Vulnerable (Part 2 - TAEYANG SOLAR CONCERT DAY 2)


Taeyang's SOLAR Concert, the second day.

A lot of friends and fellow artists from YG came to watch the last day of Taeyang’s Solar concert.
Since this concert is restricted to an audience eighteen years and over, people are expecting more of what Youngbae has to offer.

Before going on stage, Youngbae met up first with his dancers and back up singers in the waiting area.

They huddled together in a circle with everyone extending a hand in the middle.

"Are you guys going to the Han River with me right after this?" Youngbae joked.

"Ye." Some hesitantly answered with a chuckle.

"We still did well yesterday even if we have experienced some problems." He began saying. "Let's have some real fun today."

"Ye." They weakly answered.

Seeing how tense everybody looked while he was giving some encouraging words, he smiled brightly to lighten up the atmosphere.

"More than anything, let's all enjoy today." He went on. "Hana, tul, set!"

"Hwaiting!" Everyone cheered.

On his way out of the waiting area, Youngbae was greeted by an enthusiastic best friend who had just arrived with the other members.

Jiyong exaggeratedly threw himself at him.

"Youngbae! Youngbae-ah!" He kept yelling as he hugs him tightly. "Youngbae-ah!"

The other members joined together in a group hug, making the people around them laugh and feel touched at the same time.


Because 2NE1 was scheduled to perform in Inkigayo on the same day, they arrived a bit late at the concert venue.
They weren't able to meet Youngbae and their seniors since the concert has already started.

2NE1 TV crew was also present to film some clips of the girls attending the concert.

While the girls are waiting for their turn to perform as guest artist, they stayed in a small waiting room with some of the YG staff to discuss what they should do on their performance.

"C'mon show it to them, palli." Bom urged her best friend.

Dara started dancing her part in Taeyang's I Need A Girl choreography.

"That looks cheap." Someone blurted out.

Dara stopped and looked at the culprit in utmost disbelief. "MWOH???!!"

"Hul!" Bom snapped at their leader.

"IT LOOKS CHEAP???!!!" Dara asked in a serious tone.

"How are you gonna take responsibility for that?" Bom said to Chaerin, referring to her offensive word.

Realizing that she had said something outrageous, Chaerin went up to her friend half laughing and half terrified.

At first, she thought that the goddess was just feigning hurt over her joke so she just went along with the act and shoots back. "What now?"

"IT LOOKS CHEAP???!!!" Dara repeated, looking enraged.

Everyone laughed at her sudden outburst.

"She really heard what you said." The maknae said to Chaerin.

In need of help, the worried leader turned to the others, stomping her feet. "I don't know. I don't know-"

Minji suddenly pointed behind her. "She's going! She's going out. Hul!"

She stopped speaking when they all saw Dara walked out of the room.

Chaerin turned to Bom in panic. "Unnie, eottoke?"

"Go give her a tangerine." She suggested, seeing what she was holding at that time.


At the waiting area...

Chaerin found Dara talking with Youngbae's stylist and their other manager, Bo Young.

"I'm sorry, unnie-ah." She apologized, offering her a tangerine.

Dara accepted it and Chaerin took the opportunity to grab her and drag her back.

"Let go. Let go of me." She squirmed.

But deep inside, Dara finds it funny because it was obvious that they were acting so childish the whole time.

On their way to back to the room, they bumped into Bom who was also looking for them.

"She accepted my tangerine." Chaerin happily said with Dara still struggling at her grip.

"You apologized already?" Bom asked in a cute tone of voice.

Back at the waiting room...

"We look like a couple." Chaerin sweetly said, sitting on a chair and peeling her tangerine. "Ms. Dara, we're like a couple."

Dara, who was sitting on a chair across her, faced the 2NE1 TV camera.

"It's totally different!" She rebuffed, showing the shirt she was wearing. "Anyone can tell they are totally different clothes!"

The people in the room just kept laughing at her unusual fury.


Dara just came out of the ladies' room.

She was about to turn the corner when she bumped into someone.

"Ah!" She uttered a gasp, instinctively closing her eyes at the impact.

Then she felt two hands lightly gripping her shoulders.

"Dara? Are you okay?" A very familiar voice made her eyes snapped open.

