Call of Duty Part 1

On the Back of These Silver Wings


A/N: This one’s for someone who requested some chanhun and someone else who wanted suho’s haircut. im sorry i haven't updated in like 50 years but i've split this chapter into 2 parts and the next part will be up maybe next week. my finals are just around the corner D: excuse the call of duty references if you're not a COD fan..



Tonight’s the fourth night Sehun hasn’t slept in his room, and Junmyeon’s starting to feel somewhat rejected.

The newest Call of Duty game is out. With zombies.

Park Chanyeol is a rabid fan of Call of Duty. And zombies.

He’s infected everyone else in the dorm with it (except Kyungsoo because he’s the only sane one left) and now they’ve spent the last three days gaming almost non-stop. The first time Junmyeon told them to go to bed because it was midnight nobody listened (as usual) and he gave up after trying again the night after. Even in his room now he can hear distant shouts of “zombieeeee!” and swear words from the other end of the hallway.

Currently it’s Team Baekkai (“I’m older than you, Jongin, therefore it should be Baekkai and not Kaibaek”) against Team Sehun (the maknae had blatantly refused to have anything other than “Sehun” as the team name) and the loser of tonight’s game washed all the dishes tomorrow.

Junmyeon sighs and rolls over, readjusting his wings to get comfortable. There’s no Sehunnie in his bed to play with his feathers (which Junmyeon also has to look after by himself) until they both fall asleep.


Kyungsoo has to drag them all out of Chanyeol’s and Baekhyun’s shared room in the mornings. Coffee wakes them up though, and after a good dose of it Sehun and Chanyeol are chatting animatedly about their win while the other two grumble over last night’s events.

“I did tell you not to throw it,” Jongin says in snarky tones. “You could’ve taken out three more and we would’ve won that wave.”

“I was cooking it but you got downed,” Baekhyun snipes back, “And wouldn’t shut up until I revived you so I just let it go. How is that even my fault?”

“Goddammit, Baek-”

“We were behind ever since you let Chanyeol get that Insta-Kill so don’t goddammit me.”

Sehun just laughs at them. Junmyeon has no idea what anybody’s talking about and the look on Kyungsoo’s face says clearly says "what the deuce is going on".

“You know, you guys shouldn’t spend so much time gaming,” Junmyeon chides. 

“You should join us,” the maknae chirps.

“I don’t think hyung could get through the tutorial,” Jongin snorts.

It’s only nine in the morning and Junmyeon’s ego has already taken its first blow.

Sehun flicks cereal at Jongin. “Funny that,” he says. “I also remember you activating Shi no Numa’s Flogger and accidentally killing yourself with it, Kkamjong. And it was a trap. Made for zombies. And you managed to kill yourself-”

Jongin flushes. “Shut up. That’s all it was,” he mutters. “An accident.”

Junmyeon shakes his head. “Violent games aren’t good for you. You’ll tire yourselves out for dance practice too.”

Chanyeol repeatedly pats Sehun on the head until Sehun swats him with his spoon. “Sehunnie’s got me,” he says. “I’ll look after him, hyung.”

“Please don’t corrupt my maknae,” Junmyeon sighs.


He’s in his room later after an early shower, patting his wings dry with a towel and trying to reach that little spot he can never reach without help when Sehun pops in.

“Oh, good timing, Sehunnie. Can– ”

“I’ll be in Chanyeol’s room tonight,” Sehun announces, grabbing his phone from the bedside table and vanishing out the door before his leader can say any more.

Brat, Junmyeon huffs, tossing the towel onto his bed. He slips a tee on, plops into the armchair by the window and lets the warm evening sun dry his silver plumage. He’d tried the hairdryer by himself some time ago and ended up burning his back and blowdrying his feathers at such an angle that left them sticking up and couldn’t see properly and got his foot tangled in the cord and jerked it clean out of the wall socket and – he’d decided then and there that he’d leave the hairdryer to Sehun. Running his fingers through the feathers kept them nice and fluffy though, and that was good enough while he waited for Sehun to get over the Call of Duty fad that had bowled EXO-K over. Only the boy really had the patience to tend to his leader and the wings didn’t even belong to him, for heaven’s sake.

He’s still disgruntled that Sehun had just brushed him off like that (even though it's normal Sehun behaviour). He flips idly through a Mandarin grammar book in attempt to relax when he hears Baekhyun’s ear-splitting shriek of “Hellhooooooounds!” ring through the dorm and knows there is no way he's going to be able to concentrate.


