Daddy look at me!

Daddy! Daddy! Request Closed

The sound of someone playing the piano filled the silent house. Even though he was on break from promotions, Daehyun was composing music for B.A.P's next album.

" C G Amaj7. Aish why doesn't this sound right." Daehyun ruffled his hair with fusteration. " Maybe some music will help." He put his headphones on and continued  working.

A hour later

His baby girl started to wake up. Daeyeon rubbed her eyes and slowly got out of her bed. She heard the piano playing and she instantly thought of her father who was most like to be playing in. She got up and quickly went to her twin brother's room.


"OPPA! OPPA! I think Appa is home!" Daeyeon shook her brother trying to get him awake.

"What?" Daejung was still a little groggy from his sleep.

"I said I think Appa is home!" Instantly Daejung woke up. Daehyun hasnt been home for a couple of weeks and Daejung had really missed him. He quickly got out of bed and grabbed his sister's hand.

"Come on let's find Appa!' The two went into every single room even their parent's room, but only finding their mom sleeping peacefully in bed. They were about to give up until they heard some music from their father's studio. The twins quickly went to the studio to find Daehyun busily working at his computer and piano.

"Appa's home!" They both said to each other and ran towards their father. Daehyun ,who was concentrating so hard on his music, didn't notice his twins entering the room. Until he heard, "APPPPAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He turned around and was attacked with a tight hug from his kids. He smiled as he gave them little kisses on top of their heads.

"Good morning my babies. Did you sleep well?"

"Ofcourse Appa. because you're home now Appa!" Daeyeon said as Daehyun fixed her bed hair.

"Appa? Can we go get icecream now?" Daejung asked him. Every time Daehyun came home, he would take the twins out for icecream and play with them for the day. But since he had to finish this song today, he couldn't til probably the afternoon.

"Not right baby. Appa has to finish working. Why don't you and Daeyeonnie go watch some TV and Omma will make you some breakfast?"

Ofcourse that was not what the twins wanted to hear. So they pouted and said," Appa!!!!!!!!!!! Can we please go get icecream nowwwww???" Daehyun just laughed at them and replied,"No my babies. Appa is almost done so later. Plus it's too earlly for icecream. Omma will be mad at Appa if he gave you sugar in this early in the morning." The two pouted again and said ok and went to the kitchen to eat some breakfast. As his kids went out the door, Daehyun smiled at their aegyo and then turned to finish the song.

For the next hour, Daejung and Daeyeon tried really hard to get their father's attention. They tried to make as much noise as they possibly could, but Daehyun just ignored it. Next they played all the instruments in the studio, but that also failed to get their father's attention. They continued doing stuff and nothing worked until Daejung started jumping on the couch.

Daehyun saw Daejung jumpin on the small couch in his studio from the corner of his eye. As a father, he knew that Daejung could fall and hurt himself.

"Jungie stop jumping on the couch! You can get hurt!" He shouted at his little boy. But Daejung didn't listen as he was having too much fun."WWWWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" Daejung shouted. He continued jumping up and down. Seeing that his son will not stop, Daehyun got up and went towards the little boy. As soon as Daehyun got up, Daejung slipped and fell. Hitting his head on the ground. 

"OPPA!" Daeyeon shouted as she saw her twin falling.

Daehyun had a heart attack as he saw his son falling to the floor. Daejung looked up to his father with glistening eyes. Then Daejung started to cry.

Daehyun ran up to him and scooped him into his arms. Daejung clung to his father, looking from some comfort. Daehyun looked at his son with worry.
" What did I tell you!? Daehung-ah! I told you that you could get hurt!" He said to his bawling son. He softly rubbed his son's head and rocked him back and forth. "Shhhh. It's going to be ok. Stop crying." Soon Daejung slowly stopped crying.

"Appa? Is oppa going to be ok?" Daeyeon came to her brother side with tears about to pour out of her eye seeing her brother hurt.

"He's going to be fine Yeonnie. How about we go get some icecream now?" The two twins smiled, "YEAH! Let's go dad!" The three of them went out of the room and got ready for icecream


OMG! I like wrote this 3 time cause I kept accidently exiting out! Sorry for the rush ending it's pretty late over here Anyways I hope you guys like this one! Comment below please! :)



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Inspiritsusan #1
Chapter 13: I want Myungsoo from infinite
Chapter 13: Can I request Lay as a Daddy, Krystal as a Mommy, and Lauren as their child??
Um I think you skipped over my request? Because I've been waiting a very long time and I think it's very rude to do can you check back to check because I'm sure you skipped over me
Sooooooo cuteeee♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 7: Can i request a scenario now? Pwetty pweaseeee. Because i love your story;3
Idol: Do Kyungsoo
Name of kids: Do Dyungsoo(3/4yrs)
Scenario: when he get jealous because his appa is close with his best friend's son

Thank you~♥
lyana190121 #6
Idol:Do kyungsoo
Name of kids:Do kyungmin
Scenario:when he broke kyungsoo favorite glass
Chapter 2: Idol: ok teacyon
Name of kids: ok Min jae
Scenarios when she gat scared of rain and thunder
Chapter 8: idol:KAI
Name of kid: Kim Hana
Scenario:When kai failed to go to her school drama.. but kai make an event as soory to her..
Kj818love #9
Chapter 8: Idol:KIm Sunggyu (Infinite)
Name of kid: Kim Hye Joo
Scenario: when Hye Joo is sick,and she wants to be with daddy sunggyu! Daddy Sunggyu taking care of her.
Chapter 1: Idol: himchan
Name of kid : kim dong jin
Scenario : kim dong jin first day of pre school :)