Deep .

I'M KIM JAE JOONG'S SISTER IN LAW.....what am I? I'm dangerous

(No One’s P.O.V)


The seven boys were sitting down in one of the large lounge rooms one day when the four girls, excluding Ji Yul, were out shopping. Ji Yul was sort of sick, and they had a school recital the next day so she was at home recuperating.

Her head was in Minhae’s lap and she was fast asleep. They were talking about what the four girls would come home with on their next shopping trip. Last time they came back with 15 pairs of shoes and three new frocks for each of them and 42 pairs of earrings. Oh, and don’t forget the seven tubs of cookies and cream ice cream and mango sorbet.

It took us, the boys, three weeks to finish ONE tub of ice cream, and the girls finished the other six in like, 4 days. In the swimming pool. And spa. And library. And on the car. And with the dogs.

Anyway, Ji Yul was on Minhae's lap and she was softly snoring when she started mumbling something about TVXQ. Naturally. They grew quiet and listened to her mutter about HIS eyes, mouth, nose, voice and whatnot. But they never knew who he was.

She stopped garbling after a while and they gradually re picked up our conversation. “I really don’t see how the DBSK dudes are hotter than us. I mean seriously, the girls at school would do anything to even talk to us.” Said ChungHee, the natural narcissist. The others rolled their eyes but agreed to him and they began to mutter about the bad things of DBSK.

MinHae however, was silent as he took in Ji Yul’s expression…that hethought was sleeping. Her eyebrows were furrowed and her cheeks grew puffy. The signature expression she wore when she was angry.

(Sage’s P.O.V)

“Ugly gay people who can’t even sing.” I said and shook my head. I sneezed and rubbed my eyes, looking up at Ji Yul on MinHae’s lap, sleeping soundly. “I think I…might’ve…caught…dude, are you okay?” My sentence trailed off as I took in MinHae’s face. It was sheet white and he didn’t reply, so I nudged him in the ribs, which usually sent him squealing.

Instead, he just winced and kept staring at Ji Yul. By that time, the rest of the guys had calmed down. we followed MinHae’s gaze to Ji Yul’s face and stiffened in anxiety as we watched her face change colour from white to red. She opened and spoke, shocking the life out of us.

“None of the oppa’s are gay. Say it again and I’ll cut your legs off.” She said gaily and even smiled in her sleep. My mouth dropped open as she kept on threatening us in her subconscious and I gulped when she mentioned the word, ‘Alex.’ Yeah. She was my crush. Her face grew dark and scary and her hands even convulsed into claws when she got to the comment that TaeHo made, which was quite rude.

But anyway, we were broken out of our trance when the doorbell rang and Alonzo and Lily came running in, with the other puppies following them and began to Ji Yul’s face. She woke up and sat bolt upright. She jumped up and ran to the door, screaming, “Oppa’s! Unnie’s are back!” remembering nothing of what she had just said.

We remained in the same positions and contemplated her complete 180 degree of personalitly turn. “Is she schizophrenic?” Christian asked and I smacked him over the head. We weren’t allowed to talk about anything like that. Not in front of the girls. (a/n: I wonder why? :P)

We got up and carefully made our way to the front door, taking in the mountain of shopping bags perched on the couch. Our eyes zoomed in on Ji Yul, who was sitting on the cold tiled floor, with cookies and cream ice cream smeared all over her face. “Aigoo.” I said and took out a tissue, wiping her face and she smiled at me. “Komowayo oppa.”

I sighed and chucked the tissue in the bin.

“Crazy pms-ing woman.”

(Victoria’s P.O.V)

Christian and Ji Yul came home late that night, with Ji Yul in his arms, snoring lightly. We were all standing there, just finished at movie and we grinned at Christian, who turned bright red. Ah, young love.

When Christian put her in bed, he came down and told us about the lady that was going to come over next week, and we all had a quiet celebration. Our time to rise was up! Even though no one was going to watch it, it would be so cool. I was already thinking of the outfits I could wear!



(Ji Yul’s P.O.V)

I woke up at 6, like I usually do, and soon the camera crew and hosts were here. They explained to me that in the morning till 5 o’clock they’d be here and organize fun activities for us to do, like ‘Come To Play’. And then in the night we’d just leave the camera’s on and bring them with us wherever we went.

So this morning, I helped them set up and started to cook breakfast. I chatted with the hosts, who were about 20 years old and knew who we were and what we did, so we got along quite well. I was frying the bacon when I felt an arm sneak around my waist.

