Chapter One

Without You



“She’s here!!!!” a fan shouted at the hallway, they’ve been waiting for this moment. Especially Seohyun, she’s been dreaming of meeting her Idol Park Shin Hye face to face.

And then as the crowd gone wild, she saw her. Wearing a big eyeglass, simple shirt and jeans, bringing the aura of a star

She stared at her wide-eyed. Seohyun can’t believe that finally she saw her in person, a beautiful and kind lady. She’s been waving at her fans and as their eyes clash, Seohyun stiffened and became dizzy, she fell on her knees that gather the attention of some other fans. And like a dream, Shinhye approached her and offer her hand to help her stand up

“Are you okay?” asked Shinhye

“N-ne” she said, stuttering

“T-Thank you v-very much! I’m a fan of you and Yonghwa-ssi!” She suddenly blurted out and saw Shinhye smile at her

“So you’re a Dooley huh?” Shinhye asked in an amaze tone

“N-ne! and I believe Yongshin is real!” she said with confidence

“Thanks dear” Shinhye said and help her stand up. She made her way to the crowd as Seohyun dreamily wave goodbye on Shinhye’s back.

“Kyaaaaaaaaaaa! Seohyun-ah! You’re so damn lucky!!!” said her friend minji

“I know right? It feels like a dream” she said, awestruck


“I met a fan at the hotel awhile ago” Shinhye started, holding a goblet in her hand while relaxing at the soft cushion


“And what she said was ridiculous”

“what did she said?” Yonghwa ask without looking at her, too busy playing with his guitar. Shinhye went straight to CNBLUE’s practice room after her rehearsal.

“She said that Yongshin is real!” she gleefully said, mimicking the voice of the girl

“hmmm. Same old story. Remind me to thank that girl for believing on us” he said sarcastically. He chuckled, he continued strumming until Shinhye sat at his side and stopped him by holding the guitar

“Yonghwa-ssi I visited you here, won’t you even entertain me?”

“I didn’t tell you to visit me, and you know I’m not in a playful mood today. Our concert is next week, my band needs to practice hard”

“You’re always like that, working hard as ever. A perfectionist” She said while her fingers crawling to grasp his hand

“So” *cough* “we need to practice now. The visiting time is over” Yonghwa stood up and get her things at the couch and faced her at the door

“I can’t walk you from the exit. You know. Artist thing?” he said sarcastically and saw shinhye rolled out her eyes.

“Bye” he said and signaled the boys who are patiently waiting outside for them to finish.

As they enter the room, the three boys interrogated him

“Hyung why are you so cold towards Shinhye-ssi?” Minhyuk ask, knot on his forehead visible

“hmmm…” Yonghwa said, acted like he’s thinking

“maybe she’s not hyung’s type of girl” Jungshin said in a matter of fact tone

“Let’s practice kaja!” Jonghyun shouted


“I’m so excited!!!” Seohyun exclaimed. Together with minji they’re heading to CNBLUE’s concert.

“I’m so excited to see Yonghwa the most!” Minji said, fangirling

As they arrived at the venue, lots of Boices crowded the whole arena. Seeing jolly and excited girls busy  spazzing with their friends. Then the lights dimmed and heard Yonghwa’s manly voice that melts the girls

They enjoyed the whole concert. As expected of Yonghwa, and the boys they made every fangirls dream came true.

After the concert, minji nudge her “Seohyun~ah come with me for awhile”


“Just follow me”

Minji reached for her hands and walked straight to the backstage. She heard Seohyun gasped and stopped her

“Minji-ah! Where are we heading??”

“Just follow me ahrasseo?” and as they walk closer to CNBLUE’s dressing room they saw a glamorous woman with her husband and that man with them is probably her son. Seohyun can’t stop staring at the woman, all dolled up, wearing a big plum shade with matching plum scarf

And as if the woman felt her gaze on her direction she looked at her and then to minji. She smiled warmly and started to walk towards their direction

“Minji-ah! Omo!” she hugged minji like her own daughter and held her hand

“Long time no see Minji! How are you? I’m glad you watched his concert tonight!”

They exchange pleasant greetings and as they remember her presence, minji stood at her side and introduce her. Seohyun bowed to her 90 degrees as a sign of respect and saw the woman’s amaze look at her

“Kids these days seem to forget about that. I love this friend of yours minji!” the woman grasp her hands and hugged her as if she know her a long time ago.

“Come with me! I’ll introduce you to my family!” the warm woman said, still not letting go of her hand

And just as Seohyun thought they are going home, the door on a room opens and her eyes clashed with the beautiful hazel brown eyes. She felt electricity runs through her. Their eye to eye feels like eternity, thanks to minji she diverted their attention

“Yonghwa!!” minji shouted, Seohyun shockedly faced her

“Minji-ah! Don’t!” seohyun tried to stop her but it’s too late. She hugged Yonghwa as if they are really close. Much to her astonishment, Yonghwa smiled and hugged her back warmly

“Minji-ah!! I miss you!!” Seohyun froze on her spot, stupefied

After greeting each other, minji looked on her direction and she saw a different spark on minji’s eyes.

