legs. “Please~ I’m hungry.”

“No Woohyun. Get off me.”

“But Gyu Gyu,” Woohyun said, giving the elder puppy dog eyes.

“That won’t help you this time,” Sunggyu stated as he threw Myungsoo Woohyun’s sandwiches. He then gave the other two members Dongwoo’s and Sungyeol’s sandwiches. “Enjoy.”

“You’re so mean!” Woohyun cried, still clinging onto Sunggyu’s legs.

“No Leeteuk! You can’t take my food away!” Ryeowook cried as his own leader followed Sunggyu’s actions.

“Maybe you should think about what you’re doing before you do it,” Leeteuk stated as he proceeded to take the other three sandwiches away. He handed them all to Siwon, who split them with Myungsoo. Myungsoo gladly accepted them with a smirk on his face.

“Please hyung~” Woohyun continued to whine. “I love you.”

“Go away Woohyun,” Sunggyu said, struggling to get out of the younger boy’s grip.

“Not until you give me something to eat.”

“No. Get off me.” Sunggyu struggled to walk out of his grip, only to have Woohyun also wrap his legs around him as well. This caused Sunggyu to trip and fall over. “YAH! NAM WOOHYUN!”

“Will you two please stop your lover’s quarrel?” Hoya asked, eying them with wary eyes.

“Lover’s quarrel?!” Sunggyu asked with a bright face.

“Yes. The two of you act like an old married couple,” Sungjong stated, also staring at them.

“Shut up,” Sunggyu hissed. “Woohyun, let go of me.”

“Don’t want to,” Woohyun stated, still hugging Sunggyu’s legs.

The SuJu members just laughed at the pair, forgetting all their anger about the prank. Just for the moment. Yet all the Infinite members were very much annoyed at the two’s actions.

“Fine, I’ll give you one of my sandwiches.”

“Yay!” Woohyun cheered, letting go of Sunggyu’s legs as he handed him a sandwich. “I love you, hyung~”

“Shut up.”

“Mmm this sandwich is so good, don’t you agree Sungmin?” Kyuhyun teased the foodless SuJu members.

“Kyuhyun you’re evil!” Ryeowook crossed his arms and pouted.

“It’s can eat Shindong.” Sungmin grinned.

“Ah!” Shindong refused.

“It’s okay guys I put ants in their sandwiches too.” Yesung said.

Kyuhyun and Sungmin quickly spit out what they were chewing and threw their sandwiches on the ground.

“Sike.” He laughed evilly walking away, Ryeowook following close behind.

“You guys are the worst,” Myungsoo stated, frowning at everyone.


Sunggyu, Myungsoo, Sungjong and Hoya walked into the small restaurant they agreed to meet Leeteuk and the gang in. They have agreed that they have had enough with these 7 troublemakers and it was time to put a stop to their mischief.

“Ah, you’re here,” Leeteuk said, grinning.

“We are,” Sunggyu said, nodding his head and sitting at the big table they had reserved.

“We already ordered the barbecue,” Siwon said, motioning to the food.

“Oh, thanks,” Myungsoo said, sitting down and digging in right away.

“Yah! Kim Myungsoo. Slow down,” Sunggyu said, frowning at him.

“But it’s food, hyung. I’m hungry,” Myungsoo said, looking up at him.

“Just leave him alone,” Sungjong stated as he and Hoya sat down. “So, what’s the plan?”

“Well we definitely have to make it so harsh they will never forget it.” Siwon protested.

Donghae slammed his hands on the table, “I have an idea!”

Everyone stared at him. “What’s your idea Donghae?” Leeteuk asked.

“Let’s prank them back.” Donghae suggested.

“That’s not a bad idea.” Myungsoo got out between chews.

“I like that idea.” Kyuhyun added.

“Okay so what should we do Donghae.” Leeteuk asked.

“Um, I was hoping you would think of that part.” He said innocently.

“Okay so anyone have any ideas?” Sunggyu asked the group.

“Let’s lock them in my old apartment,” Eunhyuk suggested, shrugging his shoulders.

“Um, wouldn’t they just get out?” Sunggyu asked, looking at Eunhyuk.

“No, that’s PERFECT!” Donghae cried with an evil grin.

“What?” Sungjong asked, cocking his head to the side.

“So Eunhyuk’s apartment locks only on the outside. Once inside, you can’t get out. I always had to let Eunhyuk out,” Donghae told them. “And there’s no windows.”

“Sweet!” Hoya cried with a wide grin. “That sounds like an amazing idea.”

“Okay, so how will we do this?” Leeteuk asked, leaning forward.

“Well, we should record this to see all their reactions,” Donghae stated.

“How?” Hoya asked, eying Myungsoo who was endlessly stuffing his face with food. He didn’t seem the least bit interested in the conversation.

“Well, we can put a small camera in one of their shirts,” Eunhyuk suggested.

“But whose?” Sungjong asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

“Well, looking back to the other day, Woohyun seems VERY clingy with Sunggyu,” Siwon stated. “Maybe we should have Sunggyu put the camera on Woohyun when he’s least expecting it.”

“Good idea,” Sungjong said, nodding his head. “Those two are always together. So how will we get them there?”

“I guess I can lead Sungyeol, Dongwoo and Woohyun there. Tell them we’re going to a party or something,” Sunggyu said, shrugging his shoulders. “And before we go, I’ll put the camera somewhere on Woohyun.”

“Oh, that works for me,” Sungjong said, nodding his head.

“Good. And I’ll lead the other four there,” Leeteuk stated, “since I’m the leader.”

“Good good,” Hoya said, nodding his head. “I’ll hook the camera up to my laptop and watch from my dorm room.”

“We’ll join you,” Donghae said, gesturing to himself and Eunhyuk. “We need a good laugh.”

“Sounds good to me.”

“Then it’s all set. Operation Payback is a-go” Hoya said with a wide smirk.

A/N Heyyyy! It's Kay and Chelsee!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!! This is just our crazy, random, weird imaginations coming together! Thankyou for our ONE subscriber, hope to get more!! This will be a short story, tbh. But please look forward to the next chapter! You'll enjoy it! Who knows when we'll update next =_= Byeee~ Oh, please comment! :D


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poop_reader11 #1
Chapter 2: Whoa I'm the first one to comment whoa just .. whoa. Anyway I love your story it's so funny and Sungyeol being a coffee addict and Heechul being addicted infront of the mirror admiring himself are so cute they are my bias is Infinite and SJ. But honestly I love your story I can't wait on what will happen to them I really waited for your update so please *insert a kid pleading with huge eyes* update as soon as possibe. I LOVE YOU SARANGHE~♥