She lifted her gaze and her eyes widened. "Ji-Jiyong? W-what are you doing here? I mean..."

He was surprised at her question that he chuckled. "Did I bump you so hard that you forgot why I'm here?"

Dara wanted to kick herself for asking a stupid question.

"O-of course, you're here to support your best friend." She mumbled, feeling dumber than ever.

'Dara-ah! Composed yourself!' She scolded herself.

"W-why weren't you here yesterday?" She asked in a small voice.

He let out a soft laugh in disbelief. "I was here with a friend yesterday. We didn't get to see each other because you and the girls left early."

Her eyebrows lifted and her lips formed into an O shape.

Jiyong can sense she was feeling edgy in his presence and it really bothers him.
Impulsively, he reached out to cup the side of her face.
He was startled to see her recoil from his hand.

Seeing how she reacted, he stopped halfway and tried to hide the hurt he was feeling inside.

With lips curved up into a faint smile, he leaned forward to give her a quick kiss on the forehead.

Dara's breathing stopped.

'What just happened?' She asked herself.

Before she knew it, he was gone.


When Dara came back to the waiting room her mood changed.

She became bubbly and cheerful again surprising everyone in the room.

But strangely, Bom kept attacking her with meaningful questions.

She just finished washing her hands when Dara came in.

"You made up already?" She asked her impishly, wiping her wet hands with a tissue paper.

"Do you feel better already?" She went on, giving her a mischievous smile.

Dara can sense something cryptic in her questions.

Though it may sound like she was referring to her and Chaerin, she can sense that there is more to it that her friend wants to disclose.

Considering that 2NE1 TV crew was filming them, Dara prepared a safe answer.

"I'll just keep my private and public life separated." She said causing the staff to laugh and ponder at her mysterious remark.


"Dara, come here quick."  

Bom was standing in front of the monitor screen in the waiting area.

"Wae?" She went beside her to see what she was watching.

It was Youngbae's performance for Move.

Later on, Chaerin and Minji joined them.

"Oh, this is my favorite." The maknae gushes.

They have seen this performance yesterday so they know how provocative and suggestive the dance moves were.

The fans obviously loved it and so did the girls, especially Bom and Minji.
They just can't stop spazzing over Youngbae's y body.

Like yesterday, the Crazy dancers are still wearing the same long white buttoned down shirt with something black and y underneath it.
The dancers did their seductive pole dancing while Youngbae showed his manliness through his hot dance moves.

When they thought those were enough to cause a stir.
The audience and the girls were in for a big surprise.

They weren't aware that for today's performance the dancers will take their shirts off and reveal their y undergarment.


While the other members gasped, Dara looked dazed.

Bom suddenly pulled her closer.

"Uh... the thing they are wearing..." She whispered, motioning her head towards the monitor. "Aren't those like...?”

"They are similar to the y lingerie you wore in a magazine before unnie." Chaerin said in a low voice, looking at Dara.

"Majayo!" Minji agreed, nodding her head. "That's why I thought it looks familiar, especially the one Jihye unnie's wearing."

Dara was speechless.
She was thinking that it's just plain coincidence.

"Is it?" She thought to herself.

"I heard the stylist unnie said yesterday that Youngbae oppa was the one who suggested what the dancers should wear in that performance." Chaerin said it like she have read Dara's mind.

Now she is even more disturbed.

"Omo," Bom uttered, putting her hand over for a moment.

The girls turned their heads to her.

"Ah, nothing, nothing." She shook her hand and went back to watching.

"Girls, be ready. You're up next." Jjangoo went over to inform them.


After finishing their performance, the 2NE1 members met Youngbae briefly as they were heading back to the waiting room.

He gave them each a high-five while passing by.

When it was Dara's turn, he held her hand and pulled her close.

"Watch the next clip." He whispered.

He slowly let go of her hand and gave her a wink before going back on stage.

In the waiting area, the girls noticed some of the staff were gathering in front of the monitor.

The ladies were spazzing and squealing their heads off so the girls got curious and decided to join in to see what it is about.

"Dara-sshi," One of the make-up artists called her attention. "I think Yoo Inna-sshi is luckier than you."

