
Bom is Coming

 “If you think he is the right one… Go ahead. I won’t stop you.” Dara closed her eyes. “I just don’t want him to throw you away like you’re some kind of cigarette…”

“Thanks Dara… I know you will support my decision. You have always been there for me.” Bom tightened the hug.

“Ya, I’m going to suffocate like this.” Dara coughed playfully, inviting laughter from Bom as she let go of the hug.

“I’m not sure of what our other two friends will say about this…” Dara looked at Bom seriously.

“Let’s leave them out for a few weeks. Yeah?” Bom gave Dara a lopsided smile.

“aha… I don’t know about that Bommie-ah~” Dara scratched her head.

“I will tell them soon! Just let it be a secret for me for a few weeks... Please?” Bom asked sweetly.

“Ahhhh~~ I don’t know anymore. Do what you want!” Dara covered her ears.

“Oh and by the way! How can Siwon throw me like a cigarette he smokes? He never even smoke!” Bom beamed.

Dara frowned and shook her head. The childish Bom is back with her nonsense remarks. How can this girl even be her friend? Dara pushed Bom playfully to the side and went into the kitchen to get a drink. She saw her hand phone vibrate on the kitchen counter. She quickly ran to it and looked at the caller id. It was the call she had been waiting for since lunchtime.

“Siwan?” Dara greeted.

“Hello~” Siwan’s voice can be heard on the other line.

“What are you doing now?” he asked again before she can answer his sweet greeting.

“Oh? I’m… I’m with Bom now.” Dara said carefully.

“Am I disturbing you two then?” his voice got serious for a moment.

“Nope! My session with Bom is over.” Dara heard Siwan laughed.

“Session? You sound like a counselor.”  Siwan said.

“I feel like one!” Dara smiled.

“Tell me… What did you guys talk about?” Siwan asked softly, his voice is y now.

“It’s a secret.” Dara made sure that her voice was something like a whisper.

Hopefully that would do the trick. She wants him to know the effect he had on her. She wants him to think that her voice is y too. It may seem weird but Dara still had this kiss feeling lingering around her even though their last kiss was at Jeju. She wanted it to happen again.

“Really? Hhhrrmmm…” Siwan sighed after that but it wasn’t for long until his voice got lighter as usual.

“Can I come over tonight?” Siwan asked, she doesn’t know if he was hesitating to ask her that.

Was that nervousness she heard in his voice? Well, she hoped so.

“Errmm, my house is a mess right now. Unless you’re ok with me not cleaning it up, you can drop by.” Dara said calmly.

“I’m fine with that! See you later…” she felt weird that she can sense his excitement from his voice.

“Bye!” Dara said before hanging up.

Just when Dara wanted to take her drink, her phone beeped. She took a gulp from her cup and checked the message she received.

“Don’t cook.

 I’ll bring food to you. J

Dara had to smile when she saw that. She thought about how thoughtful he is to her. She didn’t know that having a boyfriend would change this much of her life. Dara tied her hair up to a ponytail and saw Bom standing at the entrance of the kitchen.

“Our Dara knows how to smile like a fool alone now. Who entertained you just now?” Bom asked, squinting her eyes.

“My boyfriend!” Dara decided to be straightforward.

“That Siwan guy?!” Bom asked and Dara nod her head vigorously.

“Omona! Congratz!” Bom ran to Dara and shook her hand.

“What are you doing?!” Dara asked, laughing loudly at Bom’s ridiculous actions.

“Congratulating you professionally.” Bom winked.

“What?” Dara asked, confused.

Bom pressed her lips together, creeping a smile at the side of her lips.

“You’re lame!” Dara took a sip of her drink and she remembered something or someone.

“What about Seunghyun? Are you leaving him?!” Dara place her cup on the kitchen counter and when she saw Bom’s facial expression changed, she sighed.

“I’m sure he’ll understand.” Bom gazed at the floor.




“Let’s go out today!” Jiyong pouted as he placed his head on Chaerin’s shoulder.

He looked at her in the eye with the puppy eyes that had always been successful at convincing Chaerin. He did see Chaerin laughed at his ‘cute’ attempt, he even received a kiss on the nose from her. She said he tried his best so she should reward him with something. Nothing was going well for him these past few days but Chaerin being here beside him made him feel so much better.  However, he knows Chaerin is worried of something too but he isn’t sure if he should ask her about it.

“Ji… Could you do me a favor?” Chaerin suddenly asked after sighing.

“Yeah. Of course I can!” Ji puckered his lips for a kiss.

Chaerin laughed again and kisses Jiyong on the lips again.

“Please do something for Seunghyun if anything goes wrong...” Chaerin sighed.

“What’s going on?” Jiyong pushed back Chaerin’s fringe.

“Bommie is getting confuse… I know she is. Help Seunghyun to NOT fall for Bom.” Chaerin fidget with her fingers for a while.

There was silence and when she looks up, she saw Jiyong’s stare that pierced her. She smiled and he gave one back. She realized she had just flopped the atmosphere between them. She can’t believe she’s involving her friend’s matter into her own relationship. What is happening to the girl that was balanced with love, friends and family?

