Choices Made

It Takes Two

Watching Hoon practice cause me to giggle, the boy is extremely silly. “I thought this was supposed to be serious.” I ask him smiling as he dances around the room in a rather cute manner. “Hoon!” I giggle as he plants a kiss on my forehead.

“Well I was, and then I saw you looking all dark.” Hoon says thoughtfully. “I don’t like to see you upset.” He mumbles taking my hand turning it over in his hand a few times. “It makes me worry Pax.” He whispers sincerely.

Smiling at him I kiss his cheek affectionately. “Thank you.” I whisper getting up, wrapping my arms around Hoon’s waist. “You’re fantastic.”

Hoon returns the gesture readily. “Have you made up with Kevin yet?” Hoon asks me, frowning when I shake my head. “You should, you both are a little lonely without each other.

Sighing I look up at Hoon kissing him gently, and rather happily. We’ve been dating for a few months now. I’ve adjusted to my new life here. Even though Kevin and I aren’t exactly on speaking terms, I’m glad he and Hoon made up. “You better get back to practicing; I’ll go get some water.” I tell him smirking as Hoon groans, giving me another kiss before complying.

On my way back returning with some water I run into Kevin, him looking at me sadly, and rather regretfully. “I’m sorry.” I tell him bowing deeply.

Kevin frowns when I look back up at him. “I really can’t hate you or Hoon.” He mutters smiling at me. “I miss hanging out with you.”

Chuckling I at the now less tense atmosphere I agree. “It has been awhile.” I say sighing. “You’ve been busy huh?” I ask referring to all his schedules and whatnot. I know Hoon has, it’s difficult for us to see each other even with him living right across the hall from me.

Sighing he nods his head. “So much so that I had to break up with Xiao, the guys are happy, and she’s been staying away now.” He says laughing lightly, I already knew that. Kiseop and Hoon were eagerly telling me about the joyous news. “You should eat dinner with us again. Dongho and Eli are complaining that you only spend time with Hoon and Kiseop.”

Laughing I shake my head, Eli would complain. “I’m sorry to hear about Xiao.” I tell him even if it is a little insincere he smiles at me shaking his head. “What?”

“She really isn’t good for me. I’m not even happy around her.” He says running his hand through his hair. “I’m jealous of you and Hoon, you both are so happy together” He admits quietly.

Sighing I smile at Kevin before tapping his shoulder. “You’ll find someone.” I say before stepping away. “Anyways, I better get some water to Hoon, we should hang out again.”

“Yeah, tomorrow?” Kevin asks me eagerly, nodding my head he smiles. “Your dance room at noon?”

“Sounds good, I’ll see you at dinner then?” I ask him smiling as I open the door slightly, getting a head nod I wave good bye before walking in to see Hoon practicing diligently. “Water sweet pea.” I joke as he turns to smile at me.


Hoon’s POV


Glancing over at Paxton while dancing I frown, there it is again. That same sad look she gets from time to time, she says its nothing but it makes me worry. It’s the same look she got back in America when she told us about Willis. America that seems so long ago. We all agreed after Xiao broke up with Kevin to get him a new girlfriend, someone different. Someone exactly like Paxton, and they hit it off until the car ride back. I feel terrible for liking Paxton so much; it was enough to pretend with her, it was enough for a while. I got greedy though. I know how much Kevin still like her, and yet Paxton refused him, so it was ok right? Maybe not, but Paxton and Kevin started to fight again and she turned to me. Our fake relationship just seemed so real to me that I forgot that I shouldn’t like her. Dancing around I smile happily, having gotten Pax to laugh and smile made me feel better.

As Pax comes back in handing me some water I grin happily, she always looks beautiful, and despite everything that’s happened to her she’s smiling again, even if it is only recently, and I’m glad to be part of that joy. “So I was thinking that this weekend I take you out on a fantastic date away from prying eyes and your protector of which is annoying.” I ask her wiggling my eyebrows, earning an intrigued look from my lovely girlfriend.

“I would say we should go then, but how to escape the ever watchful pigeon?” she jokes back lightly.

Chuckling I gulp down my water, “I have my ways and besides Dongho owes me for covering for him last week.” I explain happily. “You seem in a rather chipper mood.” I note watching her smile happily.

Shaking her head she picks up a towel and proceeds to wipe some of my sweat off my face. “It could be that my boyfriend is planning this fantastic date for us and I happen to adore my boyfriend.” She says lightly patting my face. “And I talked to Kevin; I’m eating dinner with you guys tonight.” She adds.

Grinning I lift her up, surprised she wraps her arms around my neck, “Yah, Hoon!” She says giggling happily.

“I can’t help it, you and Kevin were good friends and…”I mumble leaving the rest off.

Paxton smiles at my sympathetically. “What happened wasn’t your fault, mine, Kevin’s or anyone’s.” She says softly. “I like you, and you make me happy, happy in a way that I haven’t felt in such a long time. So don’t dwell on what happened between the three of us. I made my choice, you made your choice and that’s that.”

Another chapter, I'm rather pleased with how this story is turning out. I hope you guys are. ^^ Well an update

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ssweetdreamer101 #1
poor jelly kev :'(
ssweetdreamer101 #2
starlightdust #4
finish finish finish!
Finish it! I love this one!!
ssweetdreamer101 #6
EHHH? YAHHHH! (not to be rude lol) FINISH THE STORYYYYY!!! i LOVE this fanfic!
ssweetdreamer101 #7
i won't hate but now i want to read more!
ssweetdreamer101 #8
Kevin don't ever give up she coming around :)
starlightdust #9
yay she agrees to move on :D