"Waeyo, unnie?" She asked, looking at the screen.

"OMAIGAD!" Chaerin gasped. "Did Inna unnie stripped?"

The staff laughed.

"Aigoo, she just took off her coat." One of them said.

Bom slipped her arm into Dara's.

"I didn't know that Youngbae had it in him." She whispered, referring to the passionate yet mildly racy cuddling scene that they are now seeing on screen.

"He looked so at ease while acting with her." She added in an amused tone. "Or should I say, they looked very comfortable with each other."

Dara couldn't take her eyes away from the monitor.

'So this is what he wanted me to see.' She thought.

The scene shows Youngbae locking Yoo Inna in his arms.

"I think they look good together." She unknowingly uttered.

This is the first time she saw Youngbae in a scene which involves a lot of skinship.
Yes he did some music videos which include kissing scenes and touching, but never intimate ones like what she is witnessing right now.
She was surprised on how he acted his part convincingly as a lover.
There was not even the slightest hint of reluctance or discomfort in his actions when he held the actress securely in his arms and tenderly caressed her body.
The affectionate look he gives his partner was so realistic that even her own heart began to flutter.

It spooked Dara in a sense that she knows who he is and this side of him is definitely something new to her.
For some reason, she was starting to see him in a different light.

"Do they?" Her best friend's question pulled her away from her thoughts.

"Do you really think so, Dara?" Bom looked keenly at her. "Do you really think that Youngbae and Yoo Inna unnie look good together?"

She was literally shook up with her question.

"Girls, ten minutes." One of the staff called. "We're going up except for Minji."


When they finally got into their seats, someone started spazzing again.

Dara, who was sitting between the two members, turned to Chaerin.

"Oh boy." She muttered, making he friend laugh.

"Ackkkk..." Bom kept squealing while pointing towards the stage. "Did you see him? Look! Look!"

Dara's mind was too occupied to even restrain her friend from going gaga over Youngbae's performance.

"Aigoo! Babo-yah! That girl is just plain stupid." She suddenly heard Bom said.

"What happened?" She asked Chaerin.

The leader looked at her surprised. "Didn't you see it, unnie?"

"Sorry, I think I spaced out a bit."

Her friend gave her a wondering look but later smiled. "Oppa was going to kiss her but she got surprised and backed out."

She was referring to the girl Youngbae picked from the audience.

"Really stupid." Bom mumbled.

'Since when did he develop this habit of kissing girls?' Dara wondered, frowning.

She leaned against her seat and tried to focus her attention on the performance.

Throughout the concert, Dara was having a hard time concentrating.

Even Youngbae's innocent collaboration with IU is making her sulk in her seat.

Little did she know that a pair of eyes was secretly watching her from behind.


'Why does she look unhappy? Is it because I kissed her?'

Jiyong adjusted his sunglasses.

'I shouldn't have done it.' He slightly shook his head bitterly.

Taking a deep breath, he looked around at his surroundings.

Everyone is happily chanting and singing along.

Since he is sitting along with enthusiastic fans, he has no choice but to act lively and cheery.

'This is gonna be a long night.' He tapped the light stick in his hand and bobbed his head to the beat.


Before Youngbae's last performance, all of the YG artists went back to the waiting area.

That was the only time the girls were able to mingle with some of their YG friends.

"YO PARK BOM!" Seunghyun's voice boomed out of nowhere.

Bom just rolled her eyes and went over to Kush and his girlfriend.

The rest of the girls were snickering at the side knowing their friend gets easily annoyed when Big Bang's TOP teases her.


After I spoke with sajangnim at Youngbae's dressing room, I hurriedly went back to the waiting area where everyone is.
As I looked around, I saw Dara standing at one corner talking with Chaerin and some YG staff.

"Oppa," I heard Minji called.

2NE1 TV crew was filming her so I was a bit on guard.

"Why are you wearing sunglasses, oppa?" She asked.

I simply smiled at her. "It's style."

Then I walked past her to greet Kush and his girlfriend who were standing just across where Dara is.

While chatting with them, I was sneaking glances at Dara but she seemed preoccupied to even notice me.

I want to approach her but I know that a lot of people will just feast their eyes on us so I just restrained myself.
Moreover, I don't want to put her in an awkward position like what happened earlier.

