The start

Lucky Kisses

AN: I decided to make this into a short chaptered fic xD I hope you'll like this ^^

A lean, tallish boy was sitting on a park bench, staring up the clear blue sky. He was still very young, maybe around ten or eleven, one couldn't really tell from hi looks as he was pretty tall, but had a smooth, almost chubby face like a baby with wide, innocent brown eyes. The sun was shining brightly, hurting his eyes a little even though he wasn't staring directly into it, yet he couldn't look away. Seeing that vivid, beautiful blue reminded him of his grandmother's eyes. 

A soft sigh escaped his light pink lips as he recalled the last time he had seen her, a few weeks ago. It was the time when she had been hospitalized for something  - as the boy had been told - minor. He'd been yearning to visit her, but his parents wouldn't let him, as they didn't want him to bother her. He really wasn't sure why they thought that he would be a nuisance or something because really, he just wanted to see her. It was that easy...

The boy ran a hand through his longish, auburn hair. He really missed the kind, old woman that would always tell him magical fables, even as he grew older and older. He really loved them, because they were her stories. The ones he couldn't help but adore because they seemed so real as if they could happen to him or anyone in the world. And still, they had this... very strange magical feeling to them. They sounded real yet unreal at the same time, filled with fairies and trolls, princes and their damsels in distresses.

So many times had he wished that he could live in one of those tales. He would have loved to be in any of them, all of them sounded so... he couldn't even find words to describe them with his young brain. 

Suddenly, his phone rang, breaking him out of his thoughts. "It's already time to go home?"He asked himself, pouting a little. Still, his day had been really nice and that was what mattered. School was great, he had even made a new friend!

 The brown-haired boy didn't even bother to pick his phone up as he stood up, knowing what his mother was going to say. But for once, he was wrong... 

The same boy, now a few years older sat up in his bed sleepily, rubbing a few tears out of his eyes as a tiny sniff escaped him. He still dreamt about that day... The day he thought that his grandmother had left him. The elder woman had fallen into a coma, only to wake up months later, a little disoriented. Even if she was fine now, the boy still had many nightmares and weird dreams of that time. Deep down, he always knew that his grandma was alright, yet he always cried because he was scared that something would happen to her. She was truly important to him, just as important as his hard-working father and kind but strict mother were. 

The boy glanced at his alarm clock, wincing as he realized that he was going to have to go to school in less then two hours, which meant one more hour of sleeping for him. He wasn't too tired, but he knew that if he went back to sleep and then he woke up again a little later, he was going to be.

Still, he curled up on his fluffy bed, nuzzling his tear-stained face into his pillow. A relieved sigh left his lips as he remembered that he had talked to the elder woman in the evening and she seemed as cheerful and energetic as ever. She had even told him a short story on the phone. It was truly interesting, though the boy could barely recall it now.

It wasn't his favorite story though. The one that he loved the most was a bit hard to believe yet beautiful and magical at the same time. It was about how someone's first kiss could bless an other person. Weirdly, the boy could knew the whole story by heart, though he had been really small when his grandmother had told it to him. Before he knew it, the whole scene was replaying in front of his tired eyes as he yawned a little.

"Listen to me now, Minnie."The grey-haired woman said as her little grandson curled up next to her, his head resting on her lap. "I'm going to tell you a true story now, about kisses."She continued, kissing the half-asleep boy's forehead gently. She chuckled inwardly as the tired, brown eyes widened a little, a certain spark glinting in them.

"Kisses, granny?"The boy asked after a few moment, pursing his lips a little. "Like you and momma give me?"He asked innocently, tilting his head to the side. 

"No, sweetheart. I'm going to tell you a story about lucky kisses..."

The boy hugged his pillow close to him as he slowly fell asleep, fragments of the memory still lingering in his mind. His dream after that was nice though, as it was about the story of lucky kisses...

"Tae, wake up!"The loud, almost screeching voice of his mother pulled the boy out of his sleep. 

"No."He thought tiredly, clutching the small, fluffy pillow tightly. He had such a nice dream after he had woken up and thought about his grandmother. It was about a tall someone - he couldn't see their face but he was almost sure that it was a boy since they were really really tall - kissing him gently. He could even feel their lips on his.

"Taemin, sweetie, you will be late from school."He heard again. His mother's quite fake sweet voice only made him want to go back to sleep. The normally kind and cheerful woman could be a real devil in the morning, she was just good at hiding it. 

"I don't want to."Taemin whined, wincing when he heard his mother knock on his door not too gently. 

"Get up already!"His mother said, her voice quit impatient as she knocked on the door again. Her son knew that he had to wake up or she was going to be even angrier so he slowly slipped off his bed and let out a soft whine.

"Fine."He mumbled, biting into his lower lip as he dragged himself to his mirror. "Today is going to be a bad day."He mumbled, looking at his reflection. "Very bad."

AN: Okay, I don't know why but this didn't seem nice at all. Sorry, I'm very tired, but I do promise to make the next chap better and to re-read this tomorro-today xD

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Niek999 #1
Chapter 3: Shishishi so cute:3!
Chapter 3: Haha well minhio is obsessed but he is sweet ^^ Ah taemin ur so adorable XD
Chapter 3: Youre killing me with all the adorableness! ♥
Dangerousluv1 #4
Chapter 3: Aww little Minho has a little obsession over Tae. I can't wait for the next chapter :)
Chapter 3: Amagad so adowrabwle hbsbysunajosybdbyimunsu
Chapter 3: Awwwwwwww this is sooooo adorable :D Cant wait for more :)
Chapter 3: obsessed minho is cute xxdddd
aahh good luck choi!!
Chapter 3: That's sooo cute~ Minho is kind if obsessive, but he's sweet about it!!
Dangerousluv1 #9
Chapter 2: Picturing Taemin walking into class with bed hair is do adorable! This chapter was good! I can't wait to read what happens next! Please update soon!