Red Roses and Perfect Poison


The Geisha began to appear again in the 2600's. This time, they were in higher demand than ever before. The law forbade their practice, but nobody could stop the underground Geisha facilities called Orientals that were spreading all across the planet. Yet could it be that these beautiful and highly skilled Geisha were more than anybody, even their customers, were aware of?

When the honorable and notorious Geisha named BoA was found dead in her sleeping chambers, it sparked some curiosity among the Orientals. Not only this, but written in blood was a message that caused the whole situation to be even more mysterious.

And Geisha sisters Min, Fei, Jia, and Suzy were determined to find out just why BoA's dying message was one that could reveal all of their dirty little secrets.


You know nothing about us.

You know nothing of what we do, why we do it.

You know nothing of why the Orientals were created.

You know nothing of the things we've seen.

You know nothing about the so-called "law" you're living under.

You've been warned.


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Chapter 3: I really like this story.
It's really original, I wish to find more stories like this in the 'dark' tag.
Thank you!
hum.. Mystery ♥
can't wait until you update soon ^^
Fighting !
this sounds really good! :o drake actually sent me here ohohoho xD shameless advertising is shameless, but very effective!
sounds good^^