“Morning Ji Yul.” Minho said into my hair, and he leaned onto my shoulder. “Shove it Minho.” Said MinHae and snatched my arm away from him. “She’s MY SISTER!” Minho yelled and pushed MinHae off. They kept shoving each other, and I smirked, knowing that the film crew was filming it right now.

“YAH!” I screamed, shocking them out of their sumo wrestle attack. I threw the wooden spoon in the sink with a façade of anger and yelled, “Idiots, you’re only wearing shorts and the camera crew are right behind you!” there was silence.

I turned around, laughing when I saw Minho’s hands in MinHae’s hair and MinHae with a spoon in his right hand smashing it on Minho’s head. They froze, turning around to see the camera crew trying to stifle their laughter.

(Nyssa’s P.O.V)

Yawning, I rolled out of bed and changed into a simple cream shirt and blue skinny jeans. I splashed my face with water and tied my hair up before making my way downstairs. I strolled into the kitchen to see Ji Yul with a whole table of food. Grinning at her, I took a piece of toast and put it into my mouth, ignoring her stare.

I turned around and almost choked. The whole camera crew was behind me, filming my every move. I coughed and threw the toast in the bin, while sprinting upstairs to wake the others before they could get a nasty shock like I just did.

“YAH! YAH!” I burst into Ji Young’s room, where she and DongSun slept together. They’re only 14 I know, but they act like a freaking married couple. Trust me, they’re still s. “Huh?” DongSun said groggily, mussing his hair with one hand and scratching his bare chest with the other. All the boys slept like that. ‘It enhances our appeal.’ TaeHo had bragged and I muttered, ‘Appeal my .’ To be honest, DongSun looked like an ape right now.

He dove back under the covers next to Ji Young and they both started dozing off again. I huffed out a breath and screamed in a girly voice, “JUNG YUNHO?!” Ji Young sat bolt upright and looked around, “WHERE? WHERE?” I laughed wickedly and tore the bed covers off them, revealing a cold looking DongSun curled up in the middle.

“HEY! THE CAMERA CREW’S HERE! UNLESS YOU WANT ME TO BRING THEM UP I SUGGEST YOU WAKE UP RIGHT. THIS. INSTANT!” DongSun rolled, like literally rolled out of bed, and it was silent for a split second as he and Ji Young glared at eachother, and sprinted for their ensuite, bashing into the door at the same time.

“Shove it you PIG BRAINED BOYFRIEND!” Ji Young screamed while climbing over DongSun’s legs. “MOH?! You MOVE IT YOU MONKEY FACED GIRLFRIEND!” Ji Young caught DongSun in a kiss and turned him around, so that she was facing the door. Just as it was heating up, she ran into the bathroom, locking the door.

DongSun scratched his head and blew his hair away from his face, smiling sheepishly at me when he saw me. I shook my head and went to clean the room. Ji Young left her clothes out here so I don’t know how she was gonna get her clothes. Right on cue, the door opened and her face peeked out. “Unnie, can you get my clothes?” she asked and I sighed, and threw her clothes in her face.

“KOMOWAYO!” she squealed and I walked out. “Clean it up.” I said, winking at DongSun before I left. As I walked in the hallway, Minho and MinHae came walking past me and I smiled at them. “Camera crews here.” I announced and they nodded. “We know. We just got sprung by them. Thanks to this pabo here.” MinHae glared at Minho and they began bickering while walking.

I whistled and checked my watch. 7:43. so, five people down, seven people to go.

I headed to the ‘doom room’ as we called it, this person was the hardest to wake up, and the most grouchy when we did. We actually had to call in the big guns, just to wake them up. I looked at the name on the door and took a deep breath. I held it and slowly turned the door knob.

Get ready to fear the wrath of my awaking-people-skills, Tran ChungHee!

(No One’s P.O.V)

Nyssa crept into the mass of clothes which was ChungHee’s room and set to work. For the next fifteen minutes she sorted out his shirts from his pants and socks from his undies. Eventually, his room was as neat as her own.

She crawled over to him, and blew softly on his ear, just to irritate him. “Oh ChungHee!” she sang into his ear, poking his chubby cheek. ChungHee groaned and waved his hand, as if he were swatting a fly. She tried again, but to no avail. Frustrated, she tore the bed covers off, but only succeeded in ChungHee pulling them back. With her being a girl, she didn’t match his strength, so they had a tug-of-war using blankets, which ChungHee eventually won.

Nyssa blew air out of in a great gust and stormed into the bathroom. She filled ChungHee’s cup with water and stalked over to the bed. “TRY THIS !” she hollered and poured it on his head. ChungHee groaned and opened his eyes. Nyssa grinned triumphantly but was shoved violently away from his bed and out of his door.

