Jae Joong

I'M KIM JAE JOONG'S SISTER IN LAW.....what am I? I'm dangerous

Italics are in English!

(Ji Yul’s P.O.V)

“So?” I asked her, another spoon of ice cream. It was all silent, with the other girls eyeing down Yu Mi, who was nervously avoiding my gaze. “Well?” I asked expectantly, and she looked up. “You see, we started dating quite a while ag-“ “And you decided not to tell me? What, were you trying to protect me from something?” I accused her, and she swallowed.

I decided to ‘get angry’ at Yu Mi just to scare her. Hmpf, she did it herself. I mean anyone would look at those two and immediately know they were together. I wasn’t stupid. Besides, I did a little research while she mysteriously disappeared and it turned out she met him at Blue Storm.

“Well considering your favourite is Jae Joo-“ “NO!” I screamed, jumping over the couch and hastily covering with the puffiest pillow near me. I looked around at the other girls, who were gaping at her, their mouths opening and closing like fish. “Your favourite is the Kim Jae Joong?” Ji Young said her eyes wide and I sighed. “So much for keeping it a secret.” I faced the camera and fake wailed, “My secret is revealed.”

“AAAAHHH!” my friends squealed and piled themselves on top of me. “PEOPLE!” I was struggling to breathe. “GET OFF ME!” they all removed themselves from me and smiled widely. Then, their faces drooped and looked really, really guilty.

(Nyssa’s P.O.V)

“So…all the pictures we have…you kept?” I asked her, rubbing my arm. She nodded and smiled. “I’m so confused here. What pictures?” Yu Mi asked, and I replied, “Every time we get a new TVXQ poster, we always cut out our favourite person and leave Ji Yul with the tattered Jae Joong parts. And sometimes we even cut out chunks of him, and sometimes we even throw out photos of him” Yu Mi laughed and went to speak to Ji Yul but she wasn’t there.

“Hey…where’d she go?” we all looked around and our heads shot up at the sound of the door opening. Ji Yul came back in, and she was holding a large wooden ornate-looking box. She sat on her sleeping bag and we all crowded around her. “What’s that?” Angela asked and reached out to touch the box but Ji Yul slapped her hand and hissed, “Just watch!”

Ji Yul carefully unlatched the box and took out several pieces of paper which I recognised as the ex-posters of TVXQ, which were now pictures of Jae Joong --- some with body parts missing ---.

“I like him better this way actually, it reminds me that he’s not perfect.” She admired each picture, before carefully putting them away. “What about the ones we threw out?” Victoria asked her and she grinned, “I went out at night and got them back.” The feeling of guilt rushed through my veins and as I looked around, I could see that the feeling was mutual.

“Oh how can we repay you for such generosity?” Angela said dramatically, with her eyebrows pulled together and Ji Young snapped her fingers. “I know! The next picture of DBSK we get goes to Ji Yul.” The others all agreed and I was just about to when I saw Ji Yul smirk.

It was only on her face for an instant but it was there. “N-“I began to protest but they had already made the deal. “So…” Ji Yul said, “Does that mean I get this one?” she ran over to the couch and pulled out a HUGE real sized poster and unwrapped it.

In that moment I regretted the whole thing. You know, I would rather not have known her favourite till the end of eternity than give that poster to her.

The five individuals we idolized stood there, all with bare chests and a piece of black cloth surrounding them. (Imagine Mirotic is not yet released to the public and they haven’t trained for it yet. They haven’t even made the MV. So they’re still pretty skinny and all.)

“AN-I-YO! ~” I screamed and the others wailed their heads off, while Ji Yul laughed evilly. She ran a finger down Changmin’s chest, just to tease me and I growled like a beast back. “Soo Man ajhussi said that this was their latest photo shoot before they met us.” She rolled it up and put it away.

“YAH! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT CHOI JI YOUNG! WHAT SORT OF PABO GAE SEKI WOULD SUGGEST THAT IN FRONT OF JI YUL!” Angela screamed and Ji Young shouted back, “Bwoh? HEY YOU’RE THE ONE THAT AGREED!” a heated argument spread out between the two and it was only until Yu Mi separated them that they shut up.

