Oh no he didn't!

Breathe in, Breathe out.



"Yang Yoseob." I say with a tightened voice. 

"The one and only." 


I don't know what to say. He hadn't been near the store at all. How did he have my keys? I'm forced out of my little hypnotized world by Yoseob's voice. "Anita? Are you okay?" I make myself wake up and try to think of something to say. "Yah.. eh.. Keys." The other end is completely silent. "... yes. Keys." he says after a while. "Keys." I say again, not having recovered from the surprise completely. "Keys." Yoseob says again with a little laugh. "Yah, did I surprise you that much?" I can feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. What do you think, you idiot? "Uhm, no. Eh... How fast can you bring them?" I ask and look at the time. It's 6pm. "I can meet you at the arena in 5 minu-" "Haengboksam Cafe in 15minutes. Don't be late." he says and hangs up before I can even answer. I close my eyes and count to 10. Deciding for himself... Really. Haengboksam Cafe is a 10 minute walk from here, so I start walking.

When I walk into the cafe, a waitress grabs my arm as I start searching for a table. "I'm sorry customer, but I have to ask you your name." I look startled at her. "A-anita." I stutter and shake her arm off. She smiles and waves her finger, telling me to follow her. I hesitate for a moment, staring after her like a total doofus. Shortly after I follow her.

She leads me to the backroom and to a door at the far end of a hallway. She opens the door and waves her hand at me without looking at me. I follow her inside. The room is like a small cafe. It has a coffee counter and small tables. It even has a table of its own for cakes and such. I look at her with a questionable look. The waitress shows me to a table by the window. "Please be seated. Your company will arrive shortly." I just look at her with big eyes. "O-okay." I say and take off my jacket. Yah, Yang Yoseob... What the hell.

After a couple of minutes the door opens again. The same waitress steps inside, but followed by a man in a long coat, hat and glasses. The customer from earlier today. Wait a minute... He gives a slight nod to the waitress and she leaves the room. Then he turns to me. As he walks towards me, he takes off his hat and glasses and put them on the table in front of me. Then he takes off his jacket and hangs it on his chair. When he sits down he pulls up a keychain I recognize at once from his pocket. "Ta-da!" he says and waves it in front of my eyes. I don't grab it. I can't stop staring at him. "Am I that pretty?" he says and laughs. I remain calm. "Yang Yoseob." I say.

"That's my name." He says and starts playing with the keys. "So... I guess you want to talk?" He asks and puts the keys back into his pocket. I'm about to protest and ask him to give them to me, but he holds up a hand and cuts me off. "Nuh-uh. We're talking first. Oh, and I hope you don't mind, but I took the liberty to order for you." As on que, the door is opened again, and in it comes the same waitress from earlier with two pieces of chocolate cake. "Thanks noona!" Yoseob smiles as the waitress puts the slices in front of us. She just smiles back at both of us before leaving again. "My older sister. It's thanks to her that we can use the VIP room." 

"I didn't know you had a sister." I saw and drool over the cake. "There's a lot of things you don't know about me. You didn't even know who I was until yesterday." He starts digging into the cake. Just as I am about to pick up my spoon and start as well, he says "I assume you know about the scandal." I put the spoon back down. I suddenly feel unwell. Images of Hyo Rin's hurt face flashed before me. Yoseob doesn't seem to care. He eats the cake and looks out of the window like he didn't say anything important. "So did my friends." I say and lean back. He gets interested all of a sudden. "Oh... Your fangirl friends." "Yes." I say and stare into the ceiling. "One of them doesn't even want to talk to me anymore." "I don't blame her." I sit back up and kick his shin under the table. "Ouch! What was that for!?" He says and leans down to examine the damage done. "That's all you can say!? Because of you and your stupid phone my friend is in pain!" He just stares at me and doesn't say anything. I stand up and hold out my hand, furious. "Give me my keys. I don't want to sit here and talk. I want to call my friend and make things right, but I need my bloody keys!" He stands up and stares me directly into my eyes. "Calm down, and I'll help you." He says in a gentle and hypnotizing voice. My anger fades away slowly but surely. "Help me? How?" I ask and let my hand fall. "I have my ways." He says and smiles in a way that it's hardly noticeable. "But..." He says and holds up his hand. "There is a catch." "A catch?" I say and raise an eyebrow. "Yes." He says and smiles for real. "You have to go out with me." 


Hope you liked the chapter guys!

Anyway, a few things...

First of all, none of the places I mention in my fic are real. They're just.. well, substitutes for my lacking Seoul knowledge I suppose. 
Same goes for Yoseob's sister. Just entertainment purposes. (:


Anyway, please please comment and subscribe! It keeps my writing going. (: 

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will there ever be an upadte... ;A;
Hi. It's been over a week. I'm sad for life. ;__;
Ferretkehkeh #4
v didn't say you had to like it.
oh so 6 month 1 chapter wow
Forever awaiting for the update. ;__;
HatrednAshes #7
Update soon
I really want to know what's that "Date Game Treasure Hunt!"! Please update soon.
You were right to post on my wall . LOL , OMG . GAME TIME , START . :D