Chapter 1: The love they missed out on.

Only Human


“Mom! I am home…” He hastily kicked off his sneakers, leaving the mess unattended.


His mom peeked out the kitchen, “Ah~ Welcome home, sweetie! How was your week? Oh my gosh, did you get skinnier? Did they starve you?! Would you like something to eat?”

“! Mom, can you stop being so damn annoying?!” After a long week of training, he was in no mood for his mother’s ramblings. “I am tired, I am going to sleep.” He sighed, suddenly feeling a wave of guilt when he saw her frown.  

“Ah, okay” His mother muttered, “Byul dropped off a package few days ago. I left it on your desk.”

Upon hearing her name, his mind became alert. How long has it been since they hang out together? Wasn’t it only two weeks ago, but why does it feel like forever to him?

“Thanks, mom!” He sang. His mood suddenly lifted and he skipped up the stairs to his room, taking two steps at a time.

He didn’t hesitate when it came to unboxing the small brown package before him. He rummaged through the contents. Sweets, chocolates, pictures of them—all his favorites. He smiled, because she knew him so well. His eyes landed on a pink envelope. The corners of his lips tuck into a smile (oh, how he missed talking to her) and cheerfully, he opened it...

April 25, 2010

To my dearest friend,

Can you believe we are graduating this year?! I mean it doesn’t make much difference for you since you’re practically out of school when you became a trainee. You lucky poophole! But wow, can you believe it?! We have known each other for… what? 10 years now?!... It feels like it was only yesterday I met your chubby . Hehehees, just kidding. But wow, does time fly or what? Anyway, I should stop beating around the bush… you know how I told you I applied to QingHua University in Beijing and guess what?


He felt his heart drop to the pit of his stomach, but he continued...

Your awesome best friend, I, Lee Byul, got accepted with a full ride!!! AWWWYEAH. (Insert your crazy cheer here) Hehehees, can you believe it?! (No?) I know right?! I can’t either! Ughs, you know I always wanted to go there. And remember all my spazzing about living in China and bumping into JJ Lin?! And how we will get married and have talented babies?! Well, I am one step closer to that dream now! MUWHAHAHA.

In all seriousness..., I am leaving now, my stupid idiot. I wish you the best in the future. And I know you will do well! All that training won’t go to waste~! Please don’t forget me when you become a hot shot! T^T (And please don’t let the fame get to your head… but knowing you… -__- you probably will.) Hahahs, this isn’t one of those k-drama scene where I bid farewell and all that emotional stuff… (or is it?)

Please don’t cry too hard that I am gone. Or else I will cry too! T___T I packed some of your favorite snacks so I hope that’ll cheer you up~ But don’t eat too much, because you’re going to whine later how you have to put extra hours into working out to lose those calories. Kekekes.

Anyways! HWAITING (to both of us)! I will write to you when I settled down and you can come visit me? Probably not, because you are always so busy…

With all my love,
Lee Byul


His eyes swelled up in tears— everything was becoming too overwhelming for him. His eyes shifted between the package and her letter. When his eyes landed on the photos she had slipped in, he suddenly replaces his pain with anger.

How can she? He believes that everyone can leave him, but her... The whole damn world can turn against him for all he cares, but she – his best friend was suppose to stick through until the very end.

He crumbles the letter and stuffs everything back into the box, throwing them all in his waste bin. If she was going to leave, then fine. He doesn’t need her anyway. He cursed inwardly as he heads out for some fresh air.

He was always like this- irrational, childish, and rash. If only he had looked a bit further and sought a bit harder, perhaps he would’ve found the way to her.

Behind one of the picture, Byul had written:

April 25, 2010

To the boy I love,

I first met him ten years ago. It wasn’t love at first sight and in all honesty, I don’t know how it started. At first, I thought I loved him because of the way he smiles and laughs. Then I realized that wasn’t the case. I loved— that was because of the way he made me smile and laugh.

I panicked, because I fell in love with my best friend. How cliché, but what can I do?

I tried to brush it off, but that didn’t work… because you only make me fall deeper and deeper (into , lols). I tried confessing, but you always pet my head and say you love me too (of course, in a friendly way). Is it because you are that dense or are you indirectly rejecting me? I am not sure.

With time, this kind of love was beginning to become suffocating. However, I couldn’t stop. I loved you and all your flaws. Ughs! This is doing me no good. I find myself spending too much time moping and being frustrated than being happy. …which is why I decided to take a chance at QingHua. (Of course, I really want to attend there as well.) So I really do hope you will forgive me for leaving so abruptly. I need time to clear my mind and bury these stupid feelings. I hope you the best…. I really do.

But before I bid my final good bye…, I want to remind you a few things:

  • When we entered high school, you became one of those “popular guys” and everything you did suddenly became so influential. Remember the guy you poke fun at because his high-pitched voice? How you call him gay and everyone started ostracizing him? He almost committed suicide. I knew you had no harmful intentions behind the things you said and you were probably joking around to create a playful atmosphere. You are such an idiot sometimes…But please be careful of what you say from now on…especially now that you’re going to be an idol. Some people (by that I mean everyone) will take your words to heart.

  • I know you get tired from all the training, but when you go home- please treat Aunty nicely! You only get to go home once a week and once you become idol, who knows how many hours you will spend at home. I know you’re tired and you will find her questions annoying but she really cares about you! Treat her nicely! Okay?! Or else I will beat you up. Kekekes.

  • You always complain how the girls you date leave you… Stupid boy, maybe you are going after the wrong type of girls. Stop dating with your eyes! Start seeing with your heart. Girls who wear skimpy clothing will (most) probably not stick around for the rest of your life.

  • Stop being so childish; don’t get upset because you don’t get what you want.

  • Think before you do things! Don’t let your emotions dictate you like a puppet. 

I hope the next time we meet that you will have become a matured, suave man. But until then, I wish you the best~

P.S. … oh god, I hope this isn’t too awkward.. your friend confessing to you shamelessly behind her favorite photo of you. LOL. OH WELL. Time will heal everything~ So hopefully, the awkwardness will ease by the time I see you again. And honestly with that out of my system, I feel so much lighter! And I want you to know, I will always be your good friend—that is if you still want me to be. 





*Qinghua University is one of the most prestigious universities in China. And as of who the guy is, I will leave you guys in curiosity until next time. 

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minrawrs #1
Chapter 4: Woah this chapter...I LOVED IT! So jealous of Luhan and Xing's friendship!! But omg now Chanyeol is in the picture. Things are about to get real!!! Ughhh I'm so hooked on this story right now lol
minrawrs #2
Chapter 2: lol for a second there i thought yixing was in this and got excited but then since byul is now called xing...sighhh look what exo has done to us haha omggg you are totally taking stuff from that post now. awww but luhannie~~he's so adorable. i wanna squish him haha. update soon? /puppy eyes~
minrawrs #3
Chapter 1: you.../narrows eyes. you added stuff from that post didn't you?! argh! i was so sure who it was up until the 'you always complain how the girls you date leave you' part and how i'm a little confused -.- ahh but this is too cute~~you better finish this!! i'm gonna whine until you do! haha~~^^