“How ‘bout I get you guys autographed photos hmm?” she suggested and we all smiled again. Ji Yul rolled her eyes and proudly exclaimed, “Yeah, but I’m the one whose sister is dating the oldest!” I threw a pillow and her and said, “Shut up.” She stuck her tongue out in reply.

“Hey Yu Mi, I need to talk to you.” Ji Yul pulled Yu Mi up and was about to leave when Victoria piped up. “You guys need to take a camera. It’s not like anyone is watching.” Ji Yul shrugged and hauled the non-active one over her shoulder. Yu Mi’s face darkened and she looked like she was hiding something…

(Yu Mi’s P.O.V)

One by one we went past the rooms until we came to a private lounge, with a white piano sitting gracefully in the middle. Ji Yul set the camera down and beckoned for me to come over and sit with her. “Unnie, are you sure dating Jae Joong would be a good choice?” she seriously asked me and I went quiet.

To be honest I had thought about that a lot too. “Dating a celebrity can be really hard.” She told me and I sighed. “Neh, I know that, but I really do love him. He makes me feel so happy inside and when we’re not together, I feel alone and sometimes really sad. The way he does things for me makes me feel like he cares, and that he’s family. And you know that I don’t have family but you, step-appa and him.”

I looked at the reflection of the moon in the lid of the piano and went on. “I tried staying away from him for a little while, didn’t work out for either of us. I feel really safe around him. Isn’t that enough?” I tore my gaze away from my lap and looked at Ji Yul.

She was softly smiling at me, a corner of her lips raised so that she looked like the Mona Lisa. The soft moonlight that was radiating through the window was on the side of her face and in that moment she really looked beautiful. “My sister’s in love!” she cooed, clapping her hands together and placing them on her cheek, then tilting her head to the side.

My cheeks flushed red and she laughed softly at my expression. “But I’m serious Yu Mi. Jae Joong and the other members of the group have chosen to become entangled in the underground gang world. If something happens to you, I will not hesitate to break off all ties between you and him.” Her face seemed suddenly frightening, and her words sounded almost like a threat.

“Jae Joong wouldn’t hurt me.” I retorted but she shook her head. “I wasn’t implying that. I meant there are others out there unnie, people you wouldn’t want to mess with. But still, if Jae Joong does hurt you, I’ll punch him real hard.” I gulped and she went on, “But…if you hurt him, well then, I’ll unleash my world of fangirliness and rip you to shreds.”

My mouth dropped open. “Wait, wait, wait. If he hurts me he gets a punch but if I hurt him I get ripped to shreds? How is that fair?” she shrugged. “Sorry hun, that’s what you get for dating the world’s hottest dude. And also because I’m a girl.” She grinned and pursed her lips.

“How did you find out where I was? Who I was dating?” I asked her, trying to change the topic. She giggled and winked. “When I don’t hear from my sister for over a month, of course I’d try to find you. And Jae Joong’s men must not be that good because I found you in less than three hours.” She beamed triumphantly and crossed her arms.

There was silence for a bit and then, she asked quietly, “Can I get an autograph?” I laughed loudly and she pouted. “Araso.” She clapped her hands and skipped off, out of the door and back to the others. I smirked at the camera and said to it, “Oh right about now you’re having a fun time.” I winked and turned it off, which activated the one with the others.

The boys and I were going to have an amazing time watching this when it was all over J

(No One’s P.O.V)

The six girls bade their goodnights and turned the light off, getting ready for bed. They just forgot one thing.

The camera was still on.

And Victoria started to sleep walk.

It was around 5:07 am, when she got up, out of her sleeping bag and carefully –with her eyes closed mind you—navigated her way out the room. At that point, the camera’s green light flashed three times, and it began to move.

The lady that spoke to Ji Yul about the week video was right about one thing in particular. These were new cameras, top of the range and very snazzy. Complete with sensor, radio, and infra-red lights, these were the hottest thing available. And no one told Ji Yul about it.

One of the features was the fact that the camera was like an actual person. when the sun went down and people went to bed, it switched itself to night mode and had a sensor that detected any unusual movement. If it was a big movement, the camera would ‘transform’ itself and little wheels would pop out of the camera stand.

