

After walking for another 20 minutes, we finally made it to the security office. Aron talked to the security guard and explained everything to him. The security guard was speaking so fast i could not understand anything he said. He put his hand on Han's shoulder, and she grabbed my hand.

I looked at Aron with my confused face.

"It's ok. He said he will take care of her and make an announcement over the intercome so she can find her parents. He said he was going to take her to the back to a room and then he put his hand on her shoulder to guide her to the room and she grabbed your hand. He said we can leave now." Aron told me in English. Everyone was looking at me.

"Unnie. Can you PLEASE stay with me?" Hani told me while doing ageyo.

I looked at the security guard. "Can i please stay with her so I can explain what happened to her parents when they come?" I said in Korean.

The boys said they had to go and Ren handed me my stuff. We all said goodbye to each other and the security guard took us to a couch to wait for her parents.

"Unnie.  Are we going to see each other again?" Hani said while looking at the floor.

I put my hand on her shoulder. "That will be up to your parents if we can hang out again. I would love to though."

Hani started to cry and i hugged her tightly. "Don't cry. Show your parents that you can be strong even without them."

"hank you Unnie.."

"Anytime. Hey i know what will make you feel better!"


"The dance i promised you."

"REALLY?!?!" she said with the worlds brightnest smile.

"Yes." I got my Ipod out of my purse and asked the security guard if i could play the music outloud. He said yes. I placed my Ipod in the dock they had and started to go through my music. I decided to play " I Can Transform Ya". I let the music play for a few seconds. I closed my eyes and let the music flow through me. It felt so good to dance. It has been so long since i last danced. i put all my soul into this dance not for Hani or my sister, but for me.

When the music ended, I heard clapping all around me. I opened my eyes to find Hani, the security guard and other staff people clapping alond with Ren, Baekho, Minhyun, Jr, and Aron.

"I thought you guys left..."

"I left my phone in your bag." Ren said. I went to the bag and handed him the phone. He then put his arm on my shoulder."Now was that so hard?" He sarcastically said. I lightly hit him in his arm.

"You were amazing!" JR said while patting my head. I moved his hand out of my hair.

"Are you in a erforming class at school?" Minhyun asked


"Well you should be" Baekho said.

They all left again and Hani and I started to wait for her parents to come. To pass time we started playing games untill two people came into the Security office. When they saw Hani, they ran stright to her.

"Are you alright sweetie? Are you hurt anywhere?" The mother said while hugging and looking at Hani.

When the mother saw me, we oth stared at each other.

"Sunsanim! This is your child?"

"Yes. What are you doing here?"

"She bought me here along with some other people. She's the best mommy!"

"I thought you were going to see the movie."

"I was until I found a scared little girl crying because she lost her parents."

"She bought me this bear!" Hani said wile grabbing the bear.

"Why did you do all of this for her?"

"Because she reminds me of my sister. She's back home in America and i miss her alot." I said.

"Thank you so much. What can we do to pay you back for what you have done?" Hani's dad asked.

"Can i hang out with Hani more? She's just like my sister."

"Please mommy?" Hani said.

hani's parents both looked at each other. "We have no problem with that." they said. Hani ran over to them and hugged them. I bowed to them and hugged Hani because they had to leave.

We all left and went our seperate ways.

I went home, took a shower, and fell asleep.


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