

"I can't." I said walking back to Ren and Hani. Its not that I don't want to preform, it's just that i don't have the confidence in Korea like I did in America.

"PLEASE UNNIE!!" Hani said.

"Maybe later Hani."

"Party pooper" Ren told me.

"Fart-er" I responded sticking my tongue at him and picking up my bear.

"Let's go!"

"Unnie. Can we go to Karaoke? You can dance and sing there!" Hani said.

"But we have to find your parents first..."

"come on. Just one hour wont hurt. I'll call up my guys and we can all do it." Ren said pulling out his phone.


"Yo! Baekho! Karaoke at the one by the food court. Bring the others and Hurry up!" Ren said before closing his phone.

"It's on!" He said giving me a smile. He then went over to Hani and grabbed her bear so she did not have to carry it. He held her hand and Hani held my hand. 

We went to the Karaoke bar and waited for the others. When they all showed up we rented a room for one hour. We also explained to them the situation with Hani. They all understood and they started playing with Hani.

"Marie! You should preform first.!" Minhyun said pulling my arm trying to get me off of the seat.

"No. You guys go ahead." I said while cuddling my bear tightly, my knees pressed against my chest.

"UNNIE!!! I wan't to see you preform." Hani said crawling next to me.

"I know. Later, ok?" i said while i brush through her silky black hair with my fingers as her head rested on my legs.

After we all talked for a little, i felt closer to all of them and i felt like i could be myself and open up to people.

Baekho takes the stage first. He sings a song in Korean, but i don't know what it's called. He also danced to it. It was a dancy song by a girl group. I'm going to say the song was called"Gee" because they say that word a lot.

Next Ren preformed. He sang Big Bang Fantastic Baby. i knew that song because my friend loves Big Bang.

After that everyone else preformed. Aron sang "Call You Mine" from Jeff Bernat. Even Hani preformed. She sang and danced to a Korean song. It was so cute and adorable.

Then the mic was handed to me. I took it and stood up. I decided just to sing, and take it step by step before i dance in front of others.

I decided to dedicate this performance to my sister. I gave Minhyun my phone so he could record me.

It's not that i hate Justin Beiber (Readers don't be mad if your an anti...),but he's not my favorite either. My sister loves him so i sang "Bigger" for her since it's her favorite song by him.

Everyone was amazed by my voice. JR's jaw was on the floor along with everyone else's. I just laughed at hem and took my phone from Minhyun. 

I held it faceing me and started to talk to the camera.

"Hey sis! I know your going to miss me singing to you and i hope you enjoyed this performance. I did it just for you. I miss you and love you so much!! Bye! oh and behave until I get back" I blew a kiss at the camera and sent the video to my sister.

After that, Hani came stood up and hugged me."Unnie! That was so cool!!"

I hugged her back and the guys praised my voice. I told them that they all had good voices too. Not long after that, our time ran up and we had to leave.

"So, when are going to dance for us?" Ren said as we all walked towards the security office.

"You guys were lucky i sang. Now you want me to dance too?" i said with a smile on my face.

"Please unnie?"

"I promise i'll dance for you later." I say while shaking her hair. She held out her pinky and I interlocked mine with hers.

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