It would then locate the ‘foreign object’ and keep tracking its every movement. And in the end, you would never know it was there. You might also say, ‘What about stairs?’ well, the tripod stand has hinges in the middle that act like knees.

Now in this case, it followed Victoria from the lounge, up the stairs and into the bathroom. There, she fumbled around with a brush, and failed to brush her hair because it was upside down. Then, she left the bathroom and went to her step-brother TaeHo’s room. She opened the door, and slid into it, and settled on the couch.

At that time, TaeHo woke up. The camera froze on its tripod and slowly blended itself into the wall (it can change colours) but it kept filming.

(TaeHo’s P.O.V)

I heard some sounds and I woke up. Sitting up in bed I searched around in the darkness and saw a figure walk onto my couch and then slump over it.


Chuckling to myself, I quietly side stepped the clothes on my floor and approached her. Her face was peaceful, just as she always was. There was no blanket covering her body so I opened my cupboard and took out quite a large one.

I covered her with it and chuckled when she snuggled into it. “Baka-yah.” I said and using my left hand, scratched my hard, flat stomach. I wasn’t wearing a shirt, and I think I look really hot without my shirt. I crept back into my bed and fell back asleep wondering why she chose my room to go to.


(Christian’s P.O.V)

“♪ I’m walking on sunshine, woah oh! ♪” I slipped my shirt on and sang as I brushed my teeth. “GOOD MORNING!~” a voice beside me screamed, and I looked around to see a very bare Ji Yul smiling at me. My whole body heated up, because she was wearing a sports bra and shorts only. I almost swallowed the toothbrush.

“Warroo-ou-wing?” I asked her, looking at her through my mirror, she rolled her eyes and answered, “I thought we could go to the beach!” I spat out some water and rinsed my toothbrush. “J-just the two of us?” oh please god no, it would be so awkward.

She gave me a weird look. “Anniyo…all of us. The girls and I can get some tans and you guys can go and look for some other girls.” With a toss of her hair she ran out. I looked at her diminishing shadow and sighed, yet again. Doesn’t she get it? I only want her.

I cleaned myself up and I went downstairs to eat breakfast. It was kinda awkward because half the camera crew were there, and the other half would be coming with Ji Min and Jason. Minho told me that Nyssa had a crush on Jason, and all the boys knew.

Seriously, he was like twice our age.

Didn’t Nyssa know that ia was illegal? For Jason that is, and he isn’t even hot in the first place! How dare she like him. I angrily blew on my toast and violently stabbed the scrambled eggs on my plate. “Dude.” MinHae warned me, and I glared at him in a sudden swish of my head.

He raised his hands in surrender and replied, “You’re not Mr Incredible so stop trying to break the plate.” I glanced down and saw that my bacon was already cut into minute strips. Hmmm, I might as well try. I stuffed the bacon and eggs down my throat and gulped down my warm Milo drink.

“We’re going to the beach!” I looked at up and saw the girls already in their swimsuits. “…you look strange.” I commented, leaning on the side of the counter. The girls shushed me and Ji Yul walked up to me and hissed, “You’re on thin ice mister.”


I was so confused, what did I do? I looked around and everyone was looking at me. “DUDE! What did you do?” Sage asked me, patting my back. “I actually don’t know…whatever, let’s go change, I’m making the food.” We all agreed and went upstairs.

  • 20 minutes later      -

(Minho’s P.O.V)

“So, you cook?” Ji Min asked curiously as I buttoned my shirt and went downstairs. I was in my boardies and a shirt when the other guys came downstairs. DongSun passed me a suggestive smirk and I paused. Why was everyone picking on me today?

“Chyeah he cooks, he cooks like his mama.” TaeHo pinched my cheek but I pushed his hand away from my face. I pushed my hand on his head and mussed his hair up, at the same time giving him a warning look. I did not want to be embarrassed on camera.

“I only cook when some people are too lazy.” I aimed the comment in the guy’s direction, and didn’t notice that the girls were down too. Nyssa passed me and glared at me. She held two fingers up to my face and hissed, “Thin ice. Watch it.” TaeHo snickered, and sauntered off behind her to the table.

