Remember me?



       Ukwon looked at Taeil, "us? I don't know..I was hoping you'd tell me." Taeil looked down disappointed, "there's no hope, I found you by chance. I don't even know where the others are. I'm glad I found you though. We'll get your memory back I promise." Ukwon looked at Taeil, "memory? I lost my memory? But, I've been on this boat all my life..." Taeil looked at Marco and looked back at Ukwon. Marco spoke up "he's been saying that every since he got he was born here or something." Marco started to think. He looked over at the beautiful archeologist for help. She looked at Taeil "I think I might know. Your friends got sent here, but your one of the lucky ones that remembers everything. The others aren't do lucky. They must have adapted a life here if some sort." Taeil almost dropped to his knees, it hit him hard, that meant he had to some how get all their memories back. Even the crazy ones. Ukwon looked at Taeil and said "so, I am part of you 'lost friends'...well someone better help me with this memory stuff." Taeil didn't know where to start. He looked over to Nami and Luffy, they had no clue. "That's it!" Taeil ran to his bag and pulled out his iPod. He set up a speaker and selected "Nillili Mambo."
      The music started and Ukwon listened closely. It sounded so familiar. Ukwon bobbed his head, and soon he started to sing along to every note. "Ukwon!" Taeil said excitingly. Ukwon's eyes glew a bright green and he fell to the ground. Ukwon held his head and groaned, "where am I?...Taeil? Luffy?.....LUFFY!?" Ukwon got up and looked around quickly. Taeil hugged Ukwon tightly like he never wanted to let go. "Taeil! What's going on? Where are we? Where are the others?" Taeil looked at him "I don't know, we got transported here somehow. We need to find the others, I'll explain."
---2 hours---
      Ukwon listened to everything Taeil had to say. "Our showcase! Oh no...we're so dead." Taeil looked at Ukwon and thought if the manager wouldn't kill them, something here would. Ukwon looked at his hands and set them on fire. "This is amazing! I just can't believe it! I'm in my favorite anime!" Ukwon squealed and almost lit the place on fire. "So, I'm like, the reincarnation of Portgas D. Ace...." Ukwon looked over at Luffy and swallowed hard. "Sorry, I'm so sorry. I read about your brother and he was a great guy." Luffy looked at Ukwon and got up quickly, he walked out to the deck. Taeil followed Luffy. "Luffy! Please don't hate Ukwon, he's just a really big fan...he loves your show!" Luffy stared at Taeil "my show!? What show!!!? I don't have one..." Taeil knew there was no way to explain til the rest of the members got there. "Please. Just help us find the others, then we'll explain." Luffy looked over the railing. "Ace...was a great brother. He never let anything happen to me, but I always hurt him. It was my fault." Taeil looked down and didn't say anything. "You can't say that!" Ukwon interrupted "he loved you! That's why he did it...and he wanted the best for does Sabo." Luffy knew this was some type of magic, he mentioned "Sabo" no one knew that. Luffy smiled and looked at Ukwon "I like you. Lets be friends!" He help out his hand. Ukwon almost had a spasm he was so excited. They shook hands and walked inside to join the others. "We need to find someone you have anything of anyone's Ukwon?" Frank asked. Ukwon sat and thought, "oh! Yes! I have Pyo's candy bar he never finished!" Taeil's heart sped up. Pyo, out of everyone it was Pyo. Taeil loved Pyo more than anything. He was a great friend, and secretly a great boyfriend. He never told the group but it was true. Ukwon looked at the blushing Taeil and waved his hand in front of his face. "Wake up! Quit day dreaming, we have a Maknae to find!" Taeil smiled and nodded. "Yeah, we're coming Pyo. My sweet Pyo..."
Sorry it's short, but it's hard coming up with stuff. It's hard to put One Piece and Block B together. The next chapter will be better no doubt!
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Chapter 13: ill choose 1 (that sounded like pokemon in my mind while i was typing)
Chapter 13: im freaking fangirling right now!!! YOU A GENIUS FOR MIXING THESE TWO UP!!! i have nillili mambo playing on repeat while reading this im seriously freaking squealing!! goddamn this is genius! please update soon!!! fighting author-nim
Chapter 13: Jsvduxjdbxkdyehsvsjdhdjdj!!!!!!!!!!
Did zico die!?!?!?
Oh my gosh I can't wait for the next chapter!!!!!
I wanna know what happened to zico!!!!!
Great update by the way :)
Chapter 12: *dies even harder* I can't....this...too much for Me
To handle!!!!! That zico and kyung moment was!!!!
Omg too good fo words! Please I want to read when
The marines come :) I love this story with a passion!!!!
Chapter 11: Aw ma gawd! *dies* zikyung moment!!!! It is a
Must!!! I love this story soo much!!! I can't even
Begin to say my feelings!@.@
Chapter 10: Do zico next!!!! I.must read !!!!
Chapter 9: I just love Jaehyo here! Oh and I can't handle the
Wait for the next chapter!:) thank you spook much for
Making this story :)
Chapter 8: I can't go on!!!the amount of feels!!!!!!
I love this story soo much!!!!! I wanna see
Jaehyo meet them!!!!!!!!!I love your update!!!!
Chapter 7: Such a good update! I really want to see.about
Taepyo but then I want Moe zico but I want them to
Intros if the other members!!!awww too much!!!!
Please update.soon!!!! I just love this!!!!!