“Seunghyun is a very stubborn person. I could help but I can’t guarantee anything,” Jiyong suddenly said, disrupting Chaerin from her thoughts.

“Tell you what Ji… It’s ok, let’s leave them alone. Let’s get them to end what they started on their own… It’s the only way for them to learn anyways.” Chaerin held Jiyong’s cheeks and placed her forehead to Jiyong’s.

Why did she think about Bom’s problem too much anyways? Yes, it hurts her to see Bom just like a few months ago when she was a lifeless monster. She overdosed herself with pills, stay in a filled up bathtub for hours, attempted to suicide and crying all night long. Chaerin can’t understand what was on Bom’s mind. Why did she have to sacrifice that freaking month to cure herself from the break up?

Chaerin remembered how she used to sleep over at Bom’s house to make sure Bommie doesn’t do anything stupid and let her mom suffer. She remembered how she used to wake up because she heard Bommie crying in her room loudly, sobbing uncontrollably. The most memorable moment was the day where Bommie’s mouth was filled with this white foam and she looked like she was about to die. Chaerin remembered how her trembling hands dialed for the ambulance and how the time just passed by so slowly. There was a spiral of confusion around her, she was lost and scared of what might happen.

“Babe…” Jiyong nudged Chaerin on the shoulder.

“This won’t do… Let’s go out!” Chaerin slapped her cheeks playfully and wiped the bit of tears that nearly fell from her eyes.

She wasn’t even able to stand properly when Jiyong pulled her back to the couch. He put his arms around her waist tightly and kisses her shoulder. Chaerin felt Jiyong nodding against her shoulder and she immediately cry. It was a silent cry but Jiyong can feel Chaerin jerked her body softly, trying to hold in her tears but it just kept on falling and falling. Jiyong felt a tear fall on his finger and it brought him by surprise. Chaerin was this emotional; she is so emotional that it makes him love her even more. How is he supposed to deal with such a fragile girl inside of her? How is he supposed to know what she is really feeling when she hides this fragile girl so deep inside of her?




“How’s mom?”

“Why don’t you come over and see?” Seunghyun answered sarcastically.

“I’m kind of busy now but maybe I will do it tonight.” His sister answered calmly.

“That busy huh? That your work is more important than the person who gave birth to you?!” his tone became deeper than before.

“Look, you know that’s not what I mean… It’s just that-“

“Mom is fine. She doesn’t need you to see her, I can watch over her today. She only needs me anyway!” Seunghyun ended the call immediately.

He knows that his sister is never going to show up so what’s the use of letting her give the lame excuses again? Those excuses would only hurt him. If mother was conscious now, she would be so disappointed to find how her daughter doesn’t care much about her. Is Seunghyun overthinking things? Nope. He believes he doesn’t!

All this has happened before, just like last time. She said she would quit her job for him but she didn’t! She promised she won’t serve any high school students and the next thing he knew, everyone in school was calling his sister a and someone who offers good services. Even though he went around school with curses all around his body, he was determined to succeed his national exams and just proceed to a different school. He had a strong belief that if someone is equipped with good education, they are able to get a high salary.

“Noona is really coming today…

Take care of mom! If not, I’ll

Shoot you on the head!”

Seunghyun read the message his sister had sent. He flashes a smile seeing how his sister really knows how to sound ridiculous! Shoot on the head?! As if! He has always been mad with his sister but sometimes he loves her so much that he would take a bullet for her.

“See ya soon then! Oh and

If you shoot a good looking

bro like me, where can you

get a new one? My face

is really rare and natural!”

Seunghyun quickly sent the message and waited for a reply. He was keen to see how his witty sister would reply. He waited till 9PM, there was still no reply. He had already asked his sister if she have seen the message but there was still no respond. When it was ten-thirty at night, he suddenly received a message from his sister.

“I don’t think I can make it,

I’ll just visit tomorrow.

I’m having a company dinner

And the manager is drinking too

much. I may have to send him

away myself.”

Seunghyun laughed softly to himself. He knew this was going to happen but why did he even bother to wait for his sister? It’s his fault! Maybe if he just went home, he won’t be able to feel this disappointed of his sister. He has to remind himself not to believe her the next time his sister promised something. What? Shoot him on the head? Before she is able to do that, he would have shot her first!

Seunghyun went to his mom, kissed her forehead and started packing his things into his bag. He took a last glance of the ward room and thought of the money he need to prepare for his mother’s medical bills. Seunghyun sighed and walked out the room. Things are definitely going to get tough around him.




Siwon held Bom’s hands and softly kisses her knuckles. He had waited for this moment for so long! To be able to sit beside Bom and just admire every single thing that she does. He wanted to listen to her voice and her ridiculous jokes but right now there was only silence. He doesn’t know what to say and she wasn’t going to start talking anytime soon.

Siwon realized the different atmosphere. After breaking up and now getting back together again, it feels weird but he likes it. He is glad that Bom is giving him another chance to be beside her and give her full support. That reminds him…

“Am I still the only one who knows about this?” he asked as he took a glance at Bom’s face.