The following week consists of regular dance practices and vocal lessons, a Kravitz photoshoot squeezed in there somewhere – and excessive amounts of gaming. It grinds on the leader’s nerves, if not annoying him to extremes, but he supposes it’s okay if the boys still get up on time and manage to make it to their commitments. Other than that it’s been Team Sehun vs. Team Baekkai and ballistic knives and zombies and unlocked achievements and headshots, day in and day out.

Today they’re at Incheon Airport, waiting in line to check their baggage through when the topic of grenades comes up.

“I couldn’t even trust you with one in Der Riese. Please never, ever touch a real one,” Jongin says to his team partner in mocking tones.

Baekhyun slaps him with his passport. “Sheesh. Everything looks that same in that crappy map,” he grouses. “It’s so dark there I could probably mistake your fat for Sehun’s.”

“My ’s not fat,” Sehun sniffs.

“Guys,” Junmyeon interrupts from in front of them, waving an arm in their faces. “Please don’t talk about grenades at the airport.”

He sees Sehun’s face. “No, your is not fat, Sehunnie,” he adds.

There’s a general muttering and the topic is grudgingly shifted to mystery boxes and Baekhyun rages about how he never gets anything useful from them.

“You’re just unlucky, Baek,” Chanyeol laughs, and his roommate scowls. He drops a friendly arm around Sehun’s shoulders and grins until all his white teeth show. “Trust me, you got the rough end of the stick with Jongin on your team.”

“Hey!” Jongin exclaims indignantly.

Chanyeol and Sehun hi-five each other, cackling their heads off.

Junmyeon turns around again to see EXO-K’s maknae and rapper hitting each other, Sehun trying to escape being suffocated by Chanyeol’s armpit while the latter gives him a noogie. He can hear the fangirls snapping pictures of them and something inside him feels sad because it feels like eternity since Sehun has glued himself to his leader.

When Sehun accidentally elbows Jongin in the gut Junmyeon tells him to stop it. Chanyeol releases the maknae after a look from Kyungsoo and the youngest sticks his bottom lip out.

“He was just playing,” he pouts. He doesn’t even sit next to Junmyeon on the plane, opting to seat himself with Baekyeol in the next aisle along.


Junmyeon voices his concerns to Kyungsoo over a bowl of japchae the night after they fly back to Korea, the two of them squirreled away in the corner of a little restaurant. The rest of EXO-K have been placed under the care of Baekhyun, who with Chanyeol has promised to feed everyone so Kyungsoo can have a break from cooking.

Kyungsoo raises an eyebrow. “Don’t you think you’re getting a bit overprotective?” he asks.

Junmyeon wilts. Oh. “But they’re kids,” he whines. “Look at Sehunnie, he hasn’t slept in his own room for who knows how long now.”

“But you always complain that he’s so clingy, hyung.” Kyungsoo slurps at his soup and hums in approval. “Isn’t it nice to have him off your back?”

Junmyeon’s mouth snaps shut. Touché. He scratches the back of his head and even his wings twitch awkwardly underneath his shirt. “B-but…” he trails off. Sehunnie always follows me.

His clingy maknae had more or less become a not-so-clingy maknae, and Junmyeon is miffed.

Kyungsoo peers at him over the rim of his bowl and smiles. “Hyung, are you jealous?” he teases.

“No,” Junmyeon mumbles. “It’s, uh, good for him to spend… time… with other people?”

His bandmate laughs good-naturedly. “Really,” he says, “You’re a terrible liar.”

Yes. K’s leader knows. Sehun has said it straight to his face on several occasions.

He tries to change the subject. “Um, well. Are you sure they’ll be able to cook dinner? Should we bring food home?”

Kyungsoo prods him with a chopstick. “You know, the idea of us coming out to eat was so that we wouldn’t have to worry about the boys,” he points out. “Relax.”

But Junmyeon’s idea of “relax” is pulling out his phone and punching in Sehun’s number. God forbid that his maknae go hungry. Even if he has deserted his leader in favour of a stupid video game. He’s going to have to have a long talk with Chanyeol about spending his pocket money properly in the future.

“Hel–guys, pause it – I said, pause it! …Hello?”

Junmyeon is far from impressed. “It’s me,” he says tersely. “Have you eaten?”

There’s silence on the other end and he can hear some scrabbling and crackling noises that sound like –

Piss off, Jongin - get your own chow mein. Oh , I spilt the fizzy. Chan, get some napkins.

Sehun’s voice comes back. “Yeah– ”

“You guys are having takeaways,” Junmyeon says slowly.

Beside him, Kyungsoo rolls his eyes. It’s not like he expected anything less.

