Chapter 2: Meeting Their Son

Only Human



Present Time: March 27, 2013


“Xingxing ah~,” Hana poked her head into Xing’s room, “Aren’t you going to pick up 鹿教授* and his wife from the airport today?”


Xing looks away from her laptop, “Yeah, why?” She sneaks a glance at the watch on her wrist, “Their flight doesn’t land until 5 and it’s only 1:26.”


Hana shook her head and clicked her tongue, “Tsk, tsk. Oblivious Xing is oblivious. I read on tumblr that some kpop idol is arriving to the Beijing airport today.”


Xing arched her eyebrow, “So….?”


Hana rolled her eyes, “So you should get going before all the fans hog up the standing space at the arrival gate.”


 “You just want me out of the house, don’t you?” Xing glared at her playfully.


Hana bit down her mischievous smile, “My boyfriend is coming over~~~” She cooed.


“OH GOD,” Xing distorted her face in disgust, “I don’t need to know. Okay, bye.” She grabbed her car keys and dashed for the door.  


Hana giggled in the background before jokingly screaming, “OH! I think the guy’s name is Luhan or something. If he is cute, can you get me an autograph?!”


_ _ _


*Aish… Hana jinxed it.* Xing arrived at the airport around 2, but it was already packed with teenage girls. She lets out an exasperated sigh after squeezing herself into the tiny unoccupied space off in the far corner.


After listening to the incessant squealing and crying over Luhan this and Luhan that for about two hours, Xing felt like she was approaching the edge of her sanity. *Wow, how good can this guy be?! Do these girls know how to shut the fu--* Before Xing can finish her thought, a wave of high pitch screams emerged,“LUHAN LUHAN LUHAN!!!!!” Everyone chanted, pushing and stomping frantically.


Xing felt herself being navigated by the sea of fan girls, “Hey! Hey! Stop pushing!” Her protests drowned among the yelling. *Aishhhhhhhhhh* She cursed mentally as she was being shoved around.


After a good ten minutes of being swayed back and forth by avid fan girls, Xing can finally stand in open air again.  As she was straightening her dress, a familiar voice calls out, “Xingxing~!”


She looks up and the corners of her eyes creases as both her lips and eyes curved into smiles. “Welcome back, 阿姨* and Professor!” Xing prances over like a happy child.


 “Ah, 孩子* did you wait for long?” She frowns apologetically before tucking a piece of Xing’s disheveled hair behind her ear.


Xing quickly shakes her head, “No, no! It’s just that there were so many fan girls at first. And just— aish, kids these days, they are so crazy over idols!” She pouted childishly.


For some odd reason, Professor Lu’s face suddenly darkened.*Did I say something bad…?* Xing decides she shouldn’t press any further as she quickly changes the topic. “Aunty, let me help with that.” Xing takes the luggage from Mrs. Lu’s hand.


_ _ _


After much effort and convincing on Mrs. Lu’s part, Xing decides (was forced) to stay for dinner and to meet their son. The son. It has been almost three years since Xing arrived to Beijing and almost two of knowing Professor Lu and his wife. And among all this time, Mr. and Mrs. Lu rarely mentioned or talked about their son. Xing can in fact count all the times with her fingers.


As a result, she has built up this bottle of curiosity about this guy. Why don’t they talk about him? Why don’t they flaunt and praise their son like most Asian parents do? And why does it feel like he is a taboo topic that shouldn’t be conversed about? Xing was determined to find the answers to these questions tonight.  


She let her mind wanders mindlessly as she sets up the dinner table. *How… would he look like? Is he tall? Does he scowl like Professor Lu? Or would he have a heartwarming smile like Mrs. Lu.. Aishh! Why do I ever care?!* She hits her head playfully.


“Xingxing,” Mrs. Lu chuckles, “Are you okay?”


Xing blushes and nods. 


_ _ _


“Should I give him a call?” Mrs. Lu’s voice came out as a soft whisper.


Mr. Lu pushed his chair back; the loud squeaking noise pierced the thick air. “There’s no need for that. If he wanted to be here, he would have been here an hour ago.” He glanced over to their guest and apologized, “Xing, I am sorry for wasting your time. We will have another dinner some other time, okay?” Xing nodded and with that he dismissed himself to his study room.


The atmosphere fell silent again. Was Xing to comfort Mrs. Lu for her son’s absence… or was she supposed to take her leave now?


“I am sorry. I am sorry,” Mrs. Lu abruptly stood up, picking up the utensils. Xing doesn’t know what have happened in this family and she doesn’t know why their son is being so disrespectful. But one thing Xing knows is that Mrs. Lu’s voice was quiverin; it saddens Xing to see her like this.

Just when Xing was about to let out some words of comfort, a soft chirpy voice echoed from the front doors, “妈*, I’m home~~! Ahhh, I can already taste your amazing cooking from the aroma!! And youu made my favorite ---”


He stops talking when his eyes met with Xing’s. “Ah, we have a guest~” He bows, “Nice to meet you~” He smiles ever so brightly. * …he definitely takes after his mother.* Xing shakes her thoughts out and returns a smile.


Mrs. Lu sighs, “Luhan, your father is angry with you again.” *Luhan… why does that name sound so familiar….?*


Luhan rubs the back of his neck, “I’m sorry, Mom, but the people were so persistent about squeezing in a short interview… and I couldn’t say no ah~” He whines like a puppy.


“Aish, Luhan,” Mrs. Lu goes over and engulfs her child in her arms, “I miss you so much.” She his blond hair, “I can't even stayd mad at you even if I wanted to. Let me go talk to your stubborn father, okay? Have some food, my child. You look like you’ve lost another ten pounds.” Mrs. Lu patted his head before rushing up the stairs.


*Luhan..Luhan..luhan...THE LUHAN?!* Xing’s eyes widened as she let out a small gasp. She quickly masked over her shock with a poker face.


Luhan chuckled, “So I assume you know about me? My fan?” He suddenly sounded a bit too cocky to Xing.


She scoffed, “You wish.”


Luhan smiled, “Yah~ I was just kidding.” 



1. 鹿教授: Professor Lu

2. 阿姨: aunty (more or less an affectionate way of addressing a female that is significantly older than you)

3. 孩子: child

4. 妈: Mom

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minrawrs #1
Chapter 4: Woah this chapter...I LOVED IT! So jealous of Luhan and Xing's friendship!! But omg now Chanyeol is in the picture. Things are about to get real!!! Ughhh I'm so hooked on this story right now lol
minrawrs #2
Chapter 2: lol for a second there i thought yixing was in this and got excited but then since byul is now called xing...sighhh look what exo has done to us haha omggg you are totally taking stuff from that post now. awww but luhannie~~he's so adorable. i wanna squish him haha. update soon? /puppy eyes~
minrawrs #3
Chapter 1: you.../narrows eyes. you added stuff from that post didn't you?! argh! i was so sure who it was up until the 'you always complain how the girls you date leave you' part and how i'm a little confused -.- ahh but this is too cute~~you better finish this!! i'm gonna whine until you do! haha~~^^