Hey Delinquent Kiddo


" There was only you 

                     You ask me why I can only answer you

Why as well

You're younger than me and so?  "

The story runs around a 16 year old high school girl which tends to be a delinquent one day. She was out playing her guitar on public and little did she know that U-Kiss's Kiseop was one of her audience he was immediately struck by cupid's arrow. 

This story is not plagiarized in any form and will not be plagiarized /glares

I work hard on every story that I write / wrote so please stop it 

make your own plots okay? 


. Gun / Jung Lee Seul (You )  

 . 16

. Is a guitarist on a band

. is rich smart but lazy

. only interested in rock 







. Lee Kiseop 


. is a member of U-Kiss

. somewhat cold hearted 

. will do everything to get what he wants 

.Kpop icon 


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