“It was Chanyeol’s idea,” Sehun says. “Sorry, hyung. We’re kinda busy right now.”

The line disconnects and Junmyeon’s brows draw together in a grumpy frown. A minute later his phone beeps with a text message and when he checks he sees it’s from none other than Sehun.

Batteries in the controller died. Borrowing the ones in your alarm clock.

By 11pm that night, while he’s decided he has to win Sehun back at all costs.


At midnight he dramatically flings open the door to Chanyeol’s room, inadvertently knocking Baekhyun over. It’s warm and dark inside and it smells like boys and Chinese food.

Four heads turn away from the TV screen to look at the intruder. Sehun’s forgotten to pause his game and gets clobbered by a legless zombie that has crawled its way along the ground at a most disturbing speed.

“I’m joining you guys,” Junmyeon announces, plopping down next to Sehun and apologizing profusely to Baekhyun.

“You sure, gramps?” says Jongin as Chanyeol cheers and passes his leader a controller.

“Yup.” Junmyeon schools his expression into that of a determined one and ignores the fact that Jongin and his teammate are sharing a very doubtful look. Nobody questions their leader’s intentions though.

Sehun shrugs and his eyes curve up into little crescents as he smiles endearingly. “You can join our team, hyung,” he offers. “Me and Chanyeol can teach you how to play.”

Junmyeon’s heart does flips and cartwheely things and he tries hard not to pinch the boy’s cheeks and call him the cute little squishy that he is.


“Hyung, never join us again,” Sehun groans half an hour later.

Apparently Kim Junmyeon is the worst Call of Duty player in the history of crappy Call of Duty players. He’s gotten lost at least twice on all the maps, requiring Sehun to find and revive him and leaving Chanyeol to face waves of zombies by himself. He does find out though, that Baekhyun is really bad at timing his cooked grenades like Jongin had said the other week.

“Hyung, you really at this,” Sehun comments, switching to the main menu. He presses some buttons rapidly and puts Junmyeon on Baekkai’s team. “Here, swap teams.”

Baekhyun wails. “Nooo. Maknae, you brat.”

“You sure, gramps?” Jongin asks him again.

Junmyeon flushes in embarrassment. Maybe this is one of those “drop it and leave it alone” things. After losing another gruelling round of popping zombie heads (or rather, reviving his teammates while they popped zombie heads) he figures he probably isn’t cut out for gaming after all, and escapes to his room in search of some precious sleep.


He wakes up the next morning feeling like a zombie himself, head pounding from lack of sleep and needing a shot of coffee to remedy the situation. He wonders how the others manage to stay up for so long every night. Even Kyungsoo isn’t up yet, since the kitchen is empty.

Moreover, he’d woken up to just himself in his shared room again, Sehun having spent the night with EXO-K’s resident gamers once more.

Ugh, this boy, seriously, he thinks. What does it take to make him come back to me?

He’s about to go to Chanyeol’s room and wake everyone up when he gets a call from the manager to tell him their 10 o’clock radio interview has been shifted to tomorrow, leaving their morning free. He’s still in his clothes from yesterday and quite frankly, smells. He showers quickly and makes slits in a few more old tees to wear and sits himself in the sunny spot of their room to dry his wings. He goes through his usual routine, carding his fingers through silver (and ever so slightly pink) feathers and checking their glossy state in the mirror with a happy smile. Fluff from old feathers fall out and drift to the floor. It’s made vacuuming the room a frequent chore but Junmyeon doesn’t mind. He still finds it adorable seeing Sehun wake up with grey fluff poking out the corners of his mouth after having his face buried in his leader’s plumage all night. The next thing Sehun does then is to scrunch up his face in the cutest of expressions and run to the bathroom to spit it all out.

Oh, right, the issue at hand. I know your weakness, Oh Sehun.



what is this. to be continued in part 2.


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15 Jun - im back! a new suchen fic is under way


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AmirahNorhairy #1
Chapter 7: Please update this fic :))) seho feels :)) sehun being a brat and jealous Suho is just perfect ♥♥
KpopWednesdayite #2
Chapter 7: SEHO FEELS! <3
Chapter 7: Don't think you're ever updating this but am rereading this. Love this.

Chapter 7: omg this is so cute!!!!! please update it.... please please please~!!!!! thank youuuuu~ :))
Chapter 7: Omg this is too cute!!!!! I love it
janetdoan1760 #7
Chapter 6: you little sly poopstick go study and then update!
Chapter 7: He is a lil poop, oh what shall we do with that piece of poop?!
'Sehun continues to spew accusations, more or less hitting every nail on the head..'