Moving In pt. 2 / My Plushie

My Private Tutor



Once Sungyeol came back from walking L he found Myungsoo already up, in the living room watching TV

"You're up already?" Sungyeol said putting L down as he shut the door

"Yeah. It was easy getting to sleep once L left" Myungsoo said

"Well, I'm going to take a quick shower then we can go" 


Sungyeol went to take his shower and Myungsoo got dressed also. They both threw on jeans and a t-shirt. They didn't need to dress up since they weren't going out for anything fancy. After getting dressed they both put L in his cage then headed out.

They decided to walk since it was nice outside. They debated on what they were going to eat and where to eat. They eventually decided to just go for pizza. They walked to a near-by pizza place.

Once they got in they sat at a table and waited for an waitress to come take their order. Once their order was taken the waitress placed it in and Myungyeol sat and waied for their food to come out.

As they waited they talked about nothing in paticular. Myungyeol did that a lot when they were together. They didn' t talk about anything important at all, but somehow it managed to be all they would talk about. But they liked it. They liked how they could talk about cheese and could find a nice interesting conversation from it. That'show they got to know each other more. They liked how they didn't have to try, but the conversations would come out naturally. Them being so natural with each oher is how they came to like each other so much even to the point of Myungsoo moving in.

Honestly, the Myungyeol couple didn't know a lot about each other's background history, but when they were together it was so nice and natural is was almost like they known each other all of their life. They were comfomfortable with each other and that's what they loved.

They plan to slowly get to know each other even if they have to talk about cheese for five hours. 


Once the waitress came out with their drinks and pizza Myungyeol immediately started eating being that they were both pretty hungry. They ate and had more conversations about nothing in particular.

Once they finished eating, they paid and left. They started walking back home when they passed a video game arcade. The lights were lit up and it had a big sign in front shining brightly saying "Open". Myungyeol got tempted and enterd the arcade.

They were both amazed when they got in. Since it was night time they had the lights off and the glow in the dark things showing. Every arcade game in there had lights on it beaming brightly at them. 

They got some tickets and started playing games. They first started out with pac man then went on to Street Fighter. They played Street fighter for awhile, taking turns back in forth because they both kept losing. They would pass round one, but then would lose round 2. They kept going at this for about half an hour until they realized they should check out other games.

They went over to another game to play. It was a mortocycle game where there was a total of 7 rounds and if you beat all the levels you could win a plushie. There were lots and lots of different kinds, but one spotted Myungsoo's eye. It was a huge, soft, plump one. It was pikachu. Myungsoo really wanted that pikachu plushie anyone could tell just by the way he was staring it down. 

As they got over to the game, the line was pretty long for an arcade game. Everyone wanted to win a plushie, but it didn't seem many people were succeeding. Myungsoo kept his eye on the his plushie and Sungyeol took notice of that. 

"Here" Sungyeol said as he gave Myungsoo his tickets to hold


"I'm going to win you that plushie" Sungyeol grinned. Sungyeol got into the back of the line and waited for his turn. One by one the kids ahead of him walked away as they had lost and finally it was Sungyeol's turn.

Sungyeol started playing and 5 mins later he was already passed the 3rd round. Soon Sungyeol had a crowd surrounding him. Kids were shouting "Sungyeol, Sungyeol, Sungyeol" including Myungsoo. Sungyeol was now at the last level and was going for a new record. If Sungyeol beat the last level in  less than a minute and a half he would get a new record.

Sungyeol played and played and played and now Sungyeol had his competetive face on. He made his bike do flips and tricks in the air and each time he would land he would gain more and more points. Myungsoo was happy not only because of the plushie, but because Sungyeol was going for a new record. 

Everyone had their eyes glued to the screen. Sungyeol had 30 seconds left and he went into the air and his bike did flips. His bike started falling back down to the floor and he was still doing tricks. He was cutting close as he did tricks and the bike was so close to the ground. He did one last trick and at the end of it his bike landed on it's back tire and was about to fall back. Sungyeol pushed the stick foward and on went the mortocycle on a wheelie, pass the finish line. Sungyeol had won the plushie and had a new record.

Everyone screamed and shouted. Everyone was so happy they clapped and screamed Sungyeol's name, "Sungyeol, Sungyeol, Sungyeol". Sungyeol yelled in excitement and hugged Myungsoo.

The Myungyeol couple went over to the front desk and got their myungsoo's plushie. Sungyeol handed it to him and Myungsoo thanked him. 


