
A world where both ANGELS and DEMONS are around but the HUMANS are being killed or treated as slaves...but thats new S.KOREA now , its ruled by a very powerful man named TAESUNG. He is known for being the demon lord. He has people working for him, they are mostly LUCIFERS or DEMONS and ANGELS are just part of a slavery work....



- Fallen Angels that has both angelic and demonic powers

- Most tend to serve under TAESUNG

-Some tend to pretend that they are angels because they dont want all those attention

-ALOT stronger than both angel and demon



-really strong and scary

-always respected whereever they go



- strong(but not as stronge as demons and lucifers)

-always really kind and sweet

-but sadly are being not so liked in this era

*Alot of people hate them is becasue if there was a war,the angels will probally be too weak to fight and also can be really easy to brainwash them*



Being a lucifer is hard but whats worst when u and ur friends r in school and people thinks u guys are angels.

the most popular demoners called BAP are in there. will there be a conflic? a love story? pure hatered?




......... WANNA KNOW????

read more to find out^^


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CherryTotomatoZELO96 #1
Chapter 1: give me some ideas on the story k^^