“Yonghwa I would like you to meet my Goddess friend, Seo Joo Hyun”

Mwoya! Goddess?!!?! She’s been itching to spank minji because of what she said. She heard Yonghwa’s controlled laugh and stared at her. But as he clashed with those soft warm sparkly eyes, his look softened

“Hi” Yonghwa whispered

“YAH! Jung Yong Hwa!!” minji, as his long time friend, seems like she noticed something weird from her dear friend’s behavior

But seems like Yonghwa has been smitten by Seohyun’s Goddess-like beauty that he didn’t even dare to look at her ranting friend, minji looked at Yonghwa’s mom and saw her sparkling eyes. Oops. Those look. Oh God.

“h-hi” she stuttered

“I’m Jung Yong Hwa”

She giggles and saw yonghwa’s curious look

“aniyo. As if I didn’t know you. I’m Seo Joo Hyun. It’s nice to meet you”

“My pleasure to meet you” he reached out for her hand and kissed the back of her hand gentlemanly. He heard her audible gasp and saw her blushed like a cherry tomato. He gazed at her with much amusement. It’s the first time a girl caught his full attention without paying much effort. No no effort at all

“errr. Kids. We’re planning to have a dinner, would you like to come with us?” his mother asked

“oh” Seohyun snapped back to reality.

“Aniyo. We don’t want to disturb you anymore Mrs. Jung Mr. Jung. We’ll be heading ho” but befire Seohyun continued bidding goodbye, Yonghwa interrupted her

“Pleaseeee” He acted cute

Minji was so shock. Seeing this side of Yonghwa is very rare. In fact it’s the first time to see him act like this. Especially in front of his family

“err. But Yonghwa-ssi we really need to”

“I’ll walk you home if you want” he offered

“De?!” alarmed, Seohyun looked at her like what he’s saying is ridiculous

“Come with us. Minji is coming with us right Minji?” Yonghwa looked at her friend who’s enjoying the scene they’re making

“Y-yes. I-I’m coming” Minji said in a strange voice

“See? How bout you?” Yonghwa asked softly, there he goes again, gazing at her intently that made her blush and felt her knees goes jell-o


“no no no but. You’re coming with us. I’ll just get my things and we’ll go. Ahrasseo? I’ll see you in a bit” Yonghwa walked in a flash and entered the dressing room

“What was that all about?!” Minji said, Dumbstruck

“I know” Even her mom gaze at her intently.

Uhmmm Seohyun felt weird, a part of her wants to run out of here and a part of her wants to stay and wait for yonghwa. Goodness gracious! It’s Yonghwa!! THE Jung Yong Hwa of CNBLUE!

Few minutes later and he’s already back, dressed in his rocker jeans, white plaid shirt and with matching leather jacket.


As they arrived at the restaurant, they headed straight to a private room exclusive for VIP’s.

Yonghwa pulled a chair for Seohyun and motioned her to sit down which Seohyun bowed to him in advance. And then he assists his mom and also minji. His father has been eyeing his son’s weird behavior. His brither just shakes his head and smile. It’s like having a brotherly connection and he knows something they don’t know.

As the food arrived, they ate in silence. Seohyun has been too uncomfortable and keeps on fidgeting in her seat. An hour ago she’s been shouting and singing along with CNblue on stage. With him singing on stage, this really feels like an unbelievable dream.

“Are you enjoying the food?” Yonghwa spoke out of the blue which startled Seohyun’s deep thoughts.

“Ah n-ne. Thank you so much for this” She smiled at everyone. But her gaze stayed longer at him, there’s something about them that when their eyes clashed they felt something like chills running through their spine.

As the coffee arrived they started talking. His parents talking to him asking about his daily busy schedules, and then switching the attention to her so on and so fort. With this spent time with his family she felt comfortable in no time. Talking to his mother and father comfortably. But then whenever she caught him staring at her she looks down and blushes big time.

The dinner ended at 10pm. It was time to go home, Yonghwa received a call from his manager asking him to come to the office asap.

Much to his disappointment, he can’t send her home.

“I really hate to say this but uuhh. See you again next time?” Yonghwa asks, voice hopeful

“Uhmm. I know I see you always but we meeting each other again? Hopefully. Thank you so much with this unexpected meeting.” She smiled at him fully and saw him hitched for a few good second.

“y-yes. I-I’m sure we’ll meet again.” He smiled shyly and rubbed his nape. Embarrassed

“Uhm. Bye?”

“Bye” he reached for her hands and kissed it again, he gently squeeze it before letting it go. And saw her flushed face.

“Yonghwa! You’re late with your appointment!” Minji said, disturbing their own world.

“errr. Bye Joohyun” She froze Joohyun? The only person who calls her Joohyun is her mom and dad. He looked back again another time and winked at her.


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Chapter 3: This is too cute. Smitten Yonghwa is always the best HAHAHAHHHAHAH
pipipink #2
Chapter 3: That kind of picture i want when they got reveal... hahaha them kissing... lol
ela2807 #3
Chapter 3: When I hear their dating news? I am sure I will cry along day becs of happiness..
Chapter 1: I was actually happy to hear about that news and I'm still hoping that no matter how FNC And SM company will de y of such news I'm still shipping YS forever. It will not affect me whatsoever ^___^
Chapter 3: wahh this story is so sweet~ xD <3
Chapter 3: HAha. I love your story plot!
Chapter 3: sequel pls :3
kmrsanchez #8
Chapter 3: Ahh it feels incomplete... cant you add 1 more chap? :)
eight8 #9
Chapter 3: sequel please.. hehe :)
Chapter 3: Seohyun a Dooley Shipper. best April Fools treat ^__^