
Bom is Coming




Siwon drank the cup of tea his Aunt made for him as he looked around the living room. It’s still as neat and warm as the last time he visited which was 5 months ago.  Siwon missed reading books and just relax here at Jeju to clear his mind.

Siwon stood up and walked over to the balcony, he took a deep breath and let the cold air brush against his face. He opened them again, and there it was, the beautiful sea of Jeju welcoming him! Nothing in this world is beautiful than this except maybe, his mom and the woman he loves, Bom.

Bom, where are you?

“Siwon, can you do me a favor?!” her Aunt called out to him from the kitchen.

“What is it?” he made his way to his Aunt and smiled when he saw her whisking egg and flour together.

“I forgot that my friend is having a vacation here in Jeju, he’s from Australia. I have a busy schedule today. Do you think you can show him around for today? Since you’re free…” his Aunt smiled widely.

“What’s in it for me?” Siwon asked flatly.

“Ya! Can’t you do this for the sake of your Aunt?!” she pouted.

“I’m just kidding. Where should I pick him up?” he asked.

“The airport later in the afternoon.”




“I am so excited for Jeju!” Dara exclaimed as she stretched her hands wide.

“Tell me about it, alone time with boyfriend, seaside, fresh air and alcohol!” CL punched the air, smiling widely.

“This is going to be fun!” Minzy clapped her hands as she looked at her friends wide-eyed.

“I guess I have to find a place for singles…” Bom sighed.

“No worries, babe!” CL waved her hands, “Jiyong said that there are a lot of single guy who’s coming with them.”

“Yeah.. Jay told me that he’s going to introduce some of his friends to you.” Minzy smiled.

“Tell your lovers, I’m fine. The last thing I want as a boyfriend is your lover’s monkey friends!” Bom rolled her eyes.

Dara laughed and high-fived Bom. This is a good way to start the vacation in her opinion, Bom’s insult or what she called it as a ‘joke’ will get better as time goes by, CL and Minzy will be getting some awesome ones from Bom in which she can laugh at.

“Bommie, didn’t you hear? There are plans for singles!” Dara said after she remembered what her guy friend told her about the vacation.

“What do you mean?” Bom asked, curiously.

“When the couples are going out for a date, everyone who is single can go out and mingle together. It’s going to be awesome!” Dara cheered.

“So, it’ll be like a mass date for singles?” Bom asked again while Dara nodded at her question.

“That’s going to be fun!” Minzy vaguely puts on a smile.

“I hope so… Single guys have only one thing in my mind.” CL said flatly.

“Yeah… They’re not here for love. They just want that, you know?”

“That? What?” Dara asked.

“Getting laid!” CL rolled her eyes. She can’t believe Dara is so naïve but again, if she isn’t then that’s not Dara.

“Aaahhh~” Dara nodded.

The four best friends made their way into the airplane and took their seat. Bom and Dara sat beside each other while CL and Minzy sat two seats in front of them. Dara and Bom took pictures together to keep it as a memory, when Bom suddenly received a message from her mom.

“Did you bring what I told you to, yesterday?

You know how dangerous it is to be far from us, don’t you?

Stay safe honey... Mommy loves you!”

Bom smiled at the phone and hold it close to her heart. Her parent is the best parent in the whole wide world! They have been there for her, supporting her and giving her strength all the time. Bom closed her eyes for a while and thought of her problem. She glanced at her watch and sighed.

Bom didn’t realize that Dara was watching her all this time. Dara blinked her eyes for a moment and turned back her attention to her phone. She browsed through the pictures she had taken and smiled at every single one of it. It brings a whole lot of memories to her. 




“At last, we’re here!” Dara exclaimed.

The three friends looked at Dara who was ‘’ in the fresh air of Jeju and widening her eyes at the beautiful scenery. They laughed and imitate Dara’s action together. Bom closed her eyes and took a deep breathe again. It’s true what they say, Jeju’s air is fresh!

It smells like the clean grass, seawater, flowers and cologne. Manly cologne… Manly cologne? Manly cologne?! What is this disrupting smell? Bom opened her eyes to find a familiar tall guy in front of her, smiling. He was standing too close that Bom had to take a step backward to make sure they are an arm length apart.

“Hi, Bom!” SeungHyun smiled, his eyes fixated at her.

“Uhm.. Hey~” Bom cleared before continuing, “Why aren’t you at the rented chalet?”

“I just arrived… Were we on the same plane all along?” SeungHyun said, still smiling.

“Really? Ah~ should have seen you just now!” Bom laughed.

There was an awkward silence for a while. Seunghyun looked at the other three ladies behind Bom. His smiled at them and frowned.

“Aren’t you introducing me to your friend?” Seunghyun asked.

