Under the Tree

It's Only Acting


Taemin’s P.O.V

I went to the cafeteria and it was the same response. Dead silence. Only this time Krystal and her friends were whispering to each other. I could tell it was about me instantly. To top that off the silence was ruined by Sulli bursting out into laughter. *Sigh* When I think of Sulli I remember those times back when we were in elementary school; with Krystal, my SHINee hyungs and who could possibly forget about him. I didn’t want to be reminded of back then. I wanted out of there fast so I just cut in line… just a bit.

Once I got my food I just went outside to my usual spot, a nice, cool and shady spot under a big tree. No one ever went out here so this was my only place to rest and eat my food in peace. It was so peaceful there that I, could, just, fall, asleep, at, any… moment.


No one’s P.O.V

There the infamous troublemaker was, sleeping under a tree. He dreamt a dream of the past; a dream where he was still with his first love. Playing in the playground together, eating together and even studying together. That was the happiest he’d ever been in his whole 18 years of living, despite them not actually dating.


Krystal’s P.O.V

“Just where on earth could he be? He couldn’t have left school? But being who he is it’d be no surprise.” I looked around all of campus looking for him because Victoria unnie said to give him a copy of the script. I’m no messenger you know unnie. I thought as I continued to search for him.

Ah hah! Finally I found him. He’s sleeping. Funny how he looks like an absolute angel when sleeping. Kinda like how he looked like back when we were young. I miss those times of happiness. “Why did you have to push me away?” I said while looking at Taemin’s face.

“I missed you.” He said in his sleep. I was startled that he suddenly started talking. I thought he heard me. “Don’t leave me Soojung.” He started to cry.

Eh. I thought to myself. Wait. Soojung? Me? No no no no. I must be another Soojung. There are plenty out there in the world. Moreover he’s crying. He never cries. At least not in front of someone he doesn’t. This is a first for me. I almost wanted to hug him but that would just be creepy and gross for both of us. I sat there next to him for a few minutes, staring at his face, before I decided to wake him up. “Wake up sleepy head.” I poked his cheeks. Soft.

“Huh? What? Soo… Krystal.” He was about to say Soojung. It hurts a bit for him not to say my name like he used to. He realised how messed up him appearance was and quickly did his hair and made sure his appearance was a tough one. Haha. How cute. Wait. What am I saying. This disgusting lazy guy is NOT cute. He’s polar opposite from my ideal type. Ahhh. What to do, what to do.

“So what was it that you need from me?” He said raising an eyebrow.

“From you nothing. I just came to deliver this to you.” I say as I hand over the script.  He let out a heavy sigh just by looking at the size of that thing.

“Victoria. She really is such a scary person. She practically blackmailed me!”

“She didn’t blackmail you. She just stated the facts.”

“Well it’s still…”

“Still what?”

“Still… still mean. She’s making me do this against my will.” He just kept complaining and talking about how unfair it was.

“No wonder why you were called a baby back then. You complain just like one and won’t SHUT UP!” He was startled at my sudden yelling. “Do you think I wanted to do this as well? Huh? Life’s unfair Baby Taemin and you better get used to it. Fast!” He was just frozen. He didn’t know what to say or how to react. I too was shocked by my own self. I wonder why I suddenly yelled at him like that?

“S-sorry.” He was pretty much whimpering.

“N-no. I’m the one who should be sorry. I suddenly yelled at you like that for no reason. Sorry” Aww. The atmosphere has become awkward again. Someone please save me, before I die of awkwardness. “Oh. I almost forgot. Victoria unnie also told me to tell you to that starting from the day after tomorrow she will run through the script with us and leave us to practice our lines. That’ll go for the whole day. O.K?”

“Do I really have a choice?”

“Nope.” I smiled to him. His head dropped. “It starts at 8:30 in training room 5. Don’t be late~.” I left and heard him say “Seriously” before he let out a huge sigh. For some reason a wide smile comes to my face and I just feel so happy, elated even. I wonder why? Maybe because it’s been so long since I last had an actual conversation with him? Nah. It can’t be. I’m just glad to have a partner who is willing, to some extent, to co-operate and that’s all that matters.

*Bell rings*

“Whoops. Got to get to class or else I’ll be late. Can’t let that happen.”


Taemin’s P.O.V

Hm. The bell rang. I can’t be bothered going to last period. I’ll just skip it and go home and sleep. I think as I start walking out of the school to go home. If I think about it, that’s probably the longest conversation Soojung and I have had for years.  It kind of makes me happy. But… exactly how long was she there next to me for! Did she just get there and wake me up or had she been there for a while. Oh god. Please let it be the first option because I tend to sleep talk about what I’m dreaming of sometimes.

Since I’m out of the school and super embarrassed I decide to sprint home. Once I finally get home I just fall onto my bed and think about the day. “Life’s going to get busy now.” Just let me sleep and forget all about it.



Now before you say anything i jsut wanted to let you know that this is a bit like a make uo chapter for chapter 1 beign so short. This is supposed to be with chapter one but i broke it in two. I won't usually update so much. Maybe twice a week depending on how i'm going with school. anyway. tell me what you think and comment please.



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Chapter 16: Meeting Her family... Tnx for the Update ^^
Zackery9067 #2
Chapter 16: Yay update!!!
FrancElLor_13 #3
Chapter 15: it's already the END??!!! Pls. don't just end it like that author-nim I still want TaeStal to get married. .. so please update soon author-nim =)) ...

BTW I really really love this story author-nim. .. This is Amazing and you as well ^_^
Chapter 15: The end?! No way!! I must see their marriage first -.-

Update soon author nim!!
Chapter 14: Gosh!! THEY KISSED!

Update soon Ms.Author!!
FrancElLor_13 #6
Chapter 14: <3 it. .. nice one author-nin :-) .. update soon pls..!!! ^_^
muktia #7
Chapter 4: new reader and love this story:)
bella78 #8
Chapter 14: awwww! cute! >.< they kissed!!!
update soon ;) will be waiting for another kissing scene ;p lol
shinee_fx_exo #9
Chapter 12: Hope Taemin will get his memories back. Or maybe Luna and Sulli can knock his head with a hard thing so he can regain his memory back :p Nice update :)

update soon.
minstal_1 #10
Chapter 11: update soon :)
hope Taemin gets well soon
poor Krys