The keys

Breathe in, Breathe out.




I just stare at her. She hasn’t realized who I am yet. Are you kidding me? The glasses are actually working? I look around and see that there’s no one else in the store. I can see Hyunseung leaning against a bike rail outside, clearly impatient. ”Sir, is there something wrong? You have to pay.” I realize I’m still holding the money for the groceries. She’s starting to get impatient. I hide a smile inside my coat. ”I think you do a fantastic job, miss.” I say with a twisted voice and hand her the money. She seems surprised at my statement. ”Err.. Thank you sir. I’m pleased to hear that.” She smiles shyly. She’s cute. ”I was wondering if you could give me your supervisors number. I’d like to tell her what great staff she has.” She seems sceptical at my request, but smiles and head to the backroom. Behind the counter I can see a keychain with 5 keys on it. The keychain spells out ’Anita’ in red and blue. I lean over and grab it and put it in my pocket before she comes back. She gives me a post-it note with a number on it. ”Have a great day” she says with a smile and gives my groceries. ”I plan to” I smile back and head out to Hyunseung.

”YAH!” he screams and pokes my chest. ”WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG!?” I throw him a bag of groceries and smile. ”LIFE!” I scream back and run for the dorm. I had no time to lose.

”Whoa~ Hyung! Are you out of your mind?” Dongwoon announces as I show them the keys and tell them what I’ve done. ”Yah!” I say and put the keys away. ”I have a plan, okay?” ”And what is that exactly? Yah, had I known you’d do this, I’d never let you go in there alone!” Hyunseung slaps the back of my head. It stings, but not badly. ”You’ll understand soon. Just let her have time to notice it’s gone first.” ”I wonder though. ”Why didn’t you just ask her for her number right then and there?” Kikwang asks.

I stare at the ground a bit ashamed. Truth be told, I had been taken by surprise, so I didn’t know what to do. The most obvious seemed the least logical at the time. I look up and smile confidently. ”Because this way she won’t be able to run away.” I say and wink at them. They all laugh a short laugh and shake their heads. I head for the bathroom and lock the door. I take the keys out of my pocket and stare at them.

”Anita, dear, you better be worth it.” I whisper and close my eyes. 

I pick up my phone and dial the number Anita had given me earlier. 
”Hello. I was a customer at your store today, and I retrieved some keys that happened to lay carelessly outside the store. I believe they belong to your employee. Could that be correct?” 

*Anita point of view*

"This is SO not happening." I am crawling around the floor around the counter. My keys are missing. Kibum, my high school hoobae who is working the next shift walks in the door. "Eh, Sunbae? Did you lose something?" he asks and looks over the counter. "Only my life!" I snap back. He flinches as I snap at him and head for the backroom. I sigh and sit up. I wasn't lying when I told Kibum I had lost my life. My house key, the store key, my locker key at school... They were all on that keychain. And my parents aren't coming back until tomorrow. I bury my head in my hands. What a day this has been! First the news of the scandal, then Hyo Rin's little outburst. Now my keys are gone. Great. Just greeeeat. 

"Eh.. Anita-sunbae?" Kibum is back in the store, and it seems like he's hiding something behind his back. He seems nervous. I rub my eyes and sigh. "What is it, Kibum?". "Well..." He shows what he has hiding. It's the phone we use when we need to contact the supervisor or vice versa. "Boss wants to talk to you." He hands me the phone and skips back into the backroom hurriedly. He must've gotten uncomfortable at my bad mood earlier. "Hello?" I speak into the phone. "Boss, what's the matter?" I get up and lean on the counter, letting my free hand support my head. "I believe you lost some keys." I suddenly get very interested in this call. "Yes." I say and stand up. "But with all respect, how do you know about that?" "A young man called earlier, saying he picked up some keys in the store. From the description I figured it would have to be yours. He left his number so you could call him." "A-Are you for real? No hang on, I'll grab something to write on..." I can't find a pen or piece of paper anywhere. I start opening drawers and empty them as the door to the backroom opens. Out of it comes and arm, holding a pen and a post-if attached to it. I grab it and whisper "Thank you Kibum!". The hand makes a "thumbs up" and disappears back into the backroom. Kibums sillyness always makes me smile.

"Aha.. Mhm.. Got it. Thank you boss!" I say and hang up. Kibum peeks out into the store from behind the door. "Is it safe to go to work now?" He asks and comes out with his hands over his head. I laugh and throw myself around his neck. "Yes! Ahh, I got my life back Kibum! Thank you!" He seems surprised and freezes completely. Then once he's gone back to normal he unlocks my arms from around his neck. "You shouldn't do that. People may misunderstand." He says and flicks my nose. I roll my eyes and get my bag in the backroom. "Good luck getting your keys back!" Kibum says as I head out the door. 

I decide to call the man with my keys as fast as possible. As I walk down the street I dial the number. 



Someone answers the phone.

"Hello? My name is Anita. Are you the one who has my keys?"

"Indeed I am, Anita. Care to meet up?"

I stop walking and stare into the airspace in front of me.

"Yang Yoseob." I say with a tightened voice. 

"The one and only." 

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will there ever be an upadte... ;A;
Hi. It's been over a week. I'm sad for life. ;__;
Ferretkehkeh #4
v didn't say you had to like it.
oh so 6 month 1 chapter wow
Forever awaiting for the update. ;__;
HatrednAshes #7
Update soon
I really want to know what's that "Date Game Treasure Hunt!"! Please update soon.
You were right to post on my wall . LOL , OMG . GAME TIME , START . :D