I flipped the chicken, deep into my thoughts. What did I do that was terribly wrong? Oh well, it’s not like it could get any worse than it already was. Putting the hot teriyaki chicken into a take away container, I slid it into the picnic basket, and hauled it off the shelf.

Geez it was heavy. “Isn’t it easier to just carry more than one basket than one huge one?” I looked over and saw Angela, eyeing the huge basket of food and me, struggling to hold it. With her help, we got it back onto the kitchen counter and proceeded to pack them into smaller carry baskets. “Hey you guys! We’re putting things on the car so you better hurry up!” ChungHee called and Angela nodded.

Just as we were almost done, and everyone was gone the room, Angela piped up. “Just give her some time you know? She’ll warm up to you.” I froze for a minute then continued without meeting her gaze. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Angela chuckled and shook her head. “You’ll see. The two of you look perfect together.” I rolled my eyes. “Don’t tell me that, tell her.” I muttered under my breath, but she heard it anyway.

“She’s only twelve Christian, and after what she’s been through we all know she’s not ready to be in a relationship at that age, no matter how much she likes them.” I was going to cut her off, but she raised a hand, forbidding me to speak. She was on her side now, intently gazing at me while leaning on the counter.

“You know you’re lucky. The guys are all protective of her, of all of us girls, and just because they know you like her, they’ve planned to deny every boy she brings home till you two are together.” Shaking my head, I took two baskets in my hands and walked out the door.

“Took you guys long enough.” Nyssa said and I nodded in reply. I opened the boot of the car and carefully slid the baskets in between the beach towels so they wouldn’t tip. I felt Angela’s presence beside me. “I’m just saying, use the time well.” By now everyone was looking at us and I weakly smiled back.

(No One’s P.O.V)

The ten teenagers and the two hosts got there, along with the full crew. Ji Yul had cordoned off a section of the beach temporarily so that the cameras and techie stuff could get sorted without some random beach goer tripping over tripod stands and stuffing the whole thing up.

When they were done, the public were allowed back in, although Ji Min and Jason noticed that the people around them were generally young, tanned tourists who were about the teen age, or purebred Koreans, trying to get the girls’ numbers, and gushing girly girls, trying to get a hold of the guys’ possessions.

And Ji Young made sure she had a tight grip on her boyfriend Choi DongSun, and growled like a beast whenever a girl came near him.

Ji Min and Jason were well aware of the western style of music, and the newest song from Katy Perry (just pretend that it was released in 2008) was California Gurls. Looking around, the two both vehemently agreed that it was the perfect scene that the lyrics painted.

Young fan girls, and others in expensive attire, and not one one-piece swimming suit was spotted. Most people were tanned, but the person who stood out as the most pale-skinned person on probably the whole beach was in the end, Kim Ji Yul.

She actually looked like a vampire, her dark Versace shades bearing a striking contrast to her smooth milky white skin. And her choice of bikini? It was a black Louis Vuitton selection, a black strapless with gold rings linking the middle. It was similar to the one she wore earlier in the week, but if you looked closely, had the LV logo printed in dark grey on the front and back of the bikini bottoms.

“Can I give you my number?” I dark skinned teenager asked Angela, and she giggled and held out her business card for him to take. Just as his fingers touched the smooth glossy surface, a low rumble emitted from MinHae’s chest and the guy looked at him, scared by the way MinHae glared at his fingers like he wanted them to drop off.

“U-uh, never mind.” He stumbled off, and a few of the guys that were waiting for their chance to get her card in Angela’s line sighed, leaving too when they realized that they had no chance. “Naw, oppa, why did you send that one away? He looked like a keeper.” Angela winked at the next one and giggled when he flushed with pleasure.

“You’re too young to be dating.” MinHae commented, eating a piece of watermelon. Sage butted in. “Dude, you’re aware that she’s older than you?” Angela took off her glasses a bit and stared him down. But MinHae wasn’t one to budge when it came to him, his older sister and boys. “Neh, I’m aware.” He grinned at a curly haired Korean girl, which earned him a few looks from his friends.

