Chapter 2

Through Borrowed Eyes



         "Lord Norsh! The wind has whispered the most flustering news to me!" A young boy running in, toppling over his robes announces. Sending an agitated glare in the boys direction, Norsh rolls his eyes. Twitching his slender white fingers on the arms of his chair, he bobs his head.

        "Well go on then,"  Plue bows respectfully. Fixing the hat on his head he transfers the woodened staff he was holding in one hand to the other, a nervous habit.

       "It's the Thorga! Mesticuns mate gave birth today!" Norsh nods his head, taking in the information. Sitting back into his seat he bursts out laughing. It was a loud laughter, one that seemed to travel down the halls and bounce back into their ears. The laughter echoeing around in their eardrums so much so that it left a ringing sound.

      "So Mesticuns finally gone and had himself a family? I guess he thought two could play at the 'who-has-the-better-kids' game. BUT!" He yells standing up, his laughter stopping abruptly and turning into a feral scowl. "I shall raise my son Soohyun in power! He will know no mercy, fear no man, and seek the path of destruction!" Panting heavily he turns his gaze back to the young pager boy. Flinching at his Lord Norsh's fierce stare, Plue turns his eyes downcast towards the floor. Almost as if he found his shoes more important then the angry Lord presented in front of him. "You, boy! Go fetch me Soohyun!" Gulping down his nerves, Plue looking back up, manages to stutter,

      "B... But Lord Norsh! Young Master Soohyun is napping an-" Norsh cuts him off by sending a small, but deadly, group of ice at him. The ice leaves the palm of his hand in the form of small needles, and, although a man of no mercy, Norsh directs the attack close to Plue... Not completely at him. It slices the skin on his cheek splitting the sensitive red blood vessels apart. Blood begins to pool out of the seemingly small wound and inflicted a stinging pain that Plue never thought imaginable. Fearfully, Plue brings a hand up to touch his cheek, pulling it back he looks at his now bloodied hand with wide fearful eyes. Eyes of a deer. Eyes of something that new the meaning and definition of fear... 

     "Don't you dare question my rule... Now go boy, go get me Soohyun!" He booms. Bowing once more, Plue manages to gather himself and, running out of the room, he goes fetch the two year old Soohyun.


A/N: Hey readers... This chapter is kind of short and incase you're confused, I'm trying to use different chapters for different points of veiws... So, you know, they don't get jumbled up onto one page, where it can sometimes get confusing. 

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Chapter 4: this is really good - loving all the characters so far!
looking forward to more =)
wolflaire #2
Chapter 4: ooooh I thought dongho was the obedient one! hahaha guess not in this story! xD that was a fast updateee! ((:
wolflaire #3
Chapter 5: oooh newly added humans! haha can't wait to find out what'll happen next! ((: it's okay! I'll wait patiently! ^^
Chapter 3: LOVE IT GIRLLLLLL!!! Haha my Eli is being born!!!
wolflaire #5
Chapter 2: This is interesting!! ^^ even though I'm not very familiar with ukiss x.x but the story seems really good! ((:
WolfLune #6
Chapter 1: Not bad for the first chapter. I love the fact that Thorga's are wolf based! I ♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡ wolves! Hahaha >v< already subscribing.