
Lucky Kisses

AN: Hi guys ^^ Sorry for not updating for a long time *pouts* I hope you'll enjoy this chap still. Please, comment and vote, I really like feedback x3

Slowly, Taemin dragged himself to school. Still sleepy, he had to struggle not to just lie down and curl up on the cold pavement and go back to the world of dreams he had been pulled out just half an hour ago. He knew that not only would have it been dangerous to do so but he would have been late as well so somehow he managed finally reach the vast grey building, greeting a couple of people on his way to his locker.

A couple of girls passed him and giggled softly, pointing at his messy bed hair that according to them was incredibly adorable. "Sure,"Taemin thought as he pouted to himself a little"adorable."he added. Actually, he just couldn't fix that stupid mop on the top of his head as he was too tired to concentrate too much on his reflection. It seemed to be coaxing him back to sleep, which he really didn't like considering he could have drifted off like that, still standing hadn't it been for his mother who was practically screaming for him after a few minutes. Because of this, for once the boy blessed his school for having uniforms as if it didn't, he probably would have chosen out clothes that were either too big or small for him and wouldn't have even noticed it.

Once the books he needed were securely in his small blue backpack Taemin checked his watch and smiled sleepily. He still had some time until his first class which most of the time meant that he would find his friends and hang out with them. This day though, he decided to go to his classroom and take a little nap. He knew that he would be the first to get there as it was still quite early because weirdly he had managed to get to school quite quickly but he didn't care. All of his thoughts revolved around one little action: sleep.

Finally having reached the small, dark room Taemin walked to his seat and dropped down onto the hard wood chair, wincing a bit as he had used just a bit much force with his action before leaning his head on his desk and yawning, a content smile already gracing his soft lips as he could feel the gentle caress of the morning sun on his cheeks, the warmth of it making him even sleepier. 

Moments later, the boy was already asleep, tiny snores escaping him as he would stir a little in his slumber.

As the time passed and the room was slowly filled with the boy's classmates who had either just arrived to the school  Some of them had looked at Taemin curiously but since their first classes always started very early, they could relate to him and thus, they had decided to leave him alone until their teacher arrived, which, unfortunately for most of them was just a minute after the bell had rung.

Taemin, being nudged by the girl sitting behind him slowly woke up and stood up quickly, wavering a little as he tried his hardest to stand up straight, looking at the teacher that seemed to be in a pretty bad mood. A seemingly permanent frown sat between her arched eyebrows as she glared at the entire class, not caring when she was told who weren't there. She motioned for the class to sit down, watching as they did so in complete silence. Even the soft buzzing of the flies could be heard which pleased her quite a lot.

"Now, since your last tests were so great,"the woman said sarcastically as she quickly pushed back a strand of her dark hair, smirking a little when she heard most of the teens in the class in a deep breath,"once it's out, you will have the chance to write it again. Right now. Well, you can choose not tom of course, but most of you should take this generous opportunity."She finished and handed one of the two stack of papers she had brought with herself to the classroom to a tall girl who was sitting in the first row.

As the others were giving out the tests, Taemin bit into his lower lip. He had completely forgotten about the fact that he had this class - Maths - today - and of course he hadn't even glanced at the stuff they had learnt a week ago as he was too happy about not having any homework. Now he knew that he should have, especially since he had sort of screwed up the last test. It wasn't too hard to be honest but he had miscounted at several occasions even if he knew what to do. Somehow, his brain never worked well under stress.

The boy's eyes widened when he was finally given his test, a huge red B+ beaming at him. He grinned sleepily as he still hadn't completely woken up and watched as most of his classmates had decided to re-take the test in hope of getting a better grade. For Taemin, a B+ in Maths was better than great so of course, he decided against taking the generous opportunity as his teacher had said and smiled when she told the others to do whatever they wanted until the end of class as only five people were lucky enough to get a good grade at first try. 

Lazily, the brown-haired boy took out a notebook and started scribbling into it mindlessly, not really paying attention to what he was doing. He could hear a few of his classmates whispering the right answers to each other and he couldn't help but sigh a little. He wished that he could help them but he knew that he couldn't because the teacher would have noticed it right away. No one ever could cheat at her lessons, it was a fact in their school.

The bell rang not soon later and Taemin collected his stuff, yawning a little once again. He wasn't too tired now, just a bit drowsy but much better than before. Because of the good grade and the more or less free period, he couldn't help but think that maybe this day wouldn't be too bad which made him smile as he finally reached his next class. Seeing, a couple of his friends already there, he grinned. "Yup, today definitely won't be as bad as I thought."He thought.

Oh, how wrong he was. Or maybe not?

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Niek999 #1
Chapter 3: Shishishi so cute:3!
Chapter 3: Haha well minhio is obsessed but he is sweet ^^ Ah taemin ur so adorable XD
Chapter 3: Youre killing me with all the adorableness! ♥
Dangerousluv1 #4
Chapter 3: Aww little Minho has a little obsession over Tae. I can't wait for the next chapter :)
Chapter 3: Amagad so adowrabwle hbsbysunajosybdbyimunsu
Chapter 3: Awwwwwwww this is sooooo adorable :D Cant wait for more :)
Chapter 3: obsessed minho is cute xxdddd
aahh good luck choi!!
Chapter 3: That's sooo cute~ Minho is kind if obsessive, but he's sweet about it!!
Dangerousluv1 #9
Chapter 2: Picturing Taemin walking into class with bed hair is do adorable! This chapter was good! I can't wait to read what happens next! Please update soon!