“Hypocrite.” Angela sulked and poked her tongue out at him. “Ugh. Those girls sicken me, I mean the whole Asian stereotype image with the light brown and faked curled hair makes me wanna puke. They even act as dumb as they look.” Ji Young spitefully spat at a group of wannabe populars, glaring at their backs when she heard them utter a high falsetto squeal when a boy got her hair wet.

Victoria stood up, stretching her arms out and yawned. It seemed really casual, but to the boys who were watching her, it was the movement of a goddess. “Well, we’ll just show them that real girls know how to have fun.” She winked at them and with that, the six girls including Ji Min squealed and ran into the cold blue water, eagerly splashing at eachother.

Ji Young proudly raised her head at the fake Asians when their caked up faces fell as they saw their boys start to look at them with their tongues wagging. “Why isn’t it Miss Popular.” A low tenor voice said behind her and Ji Young looked back to see a startling familiar face look at her.

“Han Jong Yu.” Ji Young said loudly, capturing the attention of her friends and the guys on the beach.

For any normal side viewer, it would’ve been an incredible sight. The whole beach went silent, as Jong Yu and Ji Young stared each other down, both making their way back to the sand with their posse trailing behind them.

The boys stood up from their chairs too, and took off their shirts and sunglasses, ignoring the silent swooning of the fan girls. Cameras went off, and they weren’t the ones from the camera crew. The surrounding fan boys/girls had made sure to bring their Polaroids with them, just in case they spotted their teen idols, and luckily for them, today they did.

Each boy flexed their muscles, cracked their necks, and so on, anticipating the worst outcome possible: A fight. Once Jong Yu and Ji Young we on the sand with their posse’s she began to speak, initiating the ‘fight.’

 “Where’s Jang Mina? Oh sorry, I forgot, she was due in to the plastic surgeon again today for nose recon- no wait, make that face reconstruction.” Quiet laughs and oohs were heard around them, and Ji Young sarcastically giggled into her hand.

“Why you-“ Mina stepped out from behind of Jong Yu, getting ready to take a good shot at Ji Young but in  a flash, a hand reached out and caught her fist. They all looked up to see a fuming DongSun, protectively wrapping an arm around Ji Young. “Don’t touch my girlfriend.”

“I wouldn’t dare, she’s a piece of .” Jong Yu’s right hand man Moon Won sneered, looking Ji Young up and down, and then his lips. That set DongSun off. He lunged forward, trying to take a swipe at his ugly face, but Ji Young and TaeHo restrained him just in time to see DongSun’s fist nick Moon Won’s nose.

The crowd surged forward, trying to see what would happen. Then, Ji Yul stepped forward. “ENOUGH!” she snapped, sending people hurtling back to where they were with a single sharp glance. Mina laughed mockingly, and put her hands on her waist.

Even though Mina was 14 and Ji Yul only 12, Ji Yul was very tall for her age and stood just about nose to nose with Mina. “And finally, the Queenka steps forward.” Mina taunted, pushing Jong Yu to the side. She didn’t see the hateful glance he shot her, but Ji Yul did, and took note of it.

There was dissention between the ranks.

“What are you doing here Mina?” Ji Yul asked her, looking thoroughly bored. “We’re here to have fun, just like everyone else.” Ji Yul scoffed and stepped up to her. “If you’re here to have fun then I suggest you and your group of crap piss off and go to another beach because if you look around,” Ji Yul gestured to the crowd. “Everyone here is either with us or just doesn’t care, like everybody should.”

“You’re so going to get it when school starts again.” Mina hissed, shoving Ji Yul on the shoulder. TaeHo caught her wrist and squeezed it tightly, causing her to wince in uncomfort. “If you dare touch her or either one of the girls, we’ll make sure you never see the light of day again.” He threatened, and Mina snatched her arm from his grasp.

(Nyssa’s P.O.V)

Hell yeah, Mina was shaken, we could all see that, and then she and her group left. We resumed our original positions, drying ourselves off with our personal towels and sat back down. “That was actually awesome.” Jason said his hands behind his head and all the guys laughed. I turned a fair shade of pink and looked away.

