Just Bear with it. .


"Hani, I think it's time for us to find the security office now." I tell Hani patting her head. She starts to cry again so i pull her into a hug.

"It's ok. Everything will be ok. Trust me." I tell her trying to comfort her. 

A few tears fall down my cheeks while Hani hugs me back, making my hoodie wet from her tears. Hani reminds me of my little sister. I loved her to death and would do anything for her. I did not want to come to Korea by myself without my family, but my dad forced me. Hugging Hani makes me think of my sister and i can tell that they are simular to each other. 

"Hani, i think I know what will make you feel better."


"Follow me!" I take her hand and pull her into a stuffed animal store. This store had so many stuffed animal of item of anything you could think of! It's like Toys R us combined with Build A Bear, but only ten times awesomer. I saw Hani's eyes light up at the sight of all the animals.

"I'll buy you any stuffed animal you want. Ok?"

"THANK YOU UNNIE!!!" she said hugging me tightly before looking around the store.

There were lions, and tigers, and bears, "OH MY" i said as i came across a huge teddy bear. It was colorful, like a rainbow had thrown up on it. I picked it up and gave it to Hani.

"Do you like this one?" I said hold the bear up to her. It was just a little shorter then her, and she smiled.

"I LOVE IT!!! can i get this one??/PLEASEEEE!!!"

"Yes you can. Now help me pick out one!"

"We should get the same one o we can have matching ones and never forget each other!"

"Sounds good to me!"

I pick up another bear and we check out. Yes the bears were expensive, but it was worth it to see her smile.

After walking for about 10 minutes, i notice Hani start to rub her eyes.

"Are you tired?"

"A little."

"Well, just bear with it a little longer until we get to the security office." I say while making my bear dance in front of her. She started to laugh and we both smiled until i fell to the floor.

A guys helped me up and apologized to me.

"I'm sorry it was an accid- HEY! Your the girl from the bus stop!" He told me.

"Yeah! And you were the guy laughing at me."

"Sorry about that." he said. "I'm Ren by the way."


"I know."

"So do you know where the security office is?"

"Um yeah. I was about to go there. I'll take you."

"Thanks. Let's go Hani!"

"Who's Hani."

"ME!" Hani said jumping up in the air. I laughed at Hani's cuteness and patted her head so she would calm down

"she lost her parents here, so i'm taking her to the security office."

"That's sad."


"So what's with the bears?"

"When my little sister was sad, i would always buy her a stuffed animal, and it would always cheer her up, so i thought it would cheer Hani up too."

"Did it work?"

"Oh yeah! Her face instantly became happy."

After that we became quiet for a while until Ren broke the silence.

"So how's your sister doing?" One of his hands was in the pocket, the other holding my bear for me. When he asked the question, i looked at the ground.

"I don't know. I haven't talked to her since i came to Korea."

"Where is she?"

"At home with my parents."

"so who are you living with?"

"No one..." My eyes start to water, but i don't want ti cry. Not in front of Hani or Ren. i guess Ren saw me though.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"No it's ok. I'm fine. Really." i put on a fake smile.

"Are you ok unnie?"

"Yeah. I'm fine Hani."

Soon we passed a milkshake stand and we al had o get one. Hani got strawberry, I got vanilla, and Ren got chocolate. We all sat down at a table and began to talk. Manly it was Ren and I because Hani focused more on her shake. It was fun talking to Ren. We have a lot in common like preforming.   somehow managed to get Ren to preform in the middle of the mall and he was amazing. Then he tried to get me to do it. I immediently rejected the offer and he started to tickle me. I'm very ticklish so it even more.

"Preform and i'll stop tickling you" he told me.

When i finally got my breathe back i answered "Fine. Just this ONE time."

I go to the spot where he preformed and started to play my ipod.

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