“Oh, right! This is CL, you know her! This is Minzy, you know her too! And… this is Dara.” Seunghyun waved at Dara’s direction while she waved back enthusiastically.

“Shall we go together?” Seunghyun asked.

“Let’s go, girls!” CL smirked while she looked at Seunghyun.

“What’s her problem?” Seunghyun asked Bom, almost a whisper.

“She’s always like that! Don’t mind at all..,” Seunghyun laughed at Bom’s remark.




 “Ok, guys! I’ve got hundreds of complains from the couples here...” the couples booed at Hanbyul who was putting a finger to his lips, signaling them to lower down their voices. It was already 11 at night and the atmosphere of the chalet is out of control.

Bom smiled at the situation and booed together with the other couples to irritate Hanbyull. Hanbyul was the one who organized the events for the week. He waved his hands around calm the situation. Bom laughed at the hilarious scene.

“Yah! If you guys keep on doing this, we might not be able to stay here! There are a lot of other people at the chalet. What if they complain about us and then, we are kicked out? I’ve planned this event for a long time ok?!” Hanbyull bellowed throughout the chaos around him. Everyone started to whisper and nodded at Hanbyull’s statement.

“Thanks! Now let me continue...” Hanbyull took out a piece of paper from his jeans.

“For the couples, who wants to go out for a date?” Hanseol asked and there were a group of male and female rising up their hands.

“Okay. Please write your name and your partners’ name here… Curfew is at 2 AM. By 2 AM, everyone must be back at the chalet! Do you get it?” Hanbyul asked, eyeing on every couple.

“What if we don’t want to follow your rules?” Jiyong who was sitting with CL on the other side of the sitting area, asked.

“Then, you will have to pay for our expenses here at Jeju!” Hanbyull smiled widely.

“I thought you’re paying for everything?” CL asked.

“Of course! I promised that but if you guys can’t appreciate that and walk over my rules, then that’s not going to be fair for me, right? I should get some credit for treating you guys to an awesome week here at Jeju, don’t you think so?”

The others nodded and smiled. They cheered for Hanbyull and couples started to make their way towards Hanseol to write down their name on the sheet of paper.

“Why do we need to write our name by the way? There should be a reason why, right?” a girl called Victoria, asked.

Bom looked at Victoria’s partner, Nichkhun who was nodding at his girlfriend’s question.

“Firstly, it’s because I want to keep track of those couple who went out and the other reason is… “ Hanbyull scanned the paper and smiled, “Joon and Lizzie, since you guys are the first to write your name on the paper, you guys are granted a romantic free restaurant date, all paid by me!”

Bom turned to look at the couple who was cheering out loud in the crowd of couples. They were dancing while slowly approaching Hanbyull. They thanked and cheered for him. Bom laughed at the hilarious scene happening in front of her.

“Bommie~ Minzy and CL is going to go, already.” Bom looked at Dara who was talking to her, her attention then turned to Minzy and CL who was waving at her with a wide smile.

“Lucky es…” Bom said softly, enough for only Dara to hear.

“Bom, come! They are going to start the singles party!” Dara pulled Bom forward to Hanbyul who was gathering the singles to the front.

“So, single guys and ladies, today, we’ll be playing love games that will make you cringe. Who’s in?” Hanbyul asked.

Dara nudged Bom on the shoulder and Bom shook her head. Bom isn’t sure of what is going to happen in the game. They are playing college games! Anything can happen! Dara pouted and nudged Bom again.

“Come on, Bom! Let’s try something different today…” Dara showed her puppy eyes, “please…”

Bom sighed and nodded.

“We’re in!” Dara said gleefully to Hanbyul. He just smiled widely and nodded.




“We’re playing Korean ‘spin the bottle’ ladies and gentleman!” Hanbyul exclaimed as he placed the empty beer bottle in the middle of the group.

“WHAT?!” Bom widened her eyes, full of surprised.

Korean ‘spin the Bottle’ is a game where a group of people will sit in a circle with a bottle in the middle. Person A will spin the bottle and the bottle will eventually stop, pointing itself to person B. Person B must be of a different gender. Person A will then try to attempt to kiss Person B in many different creative ways, enough to make other people cringe. If person B wants to reject A, he/she must slap him/her on his/her face before he/she is able to kiss them.

Bom sat beside Dara and Seunghyun who was also there sat directly opposite Bom. He smiled at Bom and waved at her direction, while she just puts on a poker face. Bom wasn’t actually paying attention, she was actually uneasy of doing it.

A few people before Bom had attempted a kiss and one couple was successfully formed. He kissed her on the forehead while she returned his kiss on the cheek. Everyone cringes at the sight. Soon, it was Bom’s turn. She gulped while Dara patted her on the shoulder. Bom will leave this to her luckas she starts to spin the bottle.