“What day is today?” I looked to the left of me to see Ji Min with a clip board in her hand. “The 1st of February. Why?” I asked her and she chuckled, shaking her head. “Jason and I have to write this daily entry of what we did. Sort of like a diary, but less casual.” As she kept going on about it, a thought hit me.

Today was the 1st of February.

That meant only five days till Jung Yunho’s birthday. I glanced at Ji Young, trying not to catch her gaze and giggled to myself. Last year, she sent a whole box full of birthday cards written by her and her other Yunho friend fans and a car boot full of cologne, jewellery and underwear. Really scary.

That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t do that for my Changminnie! ~

“OH EM EFFING GEE!” Ji Young squealed, and I face palmed myself. I looked at DongSun and he sighed, rolling his eyes and placing a hand over his face. “IT’S YUNHO’S BIRTHDAY IN FIVE DAYS!~”  as if on cue, all the fan girls on the beach heard her and swooned along with her.

“And I’m guessing you have gifts to give him?” ChungHee asked her with his eyes closed. Ji Young’s face went from fab to drab. “ I forgot about that.” All of our heads snapped to look at her. The Choi Ji Young we knew never forgot Jung Yunho’s birthday. “I’m just kidding, it’s already done. I did it last December.” She giggled and waved her hand as if she were swatting a fly.

“Should’ve known.” I muttered, and Angela snorted to the right of me.”Hey, where’s Ji Yul?” She suddenly said, and everyone perked up. Our eyes brushed across the sand in search for her and when I found her, I giggled and didn’t say anything. “What?” Angela whispered and I leaned into her ear. “Kim Ji Yul and hot boy, 10 o’ clock.” Angela’s eyes darted to the place I mentioned and her eyebrows raised and she wolf whistled.

“That’s a good one.” The two of us giggled and the others looked at us. “I’m going to call her.” Minho offered, and whipped out his mobile phone. “No need.” I said, “I’m sure she’s having a good time.” Angela burst into a fit of laughter and I kicked her leg, trying to tell her to shut up.

(Ji Yul’s P.O.V)

This was more like the holidays, in a quiet secluded place in the beach, trying to get a tan and just thinking about stuff. Like, what should I get for Yunho-shi on his 22nd/23rd birthday? Should I get him clothes or a book because I know he likes reading or something fancy, on the verge of ostentatious?

Or maybe I should get him a- “Excuse me.” A voice said above me and I opened my eyes to see…black?

I laughed at myself mentally. Of course, I had my shades on. I stood up, wiped the sand from my thighs and back and slid my glasses of. And I liked what I sawJ. A European boy, no doubt my age, with curly tousled hair and a stunning white smile. And yes, his body was drool-worthy.

“Neh?” I asked and I realised that I was like right next to his belongings and towel. “Chwe song hamnida.” I bowed, clutching on to my white wide brimmed hat and looked at him. I’m so stupid. Of course he doesn’t speak English. “Non, pardon moi, je nais pas parler Coréen.” (omfg I wrote that using my brain without a textbook in my hands.) Ooh, French, very nice.

“Est-ce que parler anglais?” I asked him, and his eyes widened, HAH! Betcha he’s never seen a Korean speak fluent French. “Yes, I do speak English.” He replied and I almost died. His French accent was so y! “I’m so sorry; I didn’t realize I was lying right next to your things. They weren’t there when I lay down.” I told him, and he smirked at me.

“Maybe I put them there for a reason.” OH IT’S GETTING HOT HERE! Then again, it is the beach. “Hm, and what may that be?” I flirted with him. I was playing with him and he knew it, so he decided to play back. “Oh, just to get the pretty girl next to me’s name and phone number.” I played dumb and looked around, angling my body towards him.

“Where is she?” he chuckled and answered, “She’s right in front of me.” I laughed and put my hand out. “Kim Ji Yul, pleasure to meet you. You can call me Helena.” He shook it and gestured for us to sit down. “My name is Jordan. Pleasure is all mine.” I giggled girlishly when he winked.

