The Ticket


It's the last mod of the day and your all alone in the back corner of the classroom. Why? Because its your fourth week of school in Korea and you have no friends. Your not even fluent in Korean, but you know enough to get by. Since it's free time, you pull out your Ipod and listen to the music. Back in America, you had a friends that listened to Kpop, but you never got into it. As a going away present, they bought you an ipod filled with kpop. On the back of the IPod Touch 4th generation, it had an engraving that said: "You might as well know their music if your going to live in Korea! Marie Hwaiting!! We love you and never forget us!!!- Zoe, Katie, Josh and Brian".

You always smiled when you read that note. It made you feel loved. You listened to the music and watched the music videos until the teacher came back in. You took out the earbuds so you can listen to what she has to say.

"You all worked hard this week and I'm proud of you all. This weekend, i want you all to have fun and relax so your not stressed over the exam next week. ok?"

"Ne" We all replied.

"Oh, and Marie, I would like to talk to you after class."

"Ne" i shyly say . The class is looking at me, so i just look down at my desk. Normally I don't care if others look at me, but i guess because i'm in a new country and adjusting to a new life, i feel self-consious and lonely.

The class president stands up. "Class, attention" we all fix our posture. "bow" we all bow and thank our teacher for her work.

The bell rings shortly after, and i'm the only kid left in the classroom. I walk over to the teachers desk and wait for her to talk. She tells me to take a seat, so i pull a chair to the other side of the desk and sit in front of her. She puts down her pen and looks up at me with a concerned face.

"Marie, i'm worried about you. You always alone in class, and you don't have any friends. i understand that you need time to adjust to our new culture, so i bought you this." She pulls out a movie ticket from her purse and gives it to me.

"Go watch this movie. I understand your not fluent in Korean yet, but you have to expose yourself to different parts of Korean culture. Afterwards, go shopping or something. You must be stressed more then the other kids here."

"Thank you susanim, but i'm fine, really. I don't think you should be spending your money on me anyways." i go to hand her the ticket back but she refuses to take it back.

" i Know what it feels like to be in a country by yourself with no one to talk too. I wen't to Spain around your age, and i did not have fun because i never wen't out and tried to expose myself to the new culture because i was not fluent in Spanish. I did not wan't to be picked on or anything and i was self-concious. I don't wan't you to go through what i did. Once i exposed myself to the new culture, i became fluent in spanish and made many good friends. Marie, please go. Live life, have fun! That's how you make friends."

Even though i'm not convinced i will ever fit into Korea, i decide to give it a try. "Thank you susanim! I will try. Thank you! I should get going now so i can get ready." I stand up, put the chair back and leave after bowing to my teacher.

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