She closed her eyes and tilts her head backward as he admires her long eyelashes. Bom sighed and turned her head towards Siwon. She looks at him emptily and tightly secured her hands with him.

“Yeah… I can’t bring myself to tell the others yet.” She shook her head.

“Try to be in their shoes, if your friend is suffering by herself, wouldn’t you want to be there for her? Wouldn’t you want her to tell you everything? No secrets?” Siwon asked.

“Who said I was suffering? I’m doing fine Siwon! I’m doing great!” Bom’s tone was now firm.

“I don’t mean it that way… I just want-“

“How many times must I tell you? Don’t tell me what to do!” Bom let go of his hand.

“Bommie… Let’s stop this... I won’t talk about this again. I- I promise!” Siwon said quickly.

Tears are now filing her eyes and blocking her view. She wiped her tears and nodded her head. She didn’t mean to talk that way to Siwon but he is touching a very sensitive topic. Think of it in her perspective, she doesn’t want her friends attitude to change around her. It would only make her think more about her remaining days. She doesn’t want her friends to show any different behavior around her because she swears that she will only feel more pain that she is leaving all the great people around her behind.

She knows that she will have to tell someone about this but she is not ready to see how they will react to her news. She is sure that she couldn’t tell Dara about this because Dara is weak. Dara might not be able to handle this alone. If Dara were to know, she needs to be the last one to know when people around her are able to comfort and support her. Minzy isn’t a great choice either, her attitude will change completely. Minzy would care for her like there is no tomorrow and the only thing Bom wants is to know that tomorrow will come. So, she’s only left with Chaerin. She is the best person to tell. Yes, Chaerin is weak too but she will be able to stand and be strong. She would not change her attitude. Chaerin would be the same girl who and playfully insult her just like a few months ago when she was suffering in her room thinking about the time she had left to live in this world.

“Can we just get over and done with today’s checkup? I want to go home after this…” Bom said softly as she saw Siwon nodding his head from the corner of her eyes.

Bom feels bad for all this but she doesn’t have any mood to spent time outside. She just wants to be in her room and rest. Just being here in the hospital makes her feel so down and just plainly bad. She doesn’t like the smell of the hospital. She doesn’t like the health posters paste around the hospital. She hates everything about this place that she wants to burn it all down. Bom placed her hands on her forehead, she is already feeling giddy and she needs something to ease it off. She forgot to bring her painkiller and all she could do is wait for her turn to see the specialist.

“Siwon, can you buy me something to drink? I’m parched.” He patted Bom hands and walked towards the canteen to buy her a drink.

However,  Bom couldn’t take the pain she is feeling. The pain was even more painful than the previous attack she had. It felt as if her head is about to explode and she can’t open her eyes. If she opens it, she knows the whole world would spin around her. The pain limit is exceeding her now and she could feel cold sweat on her. It didn’t took long for her to fall, she knows she is lying down on the floor now but she have no more energy to even open her eyes.

“Bom!” a voice called out to her and it sounded so familiar.

It was the low husky voice that she was feeling sorry for. She can’t remember anything after that, she was lost and that’s it.

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gbomtopfans #1
Chapter 13: next chapter plezzz.. T.T
Chapter 13: Yeah... this chapter made me a little sad... POOR BOM!!!! and CL crying made it a little worst... POOR CHAERIN!!!
Hello new reader!! No problem! U can predict all u want, i will remain quiet and amuse u abt it... hahahaha!
its awesome to see long comments on my story.. and the trailer, its been made by a friend. I rly appreciated her trailer~
see ya ard ro JCisVIP!!! ^^
Chapter 13: I'm new reader here, will this story goes longer then I expected? Or just two months like bom will survive in this story? I'm waiting for the twist. Minzy baby will named bom? Because they lose bom at this poin .. Don't get mad at me, I'm just like predict story ahahahaha XD
I like your story, it's sad. I actualy don't enjoy the sad one .. But really this good, and the trailer for ur story is good too :)
Will see you around soon :D
codebtz #5
Chapter 13: ahhhh i hope bom tells her friends soon... and spend more time with
Chapter 13: Thank you for the update :)

For some reason i think minzy will find out bom condition due to her own circumstances. A planned checkup in same hospital leads to finding her unfortunate friend conditions :(.. Idk just hope seunghyun and bom ends up together and chaerin with all their friends spend time with bom :(

Haha sorry for babbling nosence hehe take care and hope everything goes great for you so we can have another amazing update!! Stay strong bommie and authornim ^_^
Chapter 12: Update soon pls :(
choiharu #8
Chapter 12: oh minzy... it must be damn awkward for both of them i should be sad but im laughing instead lol
aw bom you need your friend the most at time like that... hope seunghyun can convice her, thanks for updatinc :D
choiharu #9
Chapter 11: omg i cant believe i just found this now...... its good story authornim, really touch my heart. i wish it will end happily tho T.T
topbom21bang4eva #10
Chapter 11: Andd tbh I really don't like siwon being together with bom ughh-_-