Something to be remembered

To be Announced

Annyeong!  This is TheatrePerformance.  I hope you like this story as I have been working hard on it. 

Unfortunately, I have been able to update, and so I hope you all will forgive me.  Thanks for subscribing; it gives me a reason to keep this story going and encourages me with my writing.  Thanks so much!  Saranghaeyo!

-- Sabra



"I was walking in London, visiting your grandma and grandpa," I watched you tap our daughters nose.  

"And I was going into a coffee shop to get grandma something sweet; she really likes sweets.  And as I was walking out and began walking down the street, I passed by a man, and did a double take. I couldn't really look away from him."

You smile and your cheeks turn red.  "He was super cute and adorable, and when I turned to look back at him, I ended walking straight into a pole, dropping all of the cookies and coffee and all that stuff on the ground and all over myself. And low and behold that man watched me walk straight into the pole and offered to help me get cleaned up and all that.  I was really awkward and couldn't say much more than 'uh' or 'ok.' " 

My daughter giggles and looks up at you, her beautiful baby face glowing. 

"Yeah, yeah.  Laugh at me, but your father was much worse. Maybe not in that situation...but I promise, he was much, much worse."  You throw some sand into our little Morri's face, and Morrie, following your example, stands up and throws sand at you while chasing you around the beach.

I stand up and follow Morrie around, making sure she doesn't fall, or hurt herself or anything.

I guess I'm kind of acting like a guardian angel, but I'd like to think angel's have more appealing circumstances as to why he or she IS an angel.  I'm just floating around here, in limbo, unable to leave and unable to be seen or felt or heard or anything.

I'm sad, but I guess I'm happy too, I mean, I get to see my beautiful wife and my daughter every day, but it would be nice, you know, if they could just see me too.

You are chasing Morrie around and catch her in your arms, twirling her around.  Morrie giggles and squeals while hugging you as you twirl her around the waves and over the sand.  I wish I had a camera.  Perfect Kodak moment. 

As I watch you two giggle and play, I begin to have flashbacks, back when I was alive and ~~~~~~'s and my life were just beginning.  Even though I can't really cry, being a ghost and all, I can still feel pain, and it feels-- it feels like I've been killed once, but have been brought to life to just watch and feel pain and to.. there's.. I'm supposed to be doing something else.. 

I get up and pace around the sandy beach, not leaving any tracks.  I can feel the beach but the beach doesn't feel me and doesn't impress my footsteps on it's never-ending shore. 

There's something else I'm supposed to do, but why can't I remember? I knock myself in the head repeatedly to do anything to remind myself of what I've forgotten, but I can't and there's nothing more frustrating than being able to do/find something for the person your were forced to abandon and not being able to remember just what exactly was so important that I had to rush on the day of ~~~~~~~ and I's anniversary..

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