The next thing she knew, she was facing ChungHee’s door, with it locked tight. Her eyes narrowed and she cracked her knuckles. “Ohoho, you want some more don’t you?” her eyes looked around the hallway and she smirked when she saw a window joining to his bathroom.

~ WITH JI Yul ~

(Ji Yul’s P.O.V)

“Hahaha, anni, I’m not the most mature.” I told the crew when we watched Minho, MinHae and Nyssa run out of the kitchen. “I’m the most professional.” I told them and winked. “Ew, too sour.” I said when I tasted the bacon. Reaching over, I sprinkled some sugar on it and slipped it onto the plate.

“Have you guys eaten breakfast yet?” I asked the crew and the head cameraman replied, “Yeah, you don’t need to worry about us.” I smiled and prepared the knives, forks and chopsticks. Placing my hands on my waist, I nodded, proud of my work.  “Oh dear god.” I said as I heard the war cry of Nyssa the sleep “waker-upperer”.

“This may…take a while.” I said to the camera crew sheepishly and they nodded in understanding. I reached over to the wall, where a touch pad was built in and I pressed the speaker button. “YAH~” I sang into it, “COME DOWN AND EAT!” I lifted my finger off it and sat on the couch. “Aren’t you going to eat with them?” the director asked, and I shook my head. “It’ll be around fifteen minutes till they come down.”

And so…

We waited.

(Christian’s P.O.V)

“I got you~ under my sk-“the clock broke in half. I stood there in an action pose, waiting for another DBSK trap the girls put in my room. “CHCHCHCHCHCH NOW I SEE THIS-“ “KYAAAAA!” I jumped on the Micky Yoochun moving doll, strangling it and threw it out the door. Silence except my own puffing. I eyed each object in my room, and sighed when nothing went off.

Snuggling into my bed covers, I yawned again and chuckled, “ on that girls, Christian wins! You can’t wake me up!” I drifted into my dreamland, playing with the dogs on a lush green field and there- “NOOO! NOW I CRY UNDER MY SKIN!” a sound jolting me awake.

“!” I screamed, sitting up and looking at the plasma TV, rolling down in front of me. I face palmed. HOW COULD I HAVE MISSED THE MOST OBVIOUS THING? I fumbled around for the remote, grinning as I switched off the TV. Korean news these days, all starting with DBSK as their main theme music.

Just as I was about to slump over on my bed again, I heard the bloodcurdling scream of the Yeti of hibernation, aka ChungHee and Nyssa came barging in my room, yelling at the top of her voice. “WHAT IS WITH YOU PEOPLE?” I screamed and got a pillow and wrapped it around my head. “Did you forget the camera crew is here?” Nyssa asked me with her hands on her waist.

I froze. “OH !” I screamed and bolted to the walk-in closet and grabbed the closest clothes I could find. Nyssa clicked her tongue at me and shut the door, laughing on her way out.

As soon as she left, I dropped the clothes and snickered. “I helped organise the damn thing Nyssa, how could I forget?” I shook my head at my genius and collapsed onto my sweet bed.

“Pabo.” I said and yawned.


“Well, aren’t you just the hottest?” Sage asked, flashing his award-winning, girl-swooning smile at…the mirror. He sang along to Taeyang’s Wedding Dress and twirled the hairdryer, aiming it at the mirror as if it were a gun. He was only wearing a towel, covering the lower half of his body as he had just stepped out of the shower.

“You’re such a narcissist.” He heard a voice say and he jumped around, to find Nyssa leaning on the door frame, watching him with an amused expression. He smiled at her and struck a pose, “But don’t you just love it?” he asked her and she was about to answer when Angela bounded into the room.

“CAMERACREWISHERESOHURRYUPANDGETREADY!” she screamed in one breath and Sage flinched, holding his right ear. “Geez, I know they’re here. You don’t have to shout. Is she like this every morning?” he asked Nyssa and she nodded her head.

“Yup, she attacked me on the stairs this morning. Besides, you’re supposed to know. You’ve been living with her for over a year.” Sage shook his head and looked at Nyssa as if he pitied her. “Honey, you know for a life fact that I don’t wake up before 10 each morning.” He impishly grinned and threw his shirt over his shoulder.

“How you’re one of the worlds’ most experienced gang leaders? I don’t know.” Nyssa turned to tell Angela to go downstairs and found the space she stood in empty.

Hollering echoed in the hallway and Nyssa face palmed. “Is this some sort of curse?” she raised her head to the roof and her hands floundered around near her head as if she were begging to god.

