Moving In pt. 1 / L

My Private Tutor




And just like that the Summer flew by very quickly....


During the rest of the Summer days before college everyone hung out together when they could and spent the other days preparing for college. They had to by books and choose classes and get stuff for their dorms and etc.. Nobody knew that it would take this much time, work, and more importantly money for college. The couples spent s much time as they could with each other like going shopping together for new clothes, and things. 

While these couples were doing that, the Myungyeol couple was......




"Where does this box go?"

"Oh, you can just put that upstairs in the bedroom" Myungsoo replied once again. All day today, movers has been at Sungyeol's house moving boxes of Myungsoo's, asking him this question.

"Where should I put this box?"

"Uh, the kitchen is fine" Myungsoo said.

"Where should I put this box?" 

"Dinning room"

"Where should I put this box?" By now Myungsoo was getting tired of them asking

"Anywhere" Myungsoo said

After almost two hours of moving in boxes, the movers were finally done, 

"Okay, that's the last box." The mover said as he sat the box down

The mover went out to his truck and brought back papers that Myungsoo needed to sign, "Here, I need your signature here, here, and here" He said as he gave Myungsoo the paper. Myungsoo quickly signed them and walked the movers to the door.

"Thanks for all of your work" Myungsoo said

"It was no problem" The mover guy replied. Myungsoo shut the door and came back into the living room

Myungsoo came into the living and his face fell, "Seriously Myungsoo, why do you have so much stuff? It's not like you really need any of it"

Myungsoo didn't really need most of it, like the silverware, towels, and soap because Sungyeol had enough of it for the both of them. Myungsoo didn't complain long though and got right to unpacking. He was in a good mood today and didn't want it to be ruined. Today was the day Myungsoo finally moved in with Sungyeol. They had been planning it for awhile now and since Myungsoo is at Sungyeol's house most of the time anyway, they both figured he should just move in. Besides, there was no reason for him to pay his monthly rent when he wasn't even home. So Myungsoo moved out and moved in with Sungyeol.


Myungsoo sat on the couch as he scooted a box over to him and looked through it. It mainly had books in it so he to the box over to the bookshelf and put the books on the bookshelf. As Myungsoo was finishing unpacking boxes he would every now and then glance to how much was left, and would sigh because of all the boxes and he had to unpack all of them himself. Right now Sungyeol was at work and doesn't get off until 7pm so Myungsoo would be spending all of his day unpacking.


Myungsoo literally spent every second unpacking boxes, he would of course stop when he had to use the bathroom or when he was hungry, but other then that he unpacked. When he finally got to the last two boxes he slowed down his pace a bit being he was so tired. Myungsoo opened the box up and looked in it. It had pictures in it. Myungsoo carefully unwrapped the pictures and put them up all over the house. Some in the bedroom, some in the living room, some on the walls, and some on shelfs and counters. Myungsoo got to the last box and was so relieved because he was almost done. In this box was just plates, bowls, and cups. He quickly washed those and put them in the cabnets after they dried. 


Myungsoo really wanted to wait until Sungyeol came back but by now Myungsoo felt so filthy, dirty, tired, and worn out he just wanted to take a shower and fall asleep. Myungsoo went upstairs to take a shower. He took a quick shower, then laid on him and Sungyeol's bed. Myungsoo had his arm hanging off the side and just as Myungsoo was about to close his eyes to fall asleep, he felt something his fingertips. He opened his eyes to find L(the dog) on him.


"L, you're up?" Myungsoo said petting him. The dog barked in response, wagging his tail. The dog tugged on Myungsoo's shirt sleeve, Myungsoo knew he wanted to play, but Myungsoo was really tired.

"L, not right now, maybe later, okay?" Myungsoo lifted his arm on the bed and turned away. L left and Myungsoo had just started closing his eyes, ready to fall into a sleep coma when L came back with a doggy toy in his hand. Since L was still small he couldn't get on the bed so he decided that barking would get Myungsoo's attention. 

L barked and barked and Myungsoo sat up on the bed, "L, I'm sleepy. Not right now" Myungsoo threw the blanket over his head, but that didn't stop L because L kept barking and barking. Finally, L got him up, "Okay, 15 mins" Myungsoo said and got out of bed.


Myungsoo first started out playing by playing catch. Myungsoo would throw the ball and then L would run and get it. Myungsoo threw it, L ran and got it, they did this straight for 7 mins until L stopped going for the ball

"Tired already?" Myungsoo said. The dog didn't respond, "Okay, well if you say so" Myungsoo said and went back into his room.

Myungsoo went back into the bedroom and plopped on the bed. Myungsoo had just started shutting his eyes when L started barking again. Myungsoo groaned and tried to ignore it. He thought maybe if he ignored him, L would stop, but Myungsoo was wrong. L continued to bark and bark until Myungsoo got up.

"What?" Myungsoo said like the dog could actually talk back to him. L barked.

"Food" Myungsoo said and went down to the old office area that was now L's room. Myungsoo poured water in one bowl and dog food in the other. L happily ate and Myungsoo didn't have to wait for L to get done eating so Myungsoo tried sneaking back upstairs but every time he would L would bark or just follow him so Myungsoo had no choice and waited for L to finish so he could get upstairs to sleep.

Once L finished he walked out of the room and so did Myungsoo. L went to play with his toys while Myungsoo went to go to the bedroom to fall asleep.

"Ah" Myungsoo said as he plopped down on the bed. Finally, he had went to sleep, but this was interupted as L came into the room barking again. Myungsoo put a pillow on top of his head and tried to block out the barks. L barked even louder

Myungsoo groaned and threw the pillow off of him, "What now?" Myungsoo said in a very sleepy voice

L didn't say anything except he walked out, Myungsoo was debating on whether or not to just fall back asleep, but decided not to and see what L wanted, maybe after this time L would finally leave him alone to sleep. 

