New World


     "Hey, hey kid..wake up!" The strawhat captain poked a boy laying on the beach. "I guess he's dead.." The strawhat boy looked up and down the boys body. He was wearing such nice clothes to be a pirate, but not too fancy to be a marine. He scooped the boy up and carried him not to far. He laid him on the deck of his ship called "Thousand Sunny" he just stared. He was waiting for him to open his eyes. The rest of the crew gathered around to see what the captain had gotten into this time.

     "Luffy! You can't just grab people out of the ocean! Your such a lost cause aren't you!?" The red headed navigator was fuming. The crew was just watching this boy laying on their deck, but no sign of movement. Sanji took his cigarette out of his mouth and chuckled "we could cook him." Food did sound good to Luffy, but he refused. The crew almost jumped off the ship they were so surprised. "He's alive. I know he is...and he's joining our crew!" The pirates once again almost jumped over board from the captains confidence in his words. "Well, it's ok with me.." Zoro looked at the others while he said this. The others just nodded. It was the captains choice, and nothing would stop him. Chopper quickly brought out the first aid, he wrapped the boy's arm and listened to his heart. "He should be waking up, but he needs to take it easy." Luffy understood, it was for the best that they would call it a night. Franky grabbed the boy and laid him gently in the doctor's den. "I'm not sure about this Luffy." The navigator looked worried. "He could be an enemy!" She stared at the captain, but he just walked away not really caring for what she said. Nami walked into her room and rolled her eyes. "This is just great...such an idiot he is!"

     Morning arose and the sky was a light orange. Taeil got up slowly and looked around. "What? What is this place?" He was so confused, yesterday he was coming home from the studio, and now he's on a doctors bed. He remembered talking to Zico about the upcoming show and how amazing it would be. "Oh! Zico! I forgot...I have to talk to him.." Taeil went out on the deck. The boat rocked and he suddenly felt sick, he hated boats and anything that rocked. "Where am I?..Zico? Jihoonie? Ukwon!?" He called out his friends at least three times. Nothing. "Your awake!" Luffy crashed into Taeil and hugged him tightly. "I'm glad I saved you! You were unconscious on the beach!" Luffy just laughed and patted Taeil's back. This was crazy, Taeil was staring right at a fictional character of Ukwon's favorite manga. Taeil screamed "WHO ARE YOU!? W-WHERE AM I!?" The sudden commotion jolted the crew up and up to the deck. Zoro got his swords ready, and Nami got into a fighting stance. Chopper looked from behind "oh! Your awake!" Taeil was beyond lost, last night he was partying with his friends now he's in some type of dream. "What's your name new crew mate!?" Luffy screamed. "W-what!? Crew mate?....Taeil. And your Luffy right?" The crew was surprised at young Taeil's response. "You know me!? I guess I'm really popular." Taeil giggled and looked at Luffy "of course you are, I mean in Asia you're really famous! Your on books, movies, even toilet paper!" Sanji got closer to Taeil and thought of him as a liar. Taeil then thought of his friends, where were they? Are they ok? "I'm sorry but where am I? I'm so lost. I'm suppose to be getting ready for a show right now." Robin only chuckled, she was amused by the boy being so naive. Nami stared and said "your in the New World. And Luffy want you to be part of our crazy crew." Taeil sighed and needed so much explaining for what was happening.


     Taeil sat at the table and thought of his friends. "Your not from here are you? Robin spoke up. The strawhat a quickly looked and waited for Taeil to speak. He averted his eyes and opened his mouth "I know I'm not. I think I'm from a different world. I'm part of a band called Block B. I was with them last night in the City, but now I'm here. I don't think I'm from this world. Not that I'm an alien! But...yeah." Taeil looked down. "Your friends?" Zoro said "Where are they?" Taeil looked at the green haired man and looked back down. "I don't know..I think we all got separated from eachother." What Taeil said sent a shock wave of déjà vu to the crew. It was Kuma all over again, they knew it must have been him. Luffy knew what it felt like to be away from friends, he hated it. He knew what it felt like to have something you loved dearly taken away from you. "We'll help you Taeil. As long as you let us." Luffy was confident. It was a new adventure for all of them. Usopp looked toward Taeil "please stay with us! It'll be great!" Taeil felt at home, he felt this before. It was like he was with Block B. he felt loved. Taeil let off a nod and smiled. Brooke let out a laugh "Yohoho! I guess it's time to celebrate!" Nami looked around "Wait, wait, wait! What about his friends!? We need to find them first! i mean they could be anywhere!" Nami said. She was right, how do you find people if you don't know where to even start looking? Luffy looked up confidently and grabbed Taeil's shoulder "we'll find them! It's not that hard, but for now you can stay here as an assistant doctor for chopper!" Taeil smiled at the captains generosity. No wonder Ukwon loved this Manga and Show so much, it was like a family. They were so nice and kind, the complete opposite of what you'd think. Taeil then remembered his bag he left in the room. "Maybe we could track them. Ukwon told be Franky was a cool cyborg. You must of something to help us track them!" Franky was intrigued by the boys knowledge of the whole crew. It was a little 'iffy' wether he was a enemy playing a trick, or a lost kid. "I might have something, if not, i can probably make something up." Taeil was relieved, he had a chance to find his friends again. Taeil got up and walked out the doorway to go find his bag. He grabbed the blue-ish green bag and brought it too the table. He hoped something was in there he could use.

