The Unlucky One

Lucky Kisses

Choi Minho never consider himself lucky.

Sure, he was quite popular amongst girls in school because of his looks, but he never really cared about that. Maybe his short, sometimes quite disheveled hair looked good, maybe his quite large eyes were attractive but they never really got him anything... A lot of confessions from the girls, maybe but nothing else. He didn't like how they were throwing themselves at him. He wanted someone... a bit shyer, someone who didn't approach him just because of his appearance. He actually knew who he wanted, someone humble and sweet, cute and shy.

But the only person that seemed to fit his description was far out of his reach, never even giving Minho a glance as he would gracefully strut across the hall, his smile always present, ever so radiant, stunning.

So as unlucky as Minho was, he never actually had the chance to talk to him. Whenever they would pass each other, his heart would be beating in his throat, his breaths heavy as he would imagine talking to him.

But then, he would just walk away.

Luck just never was on Minho's side, huh?

Just now, he was heading to his second class. Biology. He hated it more than he could have actually phrased it. Not even the word loathe came close to what he felt towards the dreadful subject. Actually, Minho detested all classes that were somewhat related to science. They just... never clicked for him. Also, they were quite boring and tough.

Even if he got decent grades most of the time, he couldn't help but wish that he never even had to think of them. He just...hated them from his very soul.

However, one little thing in some of his classes, especially Biology, would make him forget all his hatred towards said subject.

The very boy he had admired for who knows long sat not too far from him in each class. Right in front of Minho, to be exact. The only problem was, that he never even turned back. Completely oblivious to the pair of eyes that would carefully examine his beauty each day, he would keep his attention on the teacher.

The rare times their eyes still met though, were when he would have to hand some to the elder. A cute spark would always be apparent in his beautiful eyes as he would give random sheets of paper to Minho. For moments, they would just look at each other.

Minho had to admit that he actually enjoyed these moments a bit too much. The brief glances of that stunning face, those warm, brown eyes made him actually enjoy his classes.

But only after the beautiful boy would turn back to his original position, once again, his eyes set on the teacher.

With a soft sigh, Minho walked into his class, only to find the most adorable sight that could have ever greeted him. The object of his never-ending affection, Lee Taemin, was sitting on his seat, giggling quietly as he played with his phone. For some reason, even from afar, the older boy noticed that the desks had been moved a bit closer to each other. This way, his Taemin was sitting even closer to him.

As the older teen slowly walked to his desk, he couldn't help but smile when he heard a soft hello coming from Taemin.

"Um... the teacher said there'll be pair-work today. My partner is absent so...I might have to join you and... the one who's sitting next to you. But only if it's okay..."The younger rambled, his voice just as soft and sweet as ever. Obviously, he had forgotten who was sitting next to Minho, which just added to the adorableness of his whole being.

"Jessica."Minho corrected him after a few moments, smiling gently as the boy's face flushed a soft shade of pink. "And it's completely fine if you join us."He added.

"Thanks."Taemin beamed happily just as the teacher stepped into the room. Jessica didn't seem to be here, for which, of course Minho was beyond thankful.

It seemed like for once, he was going to be lucky as just a few minutes later, Taemin was sitting next to him, their arms now and then brushing against the other's as they would do their share of the work. The first part was simply planning, which meant that for that time, they didn't really have to talk.

The older boy already missed hearing the sweet voice of the smaller who was sitting so close to him, scribbling down notes quite quickly. He seemed to be enjoying his work, his messy hair moving a little every time he would move his head just slightly as he would try to read something in his book.

Needless to say, Minho barely did anything during the time they were supposed to work alone. He was mesmerized by the sweet boy. Although he had to admit that from up close, today his hair was quite disheveled, the boy was simply stunning. Painfully so, because he could never be Minho's.

And then came the next part of the assignment. Minho swallowed as the younger turned to look at him, his warm eyes filled with happiness. "Hyung, I'm not sure if I managed to collect all the info we needed but I'm sure we will manage."He said in a hushed voice, his lips curling into a cute smile.

"I'm sure we will."Minho said, fighting the urge to ruffle the boy's hair. He was so casually beautiful like this, chewing on his lower lip as he turned to gather his notes, all written neatly. At some parts, there were words that had been crossed out with a different colored pen. All in all, the three pages of perfectly written little words was much better than the small amount of things the older had been able to collect.

Still, Taemin didn't seem to mind it as he cheerfully started talking about how they should actually draw down the assignment - as it was something to be drawn or even painted. The teacher didn't mind as long as they didn't just write down the words.

But too quickly, the class passed. "Alright kids, I want your projects done by next Friday, meaning you will have to work with your partners on it."The teaches said, his  sentence immediately soothing the majority of the class who thought they would have to hand in their half-made work. "Those who were absent will be allowed to work with each other."He added.

As Minho left the class, he couldn't help grinning like an idiot. He was going to have to spend time with Taemin. And, truth to be told, even if it was going to be about Biology, he was going to enjoy it.


AN: Hi guys :3 Umm..yeah, Minho's kinda obsessed xD But I think he's sweet LOL.

Anyway, hope you liked this chappie x3


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Niek999 #1
Chapter 3: Shishishi so cute:3!
Chapter 3: Haha well minhio is obsessed but he is sweet ^^ Ah taemin ur so adorable XD
Chapter 3: Youre killing me with all the adorableness! ♥
Dangerousluv1 #4
Chapter 3: Aww little Minho has a little obsession over Tae. I can't wait for the next chapter :)
Chapter 3: Amagad so adowrabwle hbsbysunajosybdbyimunsu
Chapter 3: Awwwwwwww this is sooooo adorable :D Cant wait for more :)
Chapter 3: obsessed minho is cute xxdddd
aahh good luck choi!!
Chapter 3: That's sooo cute~ Minho is kind if obsessive, but he's sweet about it!!
Dangerousluv1 #9
Chapter 2: Picturing Taemin walking into class with bed hair is do adorable! This chapter was good! I can't wait to read what happens next! Please update soon!