Fifteen minutes had passed and I felt like I’d known him for a life time. He was from France, and visiting a few friends here with his parents. He would be leaving the next day and just wanted to catch some waves. We both liked each other, but he’d be leaving soon and I wouldn’t get a chance to see him again most probably.

“I do a lot of work- I mean…I go sightseeing a lot in France; maybe I’ll come visit you someday.” He shook his head and I pulled back, shocked at his sudden decline. “We’re migrating to Australia in a few weeks.” Perfect. I beamed at him and clapped my hands together.

“That’s fantastic! I have a house there with my big sister!” he smiled back at me and we began to exchange phone numbers, addresses, emails and other things. “I’ll walk you back?” he offered, and I gladly took his arm. What a gentleman, unlike some people I knew.

We were just in sight of my friends when I realized that all the boys were there. They would rather die than see me with a boy not a friend of theirs. Before I could pull Jordan away, I watched as Jason exclaimed something and they all turned to look at me. I saw the boys stiffen and press their lips together, but the girls winked and made the phone sign with their hand and held it to their ears.

“So, I guess I’ll call, and maybe we can catch up over the phone, or the internet. But I’m sure we’ll see eachother again.” Jordan said, taking a hold of my left hand, and I nodded dreamily. He played with my fingers for a moment before leaning in and kissing me quickly on the cheek and walking away.

He turned back twice, to wave and wink, and all I did was stand there with a foolishly big smile on my face and wave back. It was quite romantic actually. “EEEEEE!” I heard the girls scream and when I turned around, I was bombarded with questions that asked me where he was from, what his name was and if he was my boyfriend.

I ignored them and went back to the boys.

Smirking, I took out a grape and put it in my mouth, watching them glare at me. I was going to get it I know, but still. I’m growing up and I need someone beside me.

(Sage’s P.O.V)

Was no one really going to do anything about what just happened? My little sister was touched by a guy in front of our own eyes. And she didn’t do anything but taunt us about it! Man I feel so sorry for Christian. I swear when he saw the dude with Ji Yul he like slumped so far over his nose was touching the sand.

“Go talk to her.” TaeHo urged me and I shrugged. “She’s not going to listen, just like she always does.” He shook his head and was about to speak when Minho interrupted. “You still should, or else she thinks you’ve given up.

I wiped my hands on my towel and made my way over to Ji Yul, still tanning under the sun. My shadow was over her small figure and I almost laughed, remembering a scene from White Chicks that was exactly like this. But I wasn’t dark skinned and Ji Yul wasn’t a transvestite.

“Hey, what happened to the sun?” Ji Yul said, and she grinned at me, and even though I couldn’t see her eyes, I knew exactly what she was talking about. “Easy white chocolate. You wouldn’t want to melt.” She laughed and countered, “Yeah yeah, buzz off Schwarzenegro.” At that statement I remembered what I was supposed to do.

Sitting down next to her, I heard Ji Yul emit a resigned sigh and I laughed. “Who was that?” I asked her and she shrugged, placing her hands over her face. “A friend.” It was totally okay to her. “What have I-“ she sat up abruptly, cutting me off. “You know I get that you’re just trying to protect me but I don’t need it. I’m fine and I’m grown up now okay? I may still be only twelve but you forget the fact that I am the Kim Ji Yul.”

I had never seen such an outburst like that from her. “And you know what? I’m so angry that you guys keep ‘saving me’ for Christian. The more you do it, the more I don’t want to like him; I’m not stupid you know. I hear things.” She stood up and walked off.

“Way to go jackass.” Angela muttered and chased after her. I groaned and made my way back to the guys. “That was intense.” ChungHee said and I flashed him a look. “You didn’t hear anything.” “But we could see.” Thank god. If Christian heard, he’d be pretty upset.

(Angela’s P.O.V)

I talked to Ji Yul, and she released her pent up frustrations with the boys through me, and I could see why she was upset, I mean she has literally no guy friends and at a girl her age, she needs some. She sneaks off just to see her friends in the mall.

When she cooled off, we walked back but by then they had already packed up and were ready to leave. I checked my watch and indeed, it was 5:15 pm.