I don't know why, but tonight I feel kinda out of place here.
Everyone seems to have a world of their own.

If Dara and I were still together, we'll probably be somewhere hiding in a corner just so we can have our own space.

I sighed at the thought and took another look at her.

God, I really miss being with her.

I know it's me who made us this way, but in time she will understand and she will forgive me.



"When did I do that, oppa?" I heard our maknae said.

In my peripheral vision, I can see Jiyong making fun of Minji.

"You really do that." He teased, leaning against the table behind him.

"I didn't do it."

The two were bickering about Minji's steps in our new song.

Jiyong always about it.

I sighed as I sat on a chair which is only a few feet away from him.

I really don't know what is happening to me right now.
It's like my mind is playing dirty tricks on me.

So many thoughts clouded my mind.

My ex-boyfriend is leaving me hanging while my best guy friend's behavior is making me feel unsettled.

The emotional turmoil is draining me dry.

I feel so vulnerable.
Come to think of it, I was already vulnerable after Jiyong and I broke up.

I'm not a woman of steel.
I still hurt whenever I see him.
My heart still skips a beat whenever I hear his voice or even hear his name.
Jiyong is still in my system.

But Youngbae...


I looked up from my trance.

Seungri approached me with a big smile.

He started talking to me about our performance and giving me tips.

I tried to focus on what he was telling me but every time I hear Jiyong and Minji's voices, I can't help but glance at them secretly.



I tried my best to get her attention but I can see that she is busy talking with Seungri.

I saw her face lit up when Dongwook hyung joined them.

She and hyung always have this special bond that everyone in YG has long noticed.

It is a friendship that even Hanbyul nuna acknowledges and thinks it's not worth making a big deal out of.

In some sense, I too think the same.

But there are still times when my jealousy takes over.

When I caught a glimpse of Dongwook hyung leaning close to Dara then she started giggling, I felt a squeezing sensation in my chest.

I really can't take this anymore.

I need to go somewhere where I can breathe.




As I give my final bow to my audience, my mind and body started to reboot.

I knew that I'm in for a lot of reactions backstage.

At the waiting area, all the YG staff, concert staff, friends, and visitors applauded when they saw me.
I sincerely thank them and gave some of them a quick hug to show my appreciation.
When I headed towards my dressing room, people who are close to my heart are there waiting for me.

I received a pat on the back from our president and hugs from my fellow members, 2NE1 girls, and other YG artists.
After some brief interviews, I was able to sit down and reflect for a moment.

Dara nuna crossed my mind in an instant.
I've been thinking about her since the beginning of my concert.
Not just the beginning, I was thinking of her the whole time while preparing for my concert.

When I hugged her awhile ago, I want the time to stop.
But of course, that's not possible.

I gave a lot on today's concert.
Performances that I personally requested were revealed today, unedited.
I wanted to convey a message but I don't know if I made it clear.

"That was a good show." I heard a familiar voice said.

I turned to look.

"S-sajangnim." I was about to stand up but he motioned me to remain seated.

He smiled and sat on an empty chair across from me. "Many people like your concert."

I shyly grinned and lowered my head. "I could have done better though."

He crossed his legs and leaned against the chair. "I agree. You could have done better, Youngbae-ah."

I wasn't expecting him to praise me because he'd never really do that.
His negative comment is something I'm used to.

"Do you agree with me?" He asked in a serious tone.

I just simply nod my head in response. "I will do better next time."

"Honestly, you performed well but..." He paused for a minute. "I noticed you don't have the same passion as before."

I looked at him and realized he was right.

Stress and pressure has gotten the best of me while preparing for this concert.
Although I want everything to be perfect, it was impossible to do because it can't be done.

The concert wasn't the only one stressing me out.
 I'm also affected with my best friend and close friend's break up.
Their issues are also weighing down my heart and mind.

In the process of preparing for my concert, I keep losing my focus because of them.

"I know you already held it in for a long time, Youngbae-ah. But why did you suddenly waver?" My senior asked me.

"Is it worth risking everything?"



While waiting for Youngbae, the YG staff, dancers, and artists discussed where to go for the celebration.

"Let's go somewhere private." Seunghyun said.

