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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for such a late update. Life's been really busy lately and I haven't had time to update. Hopefully I'll be able to post chapters at least one a week. I haven't decided exactly how many chapters this will have, but it'll be quite a few. If you guys want updates on my progress (and my rants about writers' blocks), feel free to follow me on twitter! @askboxficanon


It rained the next morning, heavy curtains of water obscuring the scene outside of the kitchen window. Washed-out images of cars and people moved slowly seven stories down, and the abundance of water made everything appear to be underwater. Everything around him was drowning.

Kyung ate the breakfast his sister made for him in silence, his eyes glued to the trails of rain racing on the window’s glass. Saehim had left a few minutes earlier and insisted that she’d be back soon, but he knew her demands at her job would keep her away for the rest of the day. He didn’t mind; he needed the quiet.

An hour after his meal, he heard the small jingle notifying him of a text. Kyung pulled out his phone and cringed at the name glowing on the LED. It was, surprisingly, from Minhyuk.

«Hey! My house warming is tomorrow night. I really want u to come! We need to catch up. Let me know if u can make it k?»

Below that message was an address. It wasn’t very familiar, but it was definitely on the other side of town. He’d have to take a taxi since he didn’t have a car.

That was, of course, assuming he’d even go. Kyung still wasn’t too sure if it was a good idea. The young man glanced around the clean apartment, half-expecting Jiho to pop up and encourage him to go. But he was utterly alone in the room. He’d have to make the decision on his own.


He stalled. Minhyuk wasn’t the type to get angry if he didn’t get a reply right away, but he knew the older man would want an answer soon. Kyung stood from the table and walked over to the window and opened it. The smell of rain filled his nostrils and he inhaled deeply, savoring the earthy smell. Without thinking, he his hand outside of the window, and his pale skin was immediately drenched.

When he wondered how far the fall would be, he pulled himself back in and closed the window.

He’d rather not go to the party. There were so many people from his previous life that would be there. So many eyes staring at him and judging, wondering why the hell he was there. There were still people who hated him and blamed him, he was absolutely sure of that.

Worst of all, there was Jaehyo. He would undoubtedly be at the party and Kyung wasn’t sure if he could face him. Everything about the older man made him sick with longing and guilt, both of which were serious party-killers. He wanted, more than anything, to go back to the life he’d had two years ago, but that was impossible. Too much had changed, and too much of it was his fault.

Kyung remembered to take his pills half an hour later, but his mind was still wracked from the stress of the decision. Going would probably be disastrous. But if he didn’t go, would he regret it? He stared at the address for what had to be the hundredth time before he sighed. With slow fingers, he clicked into the response bar.

«Thanks. I’ll be there.»

He closed his phone, and he was ninety-nine percent sure he’d regret his decision.

“Waaah! So you’re going?” Saehim sang, bouncing a bit on his bed as she did so.

“Yeah,” Kyung replied, his voice barely audible over his older sister’s excited squeals.

“I’m proud of you, Kyung-ah! I think this could be really good for you. I’d go with you if I didn’t have to work.” She smoothed out some of the wrinkles on bed and smiled. Kyung was sitting in front of her, his legs hidden underneath his dark green blanket. He wished he could be as enthusiastic as his sister. Really, he did. But he found it impossible to do more than lift his lips in a fake smile.

“I probably won’t stay long. They’ll probably be drinking.”

“That won’t be so bad. Minhyukie will probably have non-alcoholic drinks, especially if he’s expecting you. He’s always been so considerate like that. Just try not to forget taxi fare.” Kyung rolled his eyes at her and pulled his legs beneath him. They both knew he was forgetful, but he didn’t like being reminded of such little things. She really did act like his mother sometimes. “Just call me if you need a ride home, okay?”

“Yeah, yeah,” he mumbled as he shimmied beneath the covers to get comfortable. It was only six in the evening

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MssKimWoo #1
Chapter 12: Even though Jaehyo is a bastard I still feel sympathetic towards him, if only he could come to terms with kyung
please update I've read this over ten times and I'm still reading
Chapter 12: Won't u update....? Pls tell me if u dropped this story, i hope u dont cause i NED TO KNOW THE END!!!!!!!! I need MORE of this great story, im addicted to it !!!!! Pls!!!!
Chapter 12: ... I'm crying right now, i don't know if im sad or happy... My feelings are so stirred up!
Are you going to update it anymore? Or is this the end? (Pls not) i .....i just can't wait for a happier kyung and jaehyo....plsssss!!!! ~3
Chapter 12: what did i just read!? i had a thought of just reading anything... now im not sure if im happy or sad to have read this...T_T

this was probably the most depressing fiction i have ever read so far...i even had tears in my eyes on many occasions...

your writing style is really amazing! really! the quality of this fic is really impressive...

im going to be waiting for more...
Chapter 12: Update soon please <3
Chapter 12: this makes me really sad..
Chapter 12: Why do I feel like Jaehyo's gonna do something and everything is gonna fall apart somehow? orz Because Kyung is probably getting better while Jaehyo.. it's good to see Kyung is recovering or at least not getting worse. It's funny how I didn't get Jiho's feelings at first lol I really just thought it was friendship until last chapter or so /slow. Can't believe it's already in the end! :( thanks for the update! <3
Chapter 12: Awwww Kyung! He finally got the picture that Zico loved him. This was so beautiful and so sad! Thanks for the update. Looking forward to the next chapter!
Chapter 11: oh god, oh man... this chapter was so sad yet so beautiful. because jiho caring about kyung, the way he lit up when kyung talked about the beats, the way he got him the drink he knew kyung would like, the way he grabbed his hand.... and damn, jihos death (phone keyboard sorry) ;; honestly speaking, I thought it would be worse. like, kyung directly involved. this wasnt really his fault-- I mean;; (maybe im just too softhearted? orz). but still. for the second time this story has made me tear up. I shouldve known jihos death would be heartbreaking but jskkssiasks that last sentence--ㅠㅠ
Chapter 11: I was stalking this story for a while and now I'm going to subscribe as it got super interesting. Keep up the awesome work!