      The crew watched all the devices Taeil pulled out. He had a iPod, chargers, make up, and a cell phone. "That's it!" Taeil screamed "I can call my friends!!" Taeil opened his phone and realized there was no service. Of course, why didn't he think of this? He was in the middle of the ocean, not an apple store. "Damn it. I really need to hear their voices. I miss them so much...exspecially Jihoon." Taeil's heart beat speed up. When he thought of Jihoon and how childish he was, it made him so happy. Tears began surfacing in his eyes. "I want them back..please help me. Please." Luffy was shocked, he saw this sight before, he was asked for help many times but this was different. It was going to be tough but he was willing to take on the challenge. "Taeil, we'll help you. No matter what the cost is." The rest of the crew nodded and put their hands on Luffy's hand. Taeil joined in with tears running down his face. All he wanted was to see Zico and the others. I bet they felt the same way. "For now, we need to find something in your bag to help us find your friends." Luffy grabbed the bag and emptied it on the table, everyone scanned over everything, at least twice. It was all just clothes for the upcoming show. Well, there's no show anymore. Taeil sat down in defeat, there was absoultely nothing to be found. Not even a little piece of food they boys put in his bag. Taeil looked at all the rummaged stuff and felt empty. He thought he never was going to see his friends again. This was then end for Block B. 

     "Hey look!" Just then Chopper pulled up a pink brush with hair on it. Taeil's stomach filled with butterflies, he grabbed the brush and examined the hairs. He sighed in relief to find one of Ukwon's hairs. Taeil then was glad he let Ukwon borrow his stuff. From now on, if anyone of his friends wanted to borrow something he was going to let them. This was so relieving to him that he began crying. He ran to Franky's workshop. "Franky! Franky! I found something, will this work?" Taeil held up the hair. In response to Taeil's excitement the strawhat a were following Taeil like lost puppies. They were so interested in these "lost friends." Franky smiled and took the hair "this will do for now!" Franky pulled up a device and said "Now introducing the new SUPER tracker, I call it SUPERTRACKER1200!" Luffy and Chopper almost burst into flames they were so excited. Taeil was excited, he actually had a chance to find at least one person that could explain what happened. Franky made a few adjustments to the device and set it on the table. "Alright, lets get this party started!" Franky put in the little brown hair and waited for a response. The machine lit up and made various beeping noises. The crew was so anxious for something to happen next. The machine then lit up on the screen, a coordinate pop up on the map. It was north from where they were. It was a massive boat, with a whale for a head. The crew knew where Taeil's lost friend was instantly. They all got ready from Luffy's response. "I guess we're headed toward the WhiteBeard pirates...."


hey guys! I hope you like it so far! Pleas check out my other story "lost boy." If you like this story please comment and subscribe! I really need to know if it's good or not! There will be more involvement with other bands and characters in later chapters, so stick along! Yes there is alittle taepyo, get over it, teehee. The next chapter is for Ukwon and the WhiteBeard pirates!!!!



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Chapter 13: ill choose 1 (that sounded like pokemon in my mind while i was typing)
Chapter 13: im freaking fangirling right now!!! YOU A GENIUS FOR MIXING THESE TWO UP!!! i have nillili mambo playing on repeat while reading this im seriously freaking squealing!! goddamn this is genius! please update soon!!! fighting author-nim
Chapter 13: Jsvduxjdbxkdyehsvsjdhdjdj!!!!!!!!!!
Did zico die!?!?!?
Oh my gosh I can't wait for the next chapter!!!!!
I wanna know what happened to zico!!!!!
Great update by the way :)
Chapter 12: *dies even harder* I can't....this...too much for Me
To handle!!!!! That zico and kyung moment was!!!!
Omg too good fo words! Please I want to read when
The marines come :) I love this story with a passion!!!!
Chapter 11: Aw ma gawd! *dies* zikyung moment!!!! It is a
Must!!! I love this story soo much!!! I can't even
Begin to say my feelings!@.@
Chapter 10: Do zico next!!!! I.must read !!!!
Chapter 9: I just love Jaehyo here! Oh and I can't handle the
Wait for the next chapter!:) thank you spook much for
Making this story :)
Chapter 8: I can't go on!!!the amount of feels!!!!!!
I love this story soo much!!!!! I wanna see
Jaehyo meet them!!!!!!!!!I love your update!!!!
Chapter 7: Such a good update! I really want to see.about
Taepyo but then I want Moe zico but I want them to
Intros if the other members!!!awww too much!!!!
Please update.soon!!!! I just love this!!!!!