Chapter Three

Without You


Their scandal has been trending in some social sites. Twitter, Nate, Daum, etc.

Negative and hurtful words everywhere, all of them accusing her of snatching Yonghwa from Shinhye, saying that she’s the one responsible of their sinking ship

But Yonghwa made it clear that they are nothing but friends. Friends who have no feelings towards one another, she trusted his every word.


They met at the Han River at exactly 8 30pm. He saw her sitting at the grass under the tree, staring at the distance.

He walked towards her direction silently and kissed her at her cheeks. She surprisingly gasp and he saw her blushed when she recognized him.

“Oppa!” she whined “How many times do I have to tell you to be discreet when we’re”

“ahrasseo ahrasseo I just missed you so damn much” he sat beside her and pulled her in a warm embrace. He grasps her hand and nuzzled her hair.

[Listen to this song while reading the rest of this story ^^ click here]

[the lyrics of this song is in the foreword ^^]

“I love you” he silently said. He felt her body tensed


“I love you Seo Joo Hyun. I love you since the first time our eyes clashed. I love you for a long time” he tightened his embrace as if they’ll be apart anytime now

“Oppa. You know we can’t continue this anymore” her voice full of unshed tears and sadness

“But I can feel that you love me”

“You can’t build your career and get famous because of love” here she goes again. The ever practical Seohyun

“I must object” he caressed her knuckles and kissed it softly “Our love for music is the reason why we became famous as you said. And it’s also the kind of love”

“But oppa! Can’t you understand? This relationship can destroy you! This relationship can affect not just your career but also the three boys! The career that you painstakingly build and now what? A simple and common girl like me would destroy it? No! never! I wouldn’t risk it.” She’s catching her breath as she ends her speech

“But what would happen to us?” her heart lurched as she heard his broken voice

“We can go back to the old us”


“No. The old you who doesn’t know I exist and the old me who adores you from a distance”

 “NO” he made it straight and clear “I’m not stupid to let you go”

“Oppa! You’re being ridiculous!” she let go of his hand

“What time is it?” she asked all of a sudden


“What time is it?” he weirdly looked at his watch and saw it was already 10pm

“It’s already 10pm. Why in the hell are you asking me that question in the middle of our conversation?!” he angrily asked

“remember the first time we met? We parted at exactly 10pm”

“and so?!” he can’t think clearly

“It’s the same time we’ll be parting ways.” She whispered but Yonghwa felt that she shouted it in his ears loud and clear

“No. you can’t do this to me Seo Joo Hyun.” His voice croaked

“I don’t want to Oppa. You know that. I don’t want but this needs to be done” she stepped forward and caressed his cheeks longingly, stares at him with such love he didn’t know existed. She kissed his lips lightly and a tear escaped his eyes

“Goodbye my Prince. I won’t forget about this.never in my existence” she turn around and ran

He stood there immobile. Thinking of ways to stop her but his mind went blank. He touched his lips. It’s the first time they kissed. And yet. no! this won’t be our last kiss.

 I won’t let you go. Never


Shinhye was surfing through the channel when she spotted Yonghwa and the boys. She stopped and grin  The ever handsome man Yonghwa. But this man is so playing hard-to-get but I know you’ll be mine someday .she smirked on her thoughts

“So are you and Park Shin Hye are really dating?” the wine she’s been drinking splutter at the carpet. She focused on him waiting for his confirmation say it! Say it dammit! Say that Yongshin is real! She clutched the pillow beside her

“I really want to say this for a long time” Yonghwa started, his expression serious

“We are really not a couple. I’m so tired of those endless news about us dating. We never and will never date one another. We’re just pure friends so please stop this controversy” She threw her pillow infront of her television screen where the camera focused Yonghwa’s annoyed face

Deep inside her heart she’s been hurt. But no. she won’t show him that she’s hurting.

I’ll give you another surprise visit then


“Are you sure you’re giving it back? All of that?” Minji asked. pitying her friend who looks awful for she’s been crying for days.

“Yes.” Is the only answer seohyun said

They arrived at CNBLUE’s practice room. From outside she can hear his voice. She misses it a lot.  She clutches the paper bag she’s hugging. This is all their memorabilia.

She asked Minji to knocked at the door and go inside first and then she followed. The moment she stepped in their eyes clashed. The feeling of longing became more intense. She’s been itching to throw her arms around him and say that she’s sorry and she wants him back. But thinking of his status again she backed out

One minute his eyes are full of hope and as he gaze at the paper bag she’s clutching his face became dark and serious

“Can you leave us for a minute?” he said to the other people around them

The three boys and Minji hurriedly ran out. That tone of voice he’s using always gives them the chills.