(Victoria’s P.O.V)

Sunlight shone on my eyes and I opened them, wondering where I ended up today. Yeah, I sleep walk. I’d grown accustomed to locking the door every night so I wouldn’t end up at the base of Chile the next morning. However, yesterday night I forgot to lock my door because I slept too late.

I rubbed my eyes and I sat up, looking around. I stood up and banged my head on the really low roof, and when I looked forward, all I could see was rows and rows of leather, suede and shoes. I groaned, and immediately I knew I was in Ji Yul’s closet. She’d be FURIOUS! She hates people messing with her clothes!

I snuck out, quietly sneaking into my room and putting on a summer dress and tights and casually strolled into the dining room. Ji Yul was there, lounging around while Ji Young and DongSun heated up their milk and orange juice, and when I walked in, they all said good morning to me. Ji Yul seemed fine I guess, when I snuck a look at her face she seemed relatively calm.

I decided to make conversation. “Where are the others?” DongSun snatched a piece of toast off the table, scoring a few smacks from Ji Young which he replied with sarcastic loving glances. “Nyssa’s still trying to get ChungHee off his damn bed, Angela’s running around like some sort of science lab rat experiment gone wrong, I can’t hear Sage going on about himself so he’s obviously drowned in the shower, Christian is up as far as I’m aware.” He took a deep breath.

“MinHae and Minho are still arguing on whose fault it was and TaeHo I think is hibernating.” We laughed at his joke and I went to microwave my milk when a furious, soaked to the bone, red ChungHee stormed down into the room…


I woke up happily, jumping out of bed and ripping open the curtains enthusiastically. The sun was shining, the camera crew was here and I could hear the birds tweeting. I slid on some grey sweat pants and  a Pink Floyd t-shirt and slipped on my Rolex watch. It was 8:11. So I still had time to go and stretch! But I better eat breakfast first.

Our rooms were in two adjoining hallways, like an intersection. In the middle of the intersection was a staircase. That led to the downstairs kitchen and other things. Our house was three stories. My room was at the very end of one corridor so I always heard everything.

Today I heard Sage having a karaoke festival, ChungHee crashing things around and Nyssa and Christian laughing together. So the others must be downstairs. I jumped down the stairs, and sprinted into the bathroom, ready to eat breakfast.

When I got down there, everyone was in a good mood. The camera crew had already started filming and a big white board had bold printed letters on it and said;



I laughed at the sign and gulped when Ji Yul glared at me. Oops. Already broke the first rule.

(ChungHee’s P.O.V)

THAT IDIODIC GAE SEKI OF A WOMAN! FREAKING DUMPED A FLOWER POT ON ME AND CALLED MY MOTHER! I fumed and stormed into the kitchen, not bothering to dry myself off. “LOOK AT WHAT SHE DID TO ME!” I screamed at the shocked faces of Ji Yul, Victoria, DongSun and Ji Young. “Dude, did you like, wet yourself or something?” DongSun snickered and I glared at him. I looked over at Ji Yul, who was shaking with laughter.

I batted my eyelashes at her. “Ja gi ya~” I sang and she rolled her eyes. “Araso, Araso.” She took me to the laundry room and threw me some spare clothes and turned her back as I stripped off. I handed the soaked clothes and kissed her on the cheek when I was done, going to breakfast.

As I left I heard her mutter, “The monster is finally awake!” “YAH!” I screamed, earning I light laugh from her.

(No One’s P.O.V)

Gradually, all twelve of them came down, and they began breakfast. It was rather quiet, on the contrary, because everyone was so conscious of the fact that a camera crew was watching and filming their every move, and Ji Yul saw the director get a little paranoid, so she decided to start some conversation.

“Victoria, what were you doing in my closet?” she asked Victoria, while scooping bacon onto her plate. Victoria froze and she nervously replied, “I uh, was uh…going to get some…uh…shoes?” she sounded really unbelievable and so Ji Yul just replied with a ‘hmmm.’

“What’s today’s agenda?” TaeHo asked Ji Young, and she shrugged. “Well, the host will be coming over in about an hour, and we’ll be interviewed, then we’ll go for a dip in the pool. Sound good?” she asked and everyone hummed in agreement.


The twelve of them were sitting in two rows, with two hosts opposite them. They were both around their late twenties to early thirties and were a man and a woman. “So, we know the basic information about you guys, how about something interesting?” the woman, Ji Min asked. “We’ll start with Ji Yul, since you’re sitting in the front.”

All eyes zoomed in on Ji Yul and she pursed her lips together. “Uh, I hate my laugh?” she said and the other 11 people groaned and the two hosts, Ji Min and Jason asked why. “Cause, my English name is Helena right? And my natural laugh is really loud and boisterous, so people used to call me Helena the Hyena.” Everyone chuckled, even Ji Yul.

