Chapter 2

It Was Never Too Late

HyeJung and Baekhyun walks home together like always, but knowing that she has other friends waiting for her, makes her feel giddy and excited. Baekhyun changes her whole life. And for that she is very thankful.

Baekhyun and HyeJung slowly walks through the school’s hallways-hand in hand- which is normal for both of them. But as per usual, they always would be surrounded by Baekhyun’s jealous fan girls.

At this, HyeJung loosens her grip on Baekhyun’s hands and tries to let go.

“I can walk alone now. Thanks Baek.” She wispers softly.

What Baekhyun does next makes her heart flutter. He even more tightens his grip in her small delicate hands.

The EXO boys sees this and can’t help but smile.

*Hyung, you’re s lucky you have her.* Sehun thought.

Little did they know, the Maknae has feelings for HyeJung.

He tries to smile for his Hyung. Tries to laugh the pain away when he sees them together. He does his very best actually. But it hurts just too much for him.

Baekhyun asks him what’s wrong when he notices the frown on his Donsaengs face. But Sehun shrugs and says

“I’m fine, Hyung.”


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Hahaha.. I can't wait for another update!