Clever Quotes from Real Authors





"Beware of self-indulgence. The romance surrounding the writing profession carries several myths: that one must suffer in order to be creative; that one must be cantankerous and objectionable in order to be bright; that ego is paramount over skill; that one can rise to a level from which one can tell the reader to go to hell. These myths, if believed, can ruin you. If you believe you can make a living as a writer, you already have enough ego."

David Brin 






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Chapter 8: I love this quote. It reminds me of the most writers on AFF. They write for the public. Yeah... you get what I mean. :| that's so sad. Like, one time. This author (one of her stories was featured LOL) complained on her blog about getting less comments day by day. LOL. Seriously. :| She writes for fame. I knew it. :|
Chapter 8: "Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative." - Oscar Wilde
"Comic Sans is to be mocked, or at least, ignored." - Robert Frost
Chapter 8: THAT LAST QUOTE. So applicable on aff
Chapter 8: I really like this quote ^_^ Keep 'em coming!