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A/N: I'm not completely satisfied with this chapter, but here you go. The fic is about halfway done now~


Everything about the party was making Kyung uncomfortable. There was laughter, dancing, yelling, singing, and the overall chaos that accompanied a party. Everyone was having fun, and no one was including Kyung. He’d been there for half an hour practically alone in a sea of people, already wanting to leave, when a familiar smiling face approached him.

Yukwon gave a small wave as he navigated through the crowd towards Kyung. He was surprised that his old friend was even approaching him; he was certain that he hated him, too. But from the look of Yukwon’s bright smile, that didn’t seem to be the case. “Kyung-ah!” He moved to give him a hug, thought better of it, and dropped his hands to his side. Kyung was a little thankful for that; hugging Yukwon after not seeing him for nearly a year would have been a little awkward. “I didn’t know you were here.”

Unsure what to say, Kyung gave a small shrug and smile. “I haven’t been here very long. I’ve just been…you know,” he said as he motioned to his cup, “just hanging around, I guess.” Kyung felt unbelievably awkward, but Yukwon didn’t seem to mind. He’d always liked that about Yukwon; he didn’t ever want anyone to be uncomfortable, so he always tried to ease any awkwardness. He mentioned that he was headed towards the kitchen for a drink. Kyung didn’t want any, but he followed the man anyway. It was better than standing alone at a party.

“I didn’t know you still hung out with Minhyuk,” Yukwon said as he pulled out a beer from a cooler. He popped it open, first offering some to Kyung. The man refused; he would not drink.

He shifted uncomfortably. “I don’t. He invited me and…it’s always been hard to say no to him.”

“Same,” Yukwon replied after downing nearly half of the bottle in one gulp. “I didn’t really want to come until I saw the address. I’ve always wanted to see what this place looked like on the inside.”

Kyung nodded and glanced around the apartment. It was huge – too big for one person, he thought – with a house bar, an enormous kitchen and living room, and who knew how many bedrooms. “How the hell does he even afford this place?”

“Well, he’s modeling now. Didn’t you know?” Kyung shook his head in response. “Really? I don’t see how you can avoid it. I see his ads everywhere in Gangnam and whenever I pick up some sort of fashion magazine. Always the same damn angle, too.” Yukwon struck overdramatic poses, moving his shoulders around wildly while never moving his head away from the ‘camera.’ Kyung laughed, and it almost felt genuine.

Yukwon was about to say something else when he was interrupted by a loud commotion near the front door. Both men turned their heads as a small crowd gathered, hands shooting out to greet the newcomer. Yukwon frowned and downed the rest of his drink. “Well, I wonder who that could be,” he said darkly as he set the empty bottle on a table. Shouts of ‘what’s up, Jaehyo!’ met their ears, and Yukwon sighed heavily. “Guess I should go say hi.” He left Kyung along, failing to notice all of the color had drained from his face.

He knew Jaehyo would show up. He knew that. So why was hi

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MssKimWoo #1
Chapter 12: Even though Jaehyo is a bastard I still feel sympathetic towards him, if only he could come to terms with kyung
please update I've read this over ten times and I'm still reading
Chapter 12: Won't u update....? Pls tell me if u dropped this story, i hope u dont cause i NED TO KNOW THE END!!!!!!!! I need MORE of this great story, im addicted to it !!!!! Pls!!!!
Chapter 12: ... I'm crying right now, i don't know if im sad or happy... My feelings are so stirred up!
Are you going to update it anymore? Or is this the end? (Pls not) i .....i just can't wait for a happier kyung and jaehyo....plsssss!!!! ~3
Chapter 12: what did i just read!? i had a thought of just reading anything... now im not sure if im happy or sad to have read this...T_T

this was probably the most depressing fiction i have ever read so far...i even had tears in my eyes on many occasions...

your writing style is really amazing! really! the quality of this fic is really impressive...

im going to be waiting for more...
Chapter 12: Update soon please <3
Chapter 12: this makes me really sad..
Chapter 12: Why do I feel like Jaehyo's gonna do something and everything is gonna fall apart somehow? orz Because Kyung is probably getting better while Jaehyo.. it's good to see Kyung is recovering or at least not getting worse. It's funny how I didn't get Jiho's feelings at first lol I really just thought it was friendship until last chapter or so /slow. Can't believe it's already in the end! :( thanks for the update! <3
Chapter 12: Awwww Kyung! He finally got the picture that Zico loved him. This was so beautiful and so sad! Thanks for the update. Looking forward to the next chapter!
Chapter 11: oh god, oh man... this chapter was so sad yet so beautiful. because jiho caring about kyung, the way he lit up when kyung talked about the beats, the way he got him the drink he knew kyung would like, the way he grabbed his hand.... and damn, jihos death (phone keyboard sorry) ;; honestly speaking, I thought it would be worse. like, kyung directly involved. this wasnt really his fault-- I mean;; (maybe im just too softhearted? orz). but still. for the second time this story has made me tear up. I shouldve known jihos death would be heartbreaking but jskkssiasks that last sentence--ㅠㅠ
Chapter 11: I was stalking this story for a while and now I'm going to subscribe as it got super interesting. Keep up the awesome work!