Everyone’s eyes were on the bottle as it spins and eventually slowed down. It stopped on the person who was sitting right opposite of Bom, Bom looked up to the person and saw Seunghyun winked at her. Bom smiled weakly and sat on her knees. She was taking a slow time to approach Seunghyun but before she could get closer to him, Seunghyun brought his thumb to his lips, kissed it and placed it right on Bom’s lips.

“That’s enough for me to have her for tonight, right?” he asked while the girls were screeching around him and the guys were playfully punching each other’s arm.

“Ah! I feel like puking… Yeah… go and have fun!” Hanbyul put his hand to his mouth, as if preventing himself from vomiting.

Seunghyun held onto Bom’s hand and lead her away from the group while Bom waved hysterically at Dara who was going left alone to play the game.

“Where should we start our date?” Seunghyun tighten his grasp of Bom’s hand while he turned to look at her in the eye.

“Should we get a drink? At the bar two blocks away from the here…” Seunghyun asked, his eye was still fixed on Bom’s eyes.

DoobDoobDoob! Bom placed her other hand on her chest and nodded. Why is her heart beating so fast?!




“Siwon, thanks for the great tour around Jeju!” the Australian guy said with the thick accent.

“No problem. It was fun today…” Siwon said calmly.

“Are you sure? You’re always distracted when I’m talking.” The guy said.

“I’m sorry… I was thinking of some personal matter…” Siwon apologized, bowing his head to the Australian guy.

“It’s okay, dude. I hope you would be able to take care of the matter soon.” The guy said while Siwon just smiled and nodded.

How can he solve this soon? Did he just face an illusion this afternoon? He thought he saw Bom at the airport. She was talking to a guy and was smiling widely at him. Siwon wanted to make his way towards her but somehow, he lost sight of her. He thought Bom would already be at America. Bom told him that she will be moving to America the last time they talked on the phone.

She wouldn’t be here. However, the hair and smile of the girl he saw earlier is way too familiar for him. He was sure he saw Bom at the airport! Siwon shook his head. He needs to clear his mind again! Siwon patted the Australian guy on the shoulder, as a sign that he needs to go. The guy nodded and sent him out the door of his hotel room.

It was already at night, the cold wind blew softly onto Siwon’s hair. He wrapped his jacket onto his body tightly and made his way towards the chalet area of Jeju. At least, he could drink some beer to make himself warm. 


Writer's Note:

Harloo everyone! For me, this is a long chapter update. Don't you guys think so? :D


Thank you to those who's been here since chapter 1 and welcome there my new family member of AFF. Thanx for subscribing!


Park sisters! Below is ChaeZy!


And for those who don't know who don't know who Hanbyul is.. HERE HE IS!


And the couples featured in the fanfic,



And here  they are, two eyecandies for all!




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gbomtopfans #1
Chapter 13: next chapter plezzz.. T.T
Chapter 13: Yeah... this chapter made me a little sad... POOR BOM!!!! and CL crying made it a little worst... POOR CHAERIN!!!
Hello new reader!! No problem! U can predict all u want, i will remain quiet and amuse u abt it... hahahaha!
its awesome to see long comments on my story.. and the trailer, its been made by a friend. I rly appreciated her trailer~
see ya ard ro JCisVIP!!! ^^
Chapter 13: I'm new reader here, will this story goes longer then I expected? Or just two months like bom will survive in this story? I'm waiting for the twist. Minzy baby will named bom? Because they lose bom at this poin .. Don't get mad at me, I'm just like predict story ahahahaha XD
I like your story, it's sad. I actualy don't enjoy the sad one .. But really this good, and the trailer for ur story is good too :)
Will see you around soon :D
codebtz #5
Chapter 13: ahhhh i hope bom tells her friends soon... and spend more time with
Chapter 13: Thank you for the update :)

For some reason i think minzy will find out bom condition due to her own circumstances. A planned checkup in same hospital leads to finding her unfortunate friend conditions :(.. Idk just hope seunghyun and bom ends up together and chaerin with all their friends spend time with bom :(

Haha sorry for babbling nosence hehe take care and hope everything goes great for you so we can have another amazing update!! Stay strong bommie and authornim ^_^
Chapter 12: Update soon pls :(
choiharu #8
Chapter 12: oh minzy... it must be damn awkward for both of them i should be sad but im laughing instead lol
aw bom you need your friend the most at time like that... hope seunghyun can convice her, thanks for updatinc :D
choiharu #9
Chapter 11: omg i cant believe i just found this now...... its good story authornim, really touch my heart. i wish it will end happily tho T.T
topbom21bang4eva #10
Chapter 11: Andd tbh I really don't like siwon being together with bom ughh-_-