Daddy Do You Love Me?

Daddy! Daddy! Request Closed

 It was about a month since Doojoon and his family came home from the hospital with their baby girl. Hyuna was a beautiful baby girl with big brown eyes and features like her mother's. The family was very excited to be welcoming a new member to their family, even little Hyunwoo. He was really happy to be an older brother and he was already very protective of her.

"APPA! HURRY LET'S GO TO THE PARK AND PLAY SOCCER! WE ARE GOING TODAY REMEMBER!" Hyunwoo ran up the stairs looking for Doojoon. He was already in his soccer jersey and cleats. Hyunwoo was very excited to go and finally play soccer with his dad. Ever since his baby sister was born, Doojoon was busy helping his wife taking care of Hyuna and didn't spend as much time as he used to with Hyunwoo.

"APPA! APPA!" A confused look came on to his face. He knew that his dad was home, but yet he wasn't answering to him. 

"AAAPPPPPPPAAAAAAAAAAA!" Hyunwoo shouted louder down the hall, when he realized that Doojoon would be in his little sister's nursery. As he got closer, Hyunwoo heard the sound of his little sister's crying. Hyunwoo slowly crept into the room. There he saw Doojoon cradling a screaming, crying baby. Trying to soothe the baby back to sleep. 

Doojoon turned around and quietly scolded Hyunwoo.

"Hyunwoo-yah! What did I tell you about screaming when your sister is sleeping?! Huh!? Now your sister is awake."

Hyunwoo looked down and tears started building up in his eyes. "I'm sorry Appa. I just thought we were going to play soccer, so I was calling for you"

Hyunwoo turned around and slowly went out of the room with his head down. He was a bit hurt because ever since Hyuna was born, his parents were too busy taking care of her.

Doojoon watched as his son slowly trudged out. Ofcourse he really wanted to go play soccer with Hyunwoo, but his wife was sick and he had to take of Hyuna. He finally got Hyuna to calm down and back to sleep. Doojoon walked out of the nursery. As he walked down the hall, Doojoon hear small cries coming from Hyunwoo's room. He opened the door to see Hyunwoo crying in a corner.

*Do Omma and Appa not love me anymore? They never pay attention to me anymore. All day they're taking care of her and not me. Appa doesn't even taking me to the park or play soccer with me anymore. Appa doesn't love me anymore* With the thought of his dad not loving him anymore, Hyunwoo cried even more.

Doojoon crouched down in front of Hyunwoo. Seeing that his dad was in front  of him, Hyunwoo turned around to the wall.

"Hyunwoo-yah. Look at Appa. Why are you crying? Appa won't yell at you." Hyunwoo turned around ,but still didn't look at Doojoon.

"Appa doesn't love me anymore. That's why I'm crying." Hyunmoo mumbled as he was wiping his tears away.

Doojoon softened. He pulled Hyunwoo into his arms and wiped all his tears away. "Hyunwoo-yah. Appa will never stop loving you. It's just because Omma and Appa have to take care of Hyuna right now. She's too little right now, so Omma and Appa pay attention to her a lot. Plus Hyuna need her Oppa to protect her from monsters and boys. Do you understand?"

Hyunwoo wiped his remaining tears and nodded his head. Doojoon smiled and kissed him on his head.

"Hyunwoo. Appa pinky promises you that we'll go play soccer tomorrow! Is that ok?"

Hyunwoo look at Doojoon with bright eyes. "Really Appa! Yay! Appa saranghae!" Hyunwoo jumped and scream and gave Doojoon a big hug and kiss.

Hoped you like this one!

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Inspiritsusan #1
Chapter 13: I want Myungsoo from infinite
Chapter 13: Can I request Lay as a Daddy, Krystal as a Mommy, and Lauren as their child??
Um I think you skipped over my request? Because I've been waiting a very long time and I think it's very rude to do can you check back to check because I'm sure you skipped over me
Sooooooo cuteeee♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 7: Can i request a scenario now? Pwetty pweaseeee. Because i love your story;3
Idol: Do Kyungsoo
Name of kids: Do Dyungsoo(3/4yrs)
Scenario: when he get jealous because his appa is close with his best friend's son

Thank you~♥
lyana190121 #6
Idol:Do kyungsoo
Name of kids:Do kyungmin
Scenario:when he broke kyungsoo favorite glass
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Name of kids: ok Min jae
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Scenario:When kai failed to go to her school drama.. but kai make an event as soory to her..
Kj818love #9
Chapter 8: Idol:KIm Sunggyu (Infinite)
Name of kid: Kim Hye Joo
Scenario: when Hye Joo is sick,and she wants to be with daddy sunggyu! Daddy Sunggyu taking care of her.
Chapter 1: Idol: himchan
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Scenario : kim dong jin first day of pre school :)