Jealousy {D.O / KAI}

EXO one-shots

  { Jealousy }

Word Count: 1, 352
Pairing: D.O / KAI

{♥} aDOrable_ {♥}

"There's nothing I can do, i just gravitate towards you."



It had been an especially long and tiring performance and Kyungsoo felt nothing but extreme fatigue and a bubbling jealousy he’d never bring himself to admit. Although he knew that Jongin loves him and that will never change because he can see the way Jongin looks at him, the ‘sekai’ pair still bothers him some. He has enough to worry about sekai and now there’s one more taemin in the picture. He hadn’t been upset when taemin literally jumped onto jongin’s back, but he hadn’t been over the moon either. Kyungsoo knows that it shouldn’t be something worth bothering him because taemin and Jongin clearly love each other as brothers, nothing but brothers but it still irks him that someone else has access to his precious jongin’s body. Jongin’s body is addictive, his warmth and the orange scent, and one can easily become hooked. Kyungsoo tries hard, but still he gets jealous.

Things get even worse after the incident of Jongin being grabbed by a girl outside SM building. Kyungsoo had not witnessed it, he had entered the building first but the moment the crazed shouts reached him he knew something was wrong.

“A fan grabbed Jongin’s arm.” Sehun had mumbled, and the smile on kyungsoo’s face had faded noticeably. “Jongin, are you okay? Did she grab you like, hard?”

Kyungsoo couldn’t even bear to meet jongin’s eyes as he slipped away from them and into the practice room.

Panting hard and sweat trickling down his face generously, Kyungsoo slumps against the mirror, exhausted. He’s been careful to avoid all forms of contact with Jongin, both verbal and physical, and this practice he makes sure to focus on only himself in the mirror instead of letting his eyes flicker over to jongin’s strong build.

“Kyungsoo hyung, want anything to drink?” Chanyeol asks from the door and Kyungsoo politely declines his offer, pointing at the bottle of mineral water beside him. “Okay then, I’ll go get drinks with Baekhyun.”

Kyungsoo makes the mistake of lifting his head and meeting jongin’s eyes, and Jongin smiles, and it takes everything to not return that smile Kyungsoo adores so much. Jongin strides toward Kyungsoo but Joonmyun beats him to it, and Kyungsoo leans toward the elder without even tossing a glance in jongin’s way, hoping that this will tell Jongin that he wants him to back off.

Nope, don’t come near.

It’s not even jongin’s fault, Kyungsoo knows, but still he just feels angry and jealous and insecure and frustrated. Joonmyun doesn’t notice Kyungsoo frustrated expression and jongin’s lingering stare and blabbers on non-stop, and Jongin has no choice but to pull sehun out of the practice room to god-knows-where. Kyungsoo tries not to let them bother him as well, but he’s so sensitive at the moment he ends up cursing at Sehun in his head. And since he’s already there, he curses at Jongin as well. And in the end he even curses at Joonmyun good-naturedly for being a little too talkative.

Kyungsoo is the first one out of the door after practice, leaving no one with enough reaction time to catch up with him as he races down the stairs and out of the backdoor and crosses his fingers that no fans will be there. Fans are usually at the front door because that’s where EXO’s van is parked; EXO will have to get through the front door to get into the van to return to the comfort of their dorm.

Thankfully there are no fans around the backdoor and Kyungsoo makes it home in one piece, still slightly sweaty but a lot cooler and less angry. He lets out a breathy little sigh, no idea how he should face the members. Their manager would definitely give him hell for running off without even telling them. He imagines how worried and angry Jongin must have been and whimpers, stopping outside the door. He’s the last one back, which is obvious since the rest took the van back home, the faster mode of transport.





After Kyungsoo is sure he’s got his temper under control he keys in the password and waits for the ‘ding’ before letting himself in. He shuts the door, preparing himself for whatever confrontation that is headed for him but no amount of preparation would have been enough to deal with the ball of Jongin headed straight for him. A pair of thick warm lips claims his own lips and he leans in, kissing back with the same ferocity and clawing at jongin’s biceps. When Jongin has enough sense to pull away Kyungsoo realizes that he’s trembling. It has been awful ignoring and being mad at Jongin, and it has been a lot more than awful knowing that he can’t really blame Jongin because it’s not jongin’s fault.

“Are you mad at me? Did I do something wrong?”