“Now, I’ve sort of induced what I call a ‘royal laugh’. It’s more restricted, and I’m so used to it it’s like my natural laugh, now!” she exclaimed and the hosts nodded. “Is it like this?” Jason tried to imitate it, even though he’d never heard it and the whole room burst into laughter, as he sounded more like a chimpanzee.

“Araso, now it’s Sage’s turn.” Sage grinned and rubbed his hands together mischievously. “Let’s see, I like to drink raw egg.” He announced and everyone in the room gagged. “Oh! I think this’ll be interesting!” Ji Min laughed.

(No One’s P.O.V)

After about an hour and a half of talking, Ji Min and Jason found out that each of the twelve people had ‘special’ talents, including spurting milk out of an eye, and contorting one of their bodies until she had folded herself in half.

 And those were just the start!

The hosts had left, and promised to be back the next day, with lots more activities in store. “You guys wanna go for a dip today? It’s pretty warm out there.” Minho volunteered and everyone nodded. “Oh! We can try the new swimsuit I bought!” Ji Young squealed and Sage said, “I highly doubt I’m going to look good in a bikini let alone fit in it.” Ji Young sarcastically laughed and the girls ran off to change.

The boys slouched as soon as they left; heaving sighs of relief and frustration when they flipped on the TV only to realize that their favorite show had ended. Ji Yul was the first to come down, and she was wearing a black Gucci strapless bikini, connected in the middle by a small gold ring, and the bottom was the same, with two rings on either side. Over the top she had on a long sleeve shirt.

“Should I make drinks?” she suggested and all the boys hooted in agreement. She pressed the keypad, and the whole kitchen, like the WHOLE kitchen, with the sink and fridge and everything turned around and was replaced by a suave bar, complete with tonics, spirits and a retro looking fridge.

(Ji Yul’s P.O.V)

I set to work, taking out the fruits and some low alcohol percentage liquors, and ice, as well as some chocolate and ice cream! I put some Midori, strawberry liqueur, vodka, pineapple and cranberry juice in a martini shaker and shook it violently, tossing it from side to side until I was satisfied with the slushing sound it made.

It was called the ‘ on the beach’ but considering that I don’t put that much Vodka and Midori, I decided to call it theMIROTIC

The ‘miro’ part for the Midori, and the rest just cause I wanted to! It also was originally not a martini, but I like fancy things, and dumping a MIROTIC in a fat wine glass is just a total turn off. I made seven of those, placed them in the double doored fridge and set onto the fruit teas and ice drinks.

I scooped some ice cubes and smiled to myself when a separate camera came walking up to me. I acted as if no one was watching me, but naturally I got a little self conscious and always twisted my body so that the camera would get my best angle.

“BBRRRR! WHOOSH BANG!” I spun around quickly to find my banana smoothie all over roof, kitchen bench and myself, and unfortunately, it was also covering the camera. I turned around and everyone was looking at me. “Eh hehe heh…heh.” I awkwardly laughed and began to clean the mess up.

Eventually I did, and it was just in time for the MIROTIC drinks, so I carried them outside and placed them on the crystal clear table. I turned around and saw a shape run towards me screaming


a huge tower of water splashed over me, soaking me from head to foot, and I gritted my teeth and hollered,



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Maswimelloumia #1
Chapter 37: wooohooo!! U were able to update!!! YAy!!! Please update soon... :)
Chapter 37: You updated! woohoo~ thankyou! I can't wait for your next update.
luvbrowniz #3
Chapter 37: Thank you soooo much for updating!!! I can't wait to see what else is going to happen with JiYul and everyone.
Puppydog #4
Chapter 36: Oh my god!! What just happen?!! ... Update please!!!
Vicious_Vixen #5
Chapter 35: Ahhhh!!!! Update!!!
Puppydog #6
Chapter 35: Oh my god what did she give him??? o.0 update update update update update update.... Don't leave me hanging..... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maswimelloumia #7
Chapter 35: OMG!!!! what did she give him??
Chapter 34: update soon :D
Aish you're really gonna make her go back? :'(
For the oddest reason I don't like christian and jiyul... I dont know why and how but for some reason I like sage and jiyul... dont ask, huh. Maybe it was because it was from the scene like ages ago when they were all watching a movie and Ji was cold so sage gave her his tee. i dont know i think that was one of my favorite scenes :P anyway that was aages ago!!
whoo whoo you updated!!!! keke love ya!
OH OH OH forgot to thank all the commenters! Down there ppl.... you guys are my favourite subbies cause you let me know how you feel ;) shhhhhhhh don't tell anybody