 “Give that to me and I’ll forget about my career” he said icily. Chills runs down her spine. It’s the first time yonghwa used that tone to her

“You can’t go there shinhye-ssi!” Minhyuk’s voice echoed thru the room. And to Shinhye’s astonishment she saw her. Her face seems familiar though

“You!” she points at her “what are you doing here? A fan isn’t allowed here! Is that your gift for him? Give it to me” she snatched the paper bag she’s clutching

“Go now! Before I call the security guards!” she said

“What the hell are you doing here?!” Yonghwa shouted at Shinhye. Seeing Yonghwa at that state, she eyed the fan

“what did you do to him?? Why is he angry? Go now!” she said to the lady in front of her

“Oh wait now I know who you are!” Seohyun looked up and looked at her

“Yonghwa! She’s the fan I’m telling you! The one who said Yongshin is real!” and once again she mimicked her voice. She saw Yonghwa’s shocked face and then shift to his angry state again

“I remember. You told me to tell her something. Let’s see. Hmmm. Oh! I know! He said Thank you for believing on us and that your ridiculous” she smirks seeing the girls face paled

“What the hell?! When did I” before he finish his sentence Seohyun stormed out of the room “. Joohyun-ah wait!” he ran through the door, forgetting about shinhye’s presence

Joohyun-ah? They’re close???  She’s so intrigued that she followed them and threw the bag at the floor.

“Joohyun! Listen to me!” she’s running fast that he can’t cope up

“ Dammit!” he cursed. The distance between them is no joke. She ran through the near bus station and rode the bus that stopped in front of her. “crap!” he ran as fast as he can but failed to reach her. The bus started to move

Forgetting the fact that paparazzi may be around and snap him a picture of running at the street chasing the bus can be a laughing stock but to hell with it I don’t care a bit!

The bus speed up and left him running out of breath.

“Seo Joo Hyun!!!” he shouted as if she could hear him


A week had passed and yet he didn’t even explain himself. She’s been waiting for him but yet

“Joohyun-ah!!!!” Minji barged at the door holding her tablet

“Look at this!!!” her heart lurched as she saw the article. She picked up her purse and ran outside.

“Hyung! Woah! Daebak!!!” Minhyuk praised his Yonghwa hyung who’s grinning from ear to ear

“Few minutes and she’ll barged in the door with flaring nostrils” he laughed

And as if she heard him, she slammed the door open with flaring nostrils and hand him the tablet.

“Look at this!!” she shouted with her high-pitched tone.

Even though he knew what article it is she’s been fuming about, he still reached for the tablet.




CNBLUE’s Jung Yong Hwa and his mysterious Girlfriend revealed!

Jung Yong Hwa himself showed us some of their intimate pictures together. He proudly told us some of their funny and sweet moments together. And this charming leader looks really smitten by this Goddess like lady named Seo Joo Hyun. And as I asked him about what’s the status between them he proudly said

“We’re dating! And I love her very much! I’m willing to sacrifice my career just to be with her. And I want to tell her not to worry about my career. I talked to my manager and FNC about this and they let me date as much as I want. As long as it won’t affect my performance we’re great!”

This charming leader has totally been smitten with this Goddess- like lady. Lucky couple! We made a cute name for them and called them “Yongseo Couple” . Indeed Yongseo is REAL! Best wishes!


They attached the picture of Yonghwa and Seohyun kissing and cuddling under the tree beside the Han River. And some stolen shots of them together which Yonghwa himself gave to the journalist who wrote the article of them dating.


===================================The End==============================


Author's Note:

Annyeong!!! after stressful months (that feels like eternity XD) errr I'm back! haha! Last days of school are so stressful. Hell week(what I call on our exams :p), Projects, etc. 

Anyways... haha! I'm so sorry for not yet posting the last chapter for "Angel's Cry" aside from being busy these past few months, I need to get the right emotion for the ending keke. Few more scenes and Its done! I'll post it as soon as possible!

That Dating news/scandal that spreaded few days ago scared the hell out of me! haha! but Thank God it didn't affect anyone especially Yongseo.keke~ the most affected with these news are Gogumas right? Yongseo giving us this mini heart-attack gaaaaaaah! *dies* I'm just glad that our ship is still sailing perfectly and strongly. hoorah for Gogumas! *throws confetti* I wanna know what's your reaction when you heard their dating news. keke. share it to me please! I would love to know it! ^^

I'm getting more talkative here eh?. tsk. hopefully you'll enjoy this short story!! ^____________^

And oooh! HAPPY EASTER SUNDAY everyone!!

PS. sorry for my rusty english and also this story is still unedited. I'll correct any mistake ASAP! promise! keke~

Have an awesome day everyone! Chao~





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Chapter 3: This is too cute. Smitten Yonghwa is always the best HAHAHAHHHAHAH
pipipink #2
Chapter 3: That kind of picture i want when they got reveal... hahaha them kissing... lol
ela2807 #3
Chapter 3: When I hear their dating news? I am sure I will cry along day becs of happiness..
Chapter 1: I was actually happy to hear about that news and I'm still hoping that no matter how FNC And SM company will de y of such news I'm still shipping YS forever. It will not affect me whatsoever ^___^
Chapter 3: wahh this story is so sweet~ xD <3
Chapter 3: HAha. I love your story plot!
Chapter 3: sequel pls :3
kmrsanchez #8
Chapter 3: Ahh it feels incomplete... cant you add 1 more chap? :)
eight8 #9
Chapter 3: sequel please.. hehe :)
Chapter 3: Seohyun a Dooley Shipper. best April Fools treat ^__^