Jongin’s words nearly bring tears to kyungsoo’s eyes. Any other boyfriend would have been mad at their other half for suddenly going all mad and jealous and giving them the cold shoulder, anyone but Jongin.

“It’s not your fault, really,” Kyungsoo sighs, and Jongin listens on intently. “I just got jealous and mad, you know? It just really irks me to see other people having their hands all over you. Taemin, Sehun, and the girl just now. It’s like everyone wants a piece of my property and it isn’t pleasant at all, but ultimately it’s not your fault and I shouldn’t take it out on you. I’m sorry, Jongin, but I just couldn’t control myself.”

Kyungsoo lowers his head, expecting Jongin to snap or lash out at him but instead he’s met with a pair of warm arms curling around his waist and the melodious tinkling of jongin’s laughter. When he looks up he stares right into jongin’s eyes and Jongin smiles; the smile he smiles only for Kyungsoo and Kyungsoo kisses him again.

“Don’t you dare share that smile with anyone but me,” The shorter one whispers against his lips, standing on his toes as he nudges jongin’s nose with his own and then kisses him again, wondering how he had been able to stop attacking those lips in the past.

“Never would, hyung, you know that. And don’t you ever feel jealous again, you know that there’s only one person I love – you. I can’t even choose to not love you, hyung, there’s nothing I can do, I just gravitate towards you.”

Kyungsoo lets his eyes well up with tears and Jongin makes sure to kiss his eyelids, all the while holding Kyungsoo close.

“Those people, they don’t mean a thing. Do you understand what I’m trying to say, hyung? They may touch me, and I may laugh, but that’s the furthest it’d go. They will never make me feel how you make me feel; they’ll never set my world on fire, they’ll never make me want to have just one more kiss before I go, they’ll never make me get butterflies. All those things, they only happen when I’m with you. Baby, you’re the only one.”

Kyungsoo doesn’t know what to say and instead chooses to bury his face into jongin’s neck, blissfully warm.

“And I’ll show you how much I love you, all night long.”

The older goes an unattractive shade of red and pushes Jongin away playfully, but jongin’s arms are so tight around him it only knocks both of them deeper into the empty dorm. “Where are the others?”

“I told them to get their clothes and get out.”

Kyungsoo gasps. “You didn’t!”

“I did,” Jongin his brows smugly. “They went to M’s dorm. Well, they were reluctant to at first, but I threatened to have on their beds and that did the job.”

Jongin probably knew that Kyungsoo was going to scream at him so he captures the moment and finds his way to kyungsoo’s lips again.

And just like that, they fall for each other all over again, knowing that nothing and nobody will come their way now. Kyungsoo and Jongin, it’d take more than eternity to come between them. 



[ aDOrable_ : hello hello! thanks for reading and commenting, i read the comments and literally smile in real life haha! you guys are so sweet i really appreciate all of you~ don't forget to drop by my livejournal because i have some stories posted there which are not posted here! and don't hesitate to talk to me on twitter either; i have a two-days break from school and i've been really bored. i love you all! cheers xoxo ]




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yozent #1
Chapter 5: Aww so cute^-^
sehun Taemin back the Fu*k away lol
kyuxosm #2
Chapter 2: oh i hate youuu this is so freakin cute that i cant resist /blowing mind/
Chapter 4: It's so cuteeee the fluff <3
yozent #4
Chapter 3: Awww its cute but really sad
I don't really know wat I'm saying
I guess I'm in the middle?
Idk my mind is blown~
Chapter 1: GAHHHHHHHHHHHH /strangles jongin/
GUHHHHHHHHH /kicks sehun/
MUTHA____A JASDKJSKDJSA. Okay, okay...
/proceeds to next chapter
yozent #6
Chapter 2: Awww how cute x)
Althouggt the first one is sad
I still love them both
semi-vegetarian #7
Chapter 2: Holy craaaaaaaaaaaaaap, the ending of chapter 2 is 'prection', I swear! :)

Subscribed and currently waiting for updates :)
jj1231 #8
Chapter 1: What is this depressing-ness....sobs....kaisoo...:( this story is really good but....kaisoo....;n;
Chapter 1: whut hwut whut? that's the end? NO NONO MO LONOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! NO! kaisoo is suppose to be happy! Why why why!!!!!! T.T but this story was so good. I guess its okay to end it like that.