Chapter 36

Stuck In Between Two Gangs

Kimmie’s POV



My heart skipped a beat. Was I really hearing right? My fiancé would be L.Joe?! You have got to be kidding me. Is this some of sort of badly written fan fiction or something? I stood still for what felt like an eternity, clearly shocked; I mean who wouldn’t when your father announces that you’ll be getting married to a random person (Well not that random, but still!) and not to mention at the tender age of 18, although I shouldn’t be shocked because it has happened before (Jongkook…) but my emotions can’t be hidden.


I was knocked out of my shock by my father’s voice – a little softer now, “Kimmie honey, get ready. We’ll be going to the Lee’s house in about an hour. Byunghun should be getting the news now”. Feeling like I was defeated, I ran up to my room without giving my father a second glance. I know that he means well, but my anger just clouded my mind. Upon arriving into my room, I opened the door, only to see Kris sitting on my bed like it was nobody’s business. Crossing my arms, I walked up to him with raised eyebrows.


“What are you doing here?” Smiling, he replied in the sweetest voice he could muster – which was a little creepy seeing as how deep his voice actually was, “Well it’s nice to see that my girlfriend’s happy to see me”. I could have sworn that we had broken up. It’s not that I don’t like him anymore; it’s just that I’m getting married – getting married to his rival at that, would be wise to get back together with him?


Sighing, I opened my mouth, “Look, Kris –“. I was cut off, “Kimmie, let’s go out. Where do you want to go?” Slumping my shoulders, I replied, “Kris… look, I’m going out with my parents. I don’t think it’s wise for us to be seeing each other” Furrowing his thick eyebrows, he stood up and came closer to me. Holding my hands, he looked into my eyes, “We’re not over. You can’t let something like this break us apart. You’re my girlfriend and that’s never going to change, unless you know… we get married”.


Gulping, I looked up at him with grief-stricken eyes, “Kris… I-I”. “Kimmie, 30 minutes darling!” Hearing my mother’s voice felt like the heavens had called for me. “I-I’ve got to go, my mother’s calling for me and I really need to get ready”. Nodding, he let go of my hands, giving me a bone-crushing hug, which I couldn’t help but feel, felt exaggerated. Patting his back awkwardly, I looked around my room, not knowing what to do. “I will always be there for you Kimmie. I Love You”. Widening my eyes, I stopped the patting and before I could ask any questions, Kris was already out of the window.


Kris’s POV


Ughh, I hate that I have to spend sooo much time on Kimmie. I do have a life of my own ya know. I mean she’s smart and pretty an’ all, but that’s about it. She’s boring – she wouldn’t excite anyone. Rolling my eyes, I walked down the street to my car. Don’t worry Kris, this will all be over soon and you’ll never have to see her irksome face ever again.




L.Joe’s POV


Feeling angry about what happened today at school, I decided to silently walk up to my room, wanting to sleep my anger of. Slowly getting closer to my room, I begin to my shirt wanting to be prepared for bed. Getting into my room, I begin to remove my clothes without bothering to lock the door. Now only left in my boxers, I approach my drawer to take some clothes out. I was in the process of putting my tracksuit bottoms on – that is until mom entered my room without warning. Letting out a penetrating scream, I fell to the floor – face down.


Quickly hiding behind my bed for security, I crossed my arms on top of it with only my head and arms showing. Laughing warmly, mom smiled at me like I was some fallen angel – ha, we all know that ain’t true. “Byunghun dear, you’re so silly”. “Mom! You can’t just barge into my room like that! I’m not a kid anymore! I’m a man now, and a man needs his privacy”. Sadly smiling at me, mom sighed, “I know honey, and it’s just that I rarely get to see you anymore. I’ll miss you”.


I couldn’t quite hear the last part, but I swear I saw a tear slip, “Mom, are you o-“. “Byunghun darling, get ready and wear that new suit that I bought you yesterday. We’ll be having guests over”. Before I could ask her anything else she had already left, closing the door behind her. Wait… she only calls me by my real name Byunghun when she feels guilty about something. Ughh! Sighing, I went to my wardrobe to get my suit, wanting to get this day over and done with.


Hearing the doorbell ring, I fixed my shirt while looking in the mirror to see if I looked presentable enough. Smirking, I carefully looked into the mirror, “Don’t worry hot stuff, you always looked good” Making my way downstairs, I straightened my back not wanting upset my mother any further. As I reached the bottom step, I could hear laughter that sounded all too familiar. Squinting my eyes, I went nearer to the voices. “Oh Byunghun dear, you’re just in time to greet our guests…”.


Kimmie and what seemed like her parents were standing in front of me. The disconsolate expression on her face made me even more confused.


“Kimmie, your fiancé and her parents”


“Fian - What?!” My eyes were protruding at that moment. What the heck is really happening?


Briefly shutting my eyes, I thought hard about the previous events, when something just clicked. Well now I get it. Byunghun darling my – I’m being forced into marriage!


This is so not the reality I wanted.


Hello Readers, I hope you’ve enjoyed this chapter and had a wonderful Krismas… hahaha get it? Kri- no okay, so thank you for reading and hope you guys have an awesome New Year!

Ppyong! >.< 

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Officially Done. Yayy!! :DD


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Chapter 13: Wow, L.Joe just saved her. I'm wondering if he likes her.
Chapter 9: Oh wow. This is different. L.Joe has a heart after all.
Chapter 1: pretty good i most say xD
Chapter 40: This story was amazing!! Please me a sequel!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 40: noooo author nim nooooooooooo :( who got shottt :(
Chapter 40: This is the end of it? Seriously?
Chapter 40: pleaseeee make a sequel.. pleaseeeeee
Chapter 40: Omg!!! What happen!!??!?!? Ehhh!!! Sorry just in shock.... Anyways super great and interesting story!!!!!
AngelForEternity #9
Chapter 40: No no no no no no no. You can't do this author-nim. There's gonna be a sequel right? There has to be. I hope it wasn't L.Joe or Kimmie who got shot, that would be horrible, but you made it seem like L.Joe did because he was coming towards Kris. Other than that, this story was really good, and I enjoyed reading it. Bye Bye >.<