Z and J chapter 1

Z and J

                                                                                            Chapter 1


"Hurry up! I've got a surprise for you." Said Yongguk as he pulled Ji Eun into his working shed.

standing before them is the robot that yongguk created,called zelo.It was created speacially for Ji Eun as Yongguk always see that Ji Eun is always alone like forever alone,so he created zelo to be Ji Eun's boyfriend.

"It's for you." said yongguk smiling.

"Thank you so very much! You are the bestest friend anyone can ever have!"said Ji Eun while hugging yongguk.

Ji Eun switched on zelo.She was really excited,you can see her cute pair of doe eyes staring at zelo hoping for something magical to happen.

"Zelobot reporting for duty."said zelo.

Ji Eun instantly jump to hug zelo as he was exceptionally tall although they were of the same age.

"Here I've prepared some documents you know just in case.He's 17 just like you ,he's real name is Choi Junhong."said yongguk.

While zelo was fiddling with some of the tools in yongguk's shed, Ji eun and Yongguk was thnking of ways of how to teach  zelo about the world as there were so much to cover.Luckilly Zelo was programmed to absorb what he learns very efectively so teaching him is not a problem.

Ji Eun spent the whole day educating zelo about the world.Once a while they will start to crack up thinking how silly it was to teach a 17 year old.While teaching Ji Eun finds that she cant stop staring at zelo's dreamy eyes.

"What is you..your name?"ask zelo to Ji Eun.

Ji Eun was shocked she almost fall off her chair.Ji Eun calmly said her name and shook hand with zelo.Inside she was screaming as zelo's touch was like heaven.Zelo suddenly spread he's hand out for a hug,Ji Eun was so happy that she did not want to let go of zelo.I mean who would want to let go when you are hugging a super extremely hot guy/robot.

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Chapter 4: Ah~ . . . Nice story