Chapter 29

Stuck In Between Two Gangs

L.Joe’s POV

I’m dragging my to school today. Why? Because I wanted to stay at home and sleep but my mom opposed and we all know to NEVER talk back, not even if you’re a gangster. After getting a few stares from some random girls on the street, I finally arrived at school and was greeted by the second wave of girls today.


I’m seriously getting tired of this; I can barely breathe, that is until someone pulled me out of the crowd of girls and I looked up. It was C.A.P. “Thanks man” I caught up to him and we met up with Teen Top. Guess it’s the same old routine ey? We sat down on the benches outside while some other girls surrounded us.


Niel was on his phone, Chunji was flirting with this girl, Changjo was listening to music and I was relaxing. As I was saying before, I’m tired, I didn’t get enough sleep last night and I feel like crap! I lifted my eyes up from the ground and stretched my back slowly. Just as I did that, my eyes were glued to this one person, so familiar… “Oh My God!” I shouted and shot up from my seat.


Girls around u squealed and Teen Top stared at me as if I was crazy. “What is it?” Ricky asked. “N-nothing” I sat back down and tried to hide how happy I was. She’s here, she came back.


“Stop being such a freak” Ricky said and I frowned. “Look who’s talking. You were the one staring at a tree a minute ago” I got back at him and he didn’t say anything else. I resumed back to scanning the crowd, only to find that she wasn’t there anymore. Kimmie must have gone inside.


Girls screaming – no, more like squealing, like pigs may I add once again caught my attention. That only meant one thing… EXO-M was here. Wait… Kris doesn’t know that Kimmie’s here. He wasn’t even paying attention to any of the girls, in fact the whole time Kimmie was gone he didn’t pay much attention to the girls that were ready to die so they could be with him.


Even though my pan succeeded I now regret what I did, but I’m glad Kris decided to keep away from these girls. It’s not because I’m losing out on attention or anything, it’s just that I want him to get back together with Kimmie. I stood up once again, “What is it this time?” Ricky asked as if I had another spazz attack or something. “Shut up will you?” I grabbed my bag and soon the rest stood up while scoffing. None of us want to be here.


So we got to our classroom and we sat down. Several minutes later the class settled down and the noise died soon after that. The teacher introduced this new student but I wasn’t paying much attention. I was trying to figure out how to apologise to Kimmie. I didn’t know how to even approach her.


I hope I can finally settle things and time wasn’t on my side as most of my lessons were over indicating that it was already lunch time, but I still didn’t know how to say sorry to Kimmie. I ran a hand through my hair and felt someone bump my shoulder – a girl actually as she rushed out of the classroom. I swear if I ever catch her she’ll suffer, I laughed evilly until someone tapped m on the shoulder and said something. “Sorry” I mumbled and stepped out of the classroom.


Teen Top was following behind. I turned 180 degrees and faced then. “Guys, can I meet you in the dining hall later?” I asked. “What are you going to do, make out with some random girl?” Chunji asked with a smug look on his face. “No you psychopath, you’re the one who does that, I’m going to – surrrrrreee” I just gave in just to get away and they all cooed together before walking away. *Rolls eyes* These erts. Anyway, it’s time to find Kimmie.


I can’t believe that I’m actually doing this… going the extra mile to find Kimmie.  But it’s for a good cause. It feels like this is the first good thing I’ve ever done. I exhaled as I passed another empty corridor and decided to head to the dining hall as that’s the only place that I haven’t visited yet.


I entered through the double doors of the dining hall and widened my eyes at the sight in front of me. I felt the door behind me open as it hit my back. I turned around and I saw the person that I was looking for all morning… Kimmie. Then it hit me… its Kimmie! I’ve got to get her out of here. SHE CAN’T SEE WHAT I JUST SAW NO MATTER WHAT!


I grabbed her wrist, spun her around and pushed her out of the dining hall as soon as she entered. She gasped when she saw me. Why did this have to happen now, when I was trying to set things straight? When I pulled her out into the corridor I released my grip on her wrist and she turned around.


“L-L.Joe, what are you doing?” She asked and looked over my shoulder towards the double doors leading to the dining hall. I stood in her way once again, making her frown. She tried to side step me but I grabbed onto her shoulders and started to say things that came out of my mind.


Kris’s POV


“Look, can you just leave alone?!” I asked for the third time. I swear I could just punch this girl… but I’m not like that. My thoughts were interrupted when she did the most unexpected thing.


L.Joe’s POV


“Kimmie… how’ve you been?” I asked with a frustrated smile. God, things weren’t meant to turn out like this. Now she’s going to think that I’m playing with her again. “Errrmm okay… L.Joe I have to-“I stopped her once again.


“That’s great, I’ve been worried that you weren’t going to come back” I said and I saw her staring at me, not knowing how to react to what I just said. I exhaled and dropped my hands by my sides “Look Kimmie…” I heard gasps around me and then silence filled the hall. “What are you talking about? Look, I really need to go” Kimmie tried once again to walk around me but not wanting her to go, I suddenly hugged her to make her stop.


“Kimmie, I’m trying to say that I’m sorry, I’m sorry for being such a jerk to you” I said slowly, trying to take up as much time as possible. “What?” She whispered. I chuckled at her reaction, I mean come on, imagine a gangster trying to apologise while hugging a girl.


I was still hugging her… but then she soon responded. I pulled back after a couple of second and I smiled at her almost trying to convince her to forgive me. “Well, I’ve already forgiven you - it was a long time ago actually. I’m sure you had your reasons” She smiled back at me and I felt as if a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders.


I was so glad she had forgiven me I didn’t notice her slipping away. I turned around and saw her open the double doors with a huge smile on her face, probably hoping to find Kris. I was too late. She stepped in but as soon as she did, she stopped abruptly. Her hands hung loose by her sides as she stared ahead. I went to her and looked in the same direction praying to God it was a dream. THIS wasn’t happening. I faced Kimmie and saw the tears that were trickling down her face. She saw the whole thing. Kris and the new student… Kissing.


I was mad at Kris – so mad. Ugh, he’s so stupid! I stood in front of Kimmie and her eyes slowly met mine. “Come on” I took her outside behind the school since it was usually empty. My heart broke hearing her crying loudly. I hugged her, trying to calm her down.


I’m going to kill you Kris… ironic isn’t it? 

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Officially Done. Yayy!! :DD


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Chapter 13: Wow, L.Joe just saved her. I'm wondering if he likes her.
Chapter 9: Oh wow. This is different. L.Joe has a heart after all.
Chapter 1: pretty good i most say xD
Chapter 40: This story was amazing!! Please me a sequel!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 40: noooo author nim nooooooooooo :( who got shottt :(
Chapter 40: This is the end of it? Seriously?
Chapter 40: pleaseeee make a sequel.. pleaseeeeee
Chapter 40: Omg!!! What happen!!??!?!? Ehhh!!! Sorry just in shock.... Anyways super great and interesting story!!!!!
AngelForEternity #9
Chapter 40: No no no no no no no. You can't do this author-nim. There's gonna be a sequel right? There has to be. I hope it wasn't L.Joe or Kimmie who got shot, that would be horrible, but you made it seem like L.Joe did because he was coming towards Kris. Other than that, this story was really good, and I enjoyed reading it. Bye Bye >.<