After that they stopped playing games and got something to drink. They went back to a table and sat their watching the kids play, talking. They drunk and talk with Myungsoo's plushie sitting on his lap. Since it was free refills Myungsoo had a lot to drink and after sitting there drinking 5 cups of soda Myungsoo had to use the bathroom.

Myungsoo gave his plushie to Sungyeol and said, "Take care of her" and went to the bathroom.


While Myungsoo was in the bathroom Sungyeol was sitting down waiting for Myungsoo to come back out when a little girl came over to him. 

"That's a cool plushie" She smiled

Sungyeol looked up, "Oh, thanks"

"Where did you get it?"

"We won it over there at the arcade game" Sungyeol pointed and showed her

"Oh, the mortocycle game? I never was good at that"

"Really? I could win you one if you wanted, but there's no more pikachu"

"No, you don't have to. I wanted pikachu, but since there's not anymore then, that's okay"

"Oh, sorry"

"It's fine. I really love pikachu but since their is no more it's okay" She said Sungyeol started to feel bad and wanted to give the plushie to her, but it wasn't his.

"Sorry, I can get you a different one"

"No, it's fine. If it's not pikachu, I don't want it" She said and paused. She started staring at the pikachu plushie. From the look in her eyes Sungyeol thought she was about to steal it and run."Can I see it for a second?"

"Uh..I don't know." Sungyeol didn't think it would be right to say yes since it was Myungsoos' and other reasons

"Please" She pleaded. Sungyeol was thinking about giving it to her for just a second, but he decided not to. He didn't want to be responsible if something happened t, Myungsoo would kill him.

"Sorry, it's not mine" Sungyeol rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly

"Oh.." The girls face fell, "Who's is it?"


"It's mine" Myungsoo cut in.

"Oh" The girl said

"Sungyeol, are you ready to leave?"

"Y-yeah" Sungyeol said and stood. Sungyeol was nervous. From the look on Myungsoo's face he looked like he wanted to smack the girl for even suggesting to touch it. Myungsoo made sure to grab his plushie.

Myungyeol both left and started walking back home. Once they got home, they didn't bother turning the lights on since L was sleep and they went right upstair's to bed. 

Myungsoo threw off his clothes and put on a t-shirt and some sweats. Sungyeol threw on a t-shirt and shorts. 

Myungsoo was kinda quiet while changing. He was mad. How could Sungyeol even think to give away Myungsoo's plushie? Sungyeol noticed this uncomfortable silence with Myungsoo.

"Myungsoo, is something wrong?" Sungyeol said as he pulled his shirt over his face.

"Yes. How could you even think about giving away my plushie" Myungsoo snapped

"I wasn't going to give it away, she just wanted to see it for a second"

"Still. It's MINE. What if she got attached to it and didn't want to give it back"

"Myungsoo, stop being ridiculous. She would have gave it back..I think" 

"But it's MINE" Myungsoo grabbed the plushie and slid into bed with it. Sungyeol hopped into the bed too

"Why couldn't she see it?"

"Because it's mine"

"Yeah, you made that clear"



"It's from you..........THAT'S WHY. Her own boyfriend can get her one"

"Myungsoo, she's like 9"

"Still, it's mine and it came from you so she can not have it"

Sungyeol sighed, "You know, as much as you're being're pretty cute"

Myungsoo looked at him and Sungyeol smiled, "Pft. you're being cheesy, that's cue for bed" Myungsoo said and slid into the covers.

Sungyeol slid close to Myungsoo, " Ya know. This is our first night since you moved in"

"Yeah, so?"

"Shouldn't we make it more memorable?"

"Memorable? Like what?"

"Oh, I know" Sungyeol said and flipped over on top of Myungsoo. Myungsoo let out an dry laugh, with a shocked face and Sungyeol pulled the covers over both of them and kissed Myungsoo...



A/N: <3333333

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I marked the story complete, but I'm still going to add the after stories. :)


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Chapter 2: I feel sad for Chanhee :((
Chapter 1: Oooooooooooh. Yoseob at the end tho. <3 <3 This book seems interesting too :))
lineth #3
awesome story, really really cute!!! I LOVE all the couples kekeke*_~
Awwww! The ending was so cute! Go chunjoe~~
Chapter 55: awwwww ChangRic *^* <3
Chapter 55: Sweet!!!!!! :D
ILoveYou_Forever #7
Chapter 55: Awwwwwwwwww~~~~~~~
Will there be more??? 0.0
Chapter 16: It's sad that they broke up ~T_T~
Bambi10 #10
Chapter 53: DAMN i love l.joes first day....sadly that how most of my first days in school went...