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Hyeju drummed her slender fingers on her desk while she bit on the nails of her other hand.

Her heart wouldn't stop hammering against her chest since last night.   Kris wasn't at school and neither was Kai at home. Those two were together. Not meaning it in that way but who knows what they could be doing? Clawing each other's eyes out? Because even the dumbest person on earth could see that those boys weren't exactly two peas in the same pod.   She tried to contact Kris since ages ago but no one ever picked up. Was he deliberately avoiding her?   What could've happened? Why did Kai collapse? And why Kris of all people?   To be fair,  she was actually thankful that it was Kris and not some random stranger but as said before, she just had this strange intuition.   And it wasn't a very good one.   _____     The sun which he supposedly could bear, stung him to the bone. He didn't know where else to hide to avoid the scorching hot ball of gas. Luckily he found a nearby alley.   Kai squinted his eyes as he leaned against the wall of an alley. His arms wrapped around his stomach as he felt Kris's poison blood take effect. *Where should I go now?*   He vaguely even remembers how he got out of Kris's trap. All he could recall was him going wild and losing consciousness, hence he used that chance to escape Kris's flat.   The people stared at him weirdly while he dashed through the streets just moments ago. Who wouldn't? He was limping his way forward and most likely groaning in pain, just like a zombie. Some noticed the blood all over him and offered to help but he all pushed them away, and that way, he could escape quickly.   But that freaking Hunter was spot on about the facts. His body couldn't handle the effects and slowly, he was being devoured from the inside. And the sad thing was, he didn't know what the cure was.   Unless.. It was that one thing. But he never believed in it. It was probably just a myth. 'There's no use saving me now' was what he thought.   "Hey!" A man, who happened to pass by, called out, snapping him back to reality. "Are you alright, boy? Are you sick or something?"   Kai, instead of answering politely, growled at him. He didn't mean to but the excruciating pain was so unbearable that it was almost an automatic reflex.   "Y-Yah, I think you're in pain. Let's get you to the hospital okay?" The man tried to grab Kai's arm to lead him but Kai threw his arm off and ran away.   *I have to get away and hide.. But to where?*   _____     It was almost 6 in the evening when Hyeju's class ended but she didn't want to go home just yet. She had the hunch of coming home to a lonely apartment anyway so she decided to loosen up a bit and have fun.   To pass time, she accompanied the very few colleagues that she was close with, window shopping.   After two hours of fun and talk, they all headed home and split ways. Hyeju stopped by a mini mart before continuing home.   "Hm.." Hyeju hummed as her eyes scanned the racks of chips. She spotted one that she liked and was ready to check out but another one caught her attention, one that Kai liked.   She sighed and her shoulders deflated immediately. *Oh whatever! Why am I worrying so much? I don't care about those two anymore!*   Hyeju pursued her lips and decided to check out with just one bag. She says she didn't care but secretly, she hoped he was fine and wished he'd be back by tonight.   _____     Kai didn't want to come back here. It was his haven but a last resort.   He didn't want Hyeju to pity him in this state. He didn't want her to be disgusted, and most of all, he didn't want to see her scared of what he was becoming.   But he had to.   He just had to see her one more time. Because soon enough, he wouldn't be on his right mind anymore. It would already be a miracle if he could recognize her face or her voice.   Just a glimpse, it would be enough.   But as soon as the front door opened, his pride shrank a little bit. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea after all.   If he does see her, he would regret the sacrifice he made as would want to turn back the lost time. He was already here though, what else could he do?   Hyeju flicked the switch but the ceiling lights didn't turn on. *Is the power out?* She shrugged and proceeded in anyways before laying her bag on the couch.   "Welcome home.."   At the sound of that voice, she literally jumped up and her hand automatically flew to her chest. "Kai?" She looked around but it was a bit dark. Luckily, the moon wasn't hidden, shedding the lightest bit of light.   There she saw him. Sitting limply on the floor just beside the couch and resting his back against the wall. "Jeez, where have you been? And why are you way over there?" She pouted and pursued her lips.   She was a bit mad at him but it all vanished when she noticed the blood on his clothes. "Omo! Are you alright?" She gasped and was going to go to his side but he stopped her.   "Please.. Don't come near me."   Hyeju was shocked and a tad hurt at the same time. "W-Wae? What happened to you? And what happened with Kris? And why do you have blood all over your shirt?" She had a lot of questions alright.   It already took a lot of energy from Kai just to utter a single sentence but did so anyway. "It's better for you not to know.."   He sees her. He sees her, alright. Although he was hurt to see an expression like that coming from her, it was enough for Kai. Just seeing her angelic face once was enough.   With quivering lips, Hyeju spoke
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barakai #1
Chapter 14: Omg... i hole he changes her . I don't want any SAD ENDING pls
glitterystars #2
Chapter 26: I'm really glad you updated:D
XtraClassy #3
Chapter 25: I love your fic it is well written hope this story continue to flow. Please update soon, very excited to see what happens next. Thanks job well done author nim
LoveYongRis #4
Chapter 25: Thank u soon much 4 updating again..... Liz update sooner;)
kyunism #5
Chapter 24: Nice story, I really love it ^^ keep it up, hwaiting!!!
LoveYongRis #6
Chapter 24: Update update update update
LoveYongRis #7
Chapter 24: OMG..... Kyaaaaaaaaaa.......... I cnt stop squealing while reading dis story. I totally love it, pliz update soon.
Chapter 23: When will you update ? I miss the story so much TT.TT
Chapter 17: lol im kind of confuse at first on the last 5 line when it says "Hyeju yelped as she crashed against Kai" haha i supposed it should be Suji rite ? :) anyway i really enjoy your story ❤