Myungsoo followed L all the way back downstairs, past the living room, kitchen, dinning room, all the way to the front door. L started scratching on the door,

"Bathroom?" Myungsoo raised an eyebrow and L barked.

Myungsoo opened the door, grabbed the dog leash, and a doggy bag and let L out as Myungsoo followed behind him. L ran out quick but not quick enough as Myungsoo caught him and put the collar on him.

Myungsoo let L lead as L sniffed down the street all the way to the dog park, which was down the street. L scoped his way through the park, stopping at different trees and sniffing around.

"Come on, I would like to get some today" Myungsoo said as L still hadn't used the bathroom yet.

Finally, L came to a stop. He started to go but then stopped and looked at Myungsoo and gave hima look

"Sorry, I'll give you your privacy" Myungsoo said as he turned around. L did his buisness and barked once he was done. Myungsoo picked up the "buisness" and threw it away at a near-by garbage can.

Once Myungsoo and L got back to the apartment Myungsoo was beyond tired not only was he tired form unpacking, but he had just taken a nice walk. Myungsoo cleaned up and went to his bed to go to sleep, but before myungsoo went to sleep he went over to L and petted him,

"So are you done? Can I finally get some sleep now?"

L barked and Myungsoo could have sworn he saw he smile a bit. Myungsoo didn't know if he was sure or not because right now he could be seeing things because he was sleepy. 

Myungsoo got into bed and finally got to sleep.


Sungyeol put the key in the lock and opened the door. Before he could even get the key out L jumped on him.

"Hey L, how have you been today?" Sungyeol said petting L.

In response L barked happily at Sungyeol.

"Did you miss me? I missed you" Sungyeol said and L barked again. Sungyeol continued petting and scratching him and L leaned into him.

"Hey, where's Myungsoo?"

L barked

"Upstair's in the bedroom?"

L barked again

Sungyeol stopped petting him so he could go upstairs to find Myungsoo. As L had said Myungsoo was uptairs in the bedroom....sleep. Sungyeol smiled at the sight. He put L down and L immediately ran back downstairs. Sungyeol didn't want to wake Myungsoo so he kept the light off as he changed out of his clothes into some more comfortable ones.

Once Sungyeol was finished he headed back downstairs. L was playing with toys. Sungyeol looked around at the boxes and looked to see if any of them were still packed. To his surprise all of them were unpacked. 

"Wow, he must of spent all day unpacking" Sungyeol said to no one.

Sungyeol looked at the clock, 8:00

"I guess I'll start dinner" Sungyeol said and started on dinner.




Myungsoo woke up due to loud banging. "What is L into now?" Myungsoo thought in his head as he headed downstairs.

Myungsoo got downstairs and found L playing by himself with his toys. Myungsoo heard more banging coming from the kitchen. Myungsoo went into the kitchen and found Sungyeol in there.

"Sungyeol" Myungsoo said rubing his eyes. He startled Sungyeol a bit.

"Myungsoo, you're up?" He smiled

"Uh yeah....what are you doing?" Myungsoo raised an brow

"I'm cooking dinner"

"You're cooking dinner?"


"Uh...don't you remember what happened last time you 'cooked' dinner?" Myungsoo crossed his arms

" What? It wasn't that was just deep fried"

Myungsoo gave him a "are you serious?" look

" was kinda bad"

"Yeah, it was"

"So what? Do you want to go out to eat?" 

"Not really, I'm tired" Myungsoo leaned on the counter tops using his elbows for support

Sungyeol came behind Myungsoo and back hugged him, "Why is my baby tired?"

"After unpacking I tried to take a nap, but L decided otherwise" Myungsoo rubbed his eyes once again and Sungyeol chuckled

"Come on" Sungyeol placed his hands on Myungsoo's shoulder and lead him out of the kitchen

"Where are we going?" Myungsoo questioned

Sungyeol lead Myungsoo upstairs to the bedroom and sat him on the bed, "Take a nap. I'll take L for a walk" Sungyeol smiled

"Really?" Myungsoo smiled, "Wait, what about dinner?"

"It's still early, we can go out once you're done with your nap"

Myungsoo smiled, "Thank you" 

"It's no problem." Sungyeol smiled, "Me and L could use some time without you anyways" Sungyeol joked

"Haha, not funny" Myungsoo said and Sungyeol laughed and right at that moment L ran in. Sungyeol picked him up

"L, you ready to go for a walk?" Sungyeol said and L barked happily

"Come on" Sungyeol rubbed under his chin

Sungyeol left to take L for a walk and Myungsoo went to sleep.....


A/N: Because this was getting kinda long I split this chapter into two :)









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I marked the story complete, but I'm still going to add the after stories. :)


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Chapter 2: I feel sad for Chanhee :((
Chapter 1: Oooooooooooh. Yoseob at the end tho. <3 <3 This book seems interesting too :))
lineth #3
awesome story, really really cute!!! I LOVE all the couples kekeke*_~
Awwww! The ending was so cute! Go chunjoe~~
Chapter 55: awwwww ChangRic *^* <3
Chapter 55: Sweet!!!!!! :D
ILoveYou_Forever #7
Chapter 55: Awwwwwwwwww~~~~~~~
Will there be more??? 0.0
Chapter 16: It's sad that they broke up ~T_T~
Bambi10 #10
Chapter 53: DAMN i love l.joes first day....sadly that how most of my first days in school went...