"How about the place where we used to eat during our trainee days?" Daesung suggested.

"I'm good with that." Jiyong answered, fiddling with his cellphone.

Seunghyun also agreed.

"Then let's go there." Seungri finalized.

He started going around and telling everyone where to meet.

The 2NE1 members and their manager were on a corner deciding whether to join the celebration or not.

"Sajangnim said you can go except the maknae." Jjangoo informed them. "Bo Young nuna will take her back to the dorm."

Minji groaned. "Ah jincha!"

"Then I'm not going too." Dara suddenly said, earning gasped from the other members.

"What?!" Bom howled. "You can't. You have to come with us."

Chaerin agreed. "Youngbae oppa wouldn't be happy if you don't come."


"No buts Dara." Bom crossed her arms over her chest.

Minji turned to her. "You better join them, unnie. This is a special night for Youngbae oppa. You need to be there."

"What's up girls?" Se7en approached them along with Kush and Seungri. "Ready to leave?"

"Dara doesn't want to come with us." Bom told them while frowning.

Se7en looked at his friend. "Is that true?"

Dara looked up at him and shrugged. "Since Minji's not coming-"

"You know she can't join us." Kush cut her off. "Sajangnim will go ballistic if he founds out our one and only maknae joined a late night party."

Minji gestured her hand into an ex sign. "Don't worry oppa. I have no plans in joining."

"C'mon nuna. The party wouldn't be the same without you." Seungri urged.

"Are you guys brainstorming or something?" They heard a familiar voice.

They turned and saw Youngbae and Jiyong walking towards them.

"Ah nothing." Bom immediately smiled at Youngbae. "We're just talking about how great you were in the concert."

He smiled back. "Thanks nuna. But seriously, what's really going on here?"

"Youngbae-ah!" Jaewook called and waved.

He and the other dancers were heading towards the exit. "See you at the restaurant."

Youngbae nodded his head and waved back.

"Oppa, please convince Dara unnie to go to your after concert party." Minji suddenly spoke.

Youngbae and Jiyong's eyes went automatically to Dara.

"Why? Is there something wrong?" Youngbae asked worriedly. "Are you sick? Tired?"

The atmosphere became awkward.

Se7en cleared his throat.

"She's coming with us." He said, narrowing his eyes at Dara. "Right?"



[A/N] : Aigoo! To those who added me before as a friend here in AFF, first, I'd like to say THANK YOU! Second, I'm sorry if I just added you now. I didn't know that there were pending requests until I checked it recently. I didn't get a notification. *--* KYAH! Again, THANK YOU AND SORRY. *bows*




Hiyee~~~ I made a short DARAGON fan fiction... Hope you check it out...

Click the link below


............(0 0)
.---oOO-- (_)-----.
  Dancing On My Own....
.......... || ||
....... ooO Ooo



-----+===[AUTHOR'S NOTE]===+-----

If you would like to get in touch with me (w/c I would ♥ you to ☺, kekeke), or simply exchange hi's and hello's, you can add me on Facebook : MCh0nz FACEBOOK
Or follow me on Twitter: MCh0nz TWEETS  and Tumblr: MCh0nz SPEAKS

Chat with you soon~~~ Ѽ

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Frenz888 #1
Chapter 41: Update pls
greiyz_14 #2
Chapter 41: Beautiful story needs update authornim please..
Aylanah #3
Chapter 41: Okay , there are comments from your readers asking you to update since a year ago ( wooow that long!! lol) i'll just add a new one
Please author-nim update soon
I like this story, wonder where everything is going to go from now..
cutestSwagger #4
Chapter 41: please update juseyoo authornim. hwaiting !
xiena529 #5
update juseyoooo....
annbel #6
Chapter 41: update plssss....
goldenbanana #7
author-nim please please please please PLEASE update this!!! dont abandon this fanfic!!! im dying to read more!!! T.T
Chapter 41: you have to update this. ; ;
dara's feelings are wavering. omf.
yangdara or daragon. idk.
but can i ship deukdara.
& don't abandon this story juseyo.
primadonnaegai006 #9
Chapter 41: Authornim this story is great please update..
1ll1ll9oo #10

Going to have to drop this here :3