The Next K-pop Star

"What's up, man?" Seungri asks and gives g-dragon a friendly punch on his shoulder. "I am looking through the auditions", g-dragon says while writing something down on a sheet of paper. Seungri bends over the desk GD is sitting at to read what he is writing, but g-dragon pushes him away. "Not yet, you impatient dongsaeng", g-dragon says. "This is top-secret".

There's been a tiring week. Not only did GD have to look through all the audition and interview clips to choose the 20 finalists, but he also had to work on filming his new music video, Michigo. He had also started a word tour, which would be the first world tour he did on his own without the other members of BigBang. The proposal had come from papa YG, who meant that GD had to get out there and show the world how "amazing" he was. Sometimes he felt like the people around him forgot that he was human too. He was exhausted, but they never gave him enough time to relax. When he finished something, he was rewarded with even more work. He didn't know where he would have been if it wasn't for his friends and family. He would probably not have handled all of this. The hard work, the fame, no privacy and the saesang fans who were threatening him and his family.

"Ok, then I will leave you to it", Seungri says and walks out of the room. GD wishes he could go with him and have some fun, but he knows that he can't. He has to finish this so that he can focus more on his other obligations. He takes up his cellphone from his pocket and clicks on the Twitter-app. He takes a picture of himself and posts it. He want his fans to see that he is fine and he writes that he will see them soon on tour. He wants his fans to see that he is fine, and not worry since he hasn't tweeted for a long time. He goes on "interactions" and has to smile when he sees the cheering words from his fans. They always give him so much happiness and they motivate him to do his best and work hard. After all, he knows that he is making someones day for every tweet he sends and every song he releases. He thinks that it is really cute when foreign fans try to tweet him in Korean so that he can understand them, and he really appreciates all their effort. He knows that a lot of fans are learning Korean only to be able to talk to him. That's the reason that he is so eager to learn English even better. He also wants to be able to communicate with all his fans no matter where they come from or where they live.

With a wide smile on his face and a body filled with brand new energy, he puts his phone back in the pocket and continues to write down his notes. He watches through the audition video he has uploaded on his laptop one more time, before concluding that he wrote down all the necessary details and clicks on the next video. He then sees a girl appear on the screen who is wearing a short, black dress which is covering her knees. He recognizes her as the non-asian girl who had sung the rather unusual, but original song on the audition in London. He once again watches how she stumbles across the stage on her way to the microphone. She grabs it with both her hands and looks like she is about to puke. He has to laugh a bit, when watching her face expression. Her audition was completely the opposite from his own audition. He had been nervous, but as soon as he entered the stage he felt like it was the place he belonged. He wanted to show the judges that they were the ones who needed him and that they had to accept him, because they would definitely regret it if they didn't. But she, on the other hand... she looked like she felt uncomfortable and that she didn't believe in herself, nor her song. He wasn't paying much attention to her at that time, but that was because he hadn't heard her sing yet. When the music started and she opened , he felt like he was driven away to another world. He had the same feeling now. It was something special about that girl, something unique in her voice. He had a feeling that she could make it big, if she only learned how to control her nerves and believe in herself. The problem was that he was the only one who thought that way. He would probably have to argue with the other judges to push her through to the next round, but he felt like she needed another chance. He had a good feeling about that girl.

G-dragon had just finished watching all the audition videos, when Sandara walked in. "How are you doing?" Sandara asks and looks at him with a smile. "Fine", he answers and stands up from his chair. He feels a pain in his back, he had been sitting there for hours without taking a break. He looks at Sandara. He doesn't really know where they are standing. Sandara had been giving him unclear signs and he didn't really know if she was still interested or not. They had been dating in the past, but then they just stopped claiming that they were better off as friends. But their fans were still shipping them like crazy, claiming that "Daragon", as they liked to call them, was "real". He didn't know himself if they were real or not. Sometimes they were flirting, and sometimes there was an awkward silence between them. For now, he was happy with just being friends with Sandara. She was a great friend, but he didn't know how he would feel if she started seeing someone else.

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