Driving back Ji Yul was silent, still kind of sulky but not that pissed. Everyone made sure to stay away from her though, because if you irritated her when she was just a little bit mad, she’d make your life hell till she stopped, which wasn’t exactly a short time.

I stopped the car outside the casual house after driving through the main building and she bolted out of it and ran into the house screaming, “I’m going to go have a shower!” we all looked at her and the girls glanced at me. “She’s kind of upset.” They nodded and didn’t ask any questions.

We always gave her time, because that’s how she’d stay calm.

(Ji Yul’s P.O.V)

The warm water ran down my body, and I sighed, relaxing under the steam. Yeah, I did get pissed at Sage and it was wrong, but what were they thinking? Saving me for Christian? Sure he likes me but I really don’t like him at this point.

Huffing a breath, I grunted. Now I would have to relax all over again. Way to go Sage Robinson.

I dried myself off after a few minutes and wrapped a towel on my body, I was too busy putting on my clothes to notice what I was doing with my hair.

I twirled a towel around it and rubbed it till it was semi-dry. I unwrapped it and was about to reach for the blow dryer when…

(ChungHee’s P.O.V)

“AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!~” a high terrifying scream came from upstairs, and all of us looked at each other. Ji Min and Jason had just left, and we were done setting up the cameras and were now preparing dinner.

“Ji Yul.” Sage said and immediately all of us bolted upstairs. We reached her room, and I tried to open her door. It was locked. “JI Yul-AH OPEN THE DOOR!” I pounded on it, trying to get her attention. There was a thump and then silence. My heart dropped to the pits of my stomach and cold sweat formed on my neck.

“OPEN THE ING DOOR KIM JI YUL!” DongSun screeched and threw his body on it. It flew open and we ran in to see…




End of chapter 19.



Ah!~ it feels like I haven’t updated in weeks!

Then again, I haven’t. And I’m so so sorry. I’ll tell you what happened to me. Well, I went with my best friend to go to a holiday house, and then, I found out that my cousin, the one who introduced me to the world of Kpop is coming to Australia to study!!!!!

I printed out some music sheets of Midoyeo, Thanks to, and others to play on the piano, even though violin is my 1st instrument. That would be my present to her.

I’d like to say now that I thank all of you for reading my story, and I’m so happy that I even got up to chapter 19. I honestly thought that this would only be a one-time thing.

 My new iPod 4 screen shattered awhile ago, thanks to my little sister, and I got it fixed just a few days ago. Actually, I didn’t get it fixed…I GOT A NEW ONE!!!! CHYEAH!

Anyways, I’m just letting you guys know that the next few chapters will be extra long because as you know the camera crew are there for a WHOLE week so it’s gonna be a waste if I use 7 chapters just for that. So beware! Extra long reading coming up!!!

And for those of you who decide to SKIP the author’s notes, don’t complain when you find there are extra bits to read in the next update. Neh?

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Maswimelloumia #1
Chapter 37: wooohooo!! U were able to update!!! YAy!!! Please update soon... :)
Chapter 37: You updated! woohoo~ thankyou! I can't wait for your next update.
luvbrowniz #3
Chapter 37: Thank you soooo much for updating!!! I can't wait to see what else is going to happen with JiYul and everyone.
Puppydog #4
Chapter 36: Oh my god!! What just happen?!! ... Update please!!!
Vicious_Vixen #5
Chapter 35: Ahhhh!!!! Update!!!
Puppydog #6
Chapter 35: Oh my god what did she give him??? o.0 update update update update update update.... Don't leave me hanging..... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maswimelloumia #7
Chapter 35: OMG!!!! what did she give him??
Chapter 34: update soon :D
Aish you're really gonna make her go back? :'(
For the oddest reason I don't like christian and jiyul... I dont know why and how but for some reason I like sage and jiyul... dont ask, huh. Maybe it was because it was from the scene like ages ago when they were all watching a movie and Ji was cold so sage gave her his tee. i dont know i think that was one of my favorite scenes :P anyway that was aages ago!!
whoo whoo you updated!!!! keke love ya!
OH OH OH forgot to thank all the commenters! Down there ppl.... you guys are my favourite subbies cause you let me know how you feel ;) shhhhhhhh don't tell anybody