Clever Quotes from Real Authors


¤Clever Quotes from Real Authors


This story consists of famous and well-known quotes by real authors, far and wide. Submissions may be posted in the comments to be reviewed by the owner. WARNING: These quotes may make you nod and say "omfg you understand me", "I'm not alone" or "thank God I'm not the only one". They may also inspire long and drawn out plot ideas, and/or give you the feels.




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Chapter 8: I love this quote. It reminds me of the most writers on AFF. They write for the public. Yeah... you get what I mean. :| that's so sad. Like, one time. This author (one of her stories was featured LOL) complained on her blog about getting less comments day by day. LOL. Seriously. :| She writes for fame. I knew it. :|
Chapter 8: "Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative." - Oscar Wilde
"Comic Sans is to be mocked, or at least, ignored." - Robert Frost
Chapter 8: THAT LAST QUOTE. So applicable on aff
Chapter 8: I really like this quote ^_^ Keep 'em coming!