
The Bullying King [M]






"To me, it's not your fault.."

It could have been the most sincere and comforting words Minho had ever said in his entire life. It wasn't simply in his nature. Not that he didn't care about anyone else. It was just that, consoling other people who were in grief wasn't his thing -- he was not good at it. And most of time, instead of cheering up those people, he ended up making them feel worse.


Minho believed that nothing could be solved through crying and distress so he made them realize their faults, but sometimes, not everyone could understand him and his ways. And sometimes, they ended up feeling being accused of something they believed they never did.

And it was a surprise that something like this came out from his lips. But neverthless, Taemin still wouldn't open his heart.


Not to him...

"Leave me alone."



...Not to anyone.


"Let me see your bruises." Minho acted as if he hadn't heard what Taemin had said. He grabbed the other's arms to see if he had any injuries.. but suddenly, Taemin took a strong grip of his collar with eyes fixated upon him.

"Why do you keep on meddling with my business!? Are you deaf!? I SAID LEAVE! LEAVE ME ALONE!!" Taemin yelled.

But despite everything, despite being shouted upon, Minho remained standing in front of him and staring at those brown orbs.  "Are you hungry? You didn't eat .. did you?" Minho said instead...

"You dont know me Choi"

"Yeah."   I do.      "And I dont care"    about your past and everything.

"Pathetic." Taemin said as he removed his firm hold onto Minho's shirt.   "Stay away from me. You dont know what you've been trying to get into." And continued.




Indeed, Taemin still wouldn't open his heart.. but he figured out, as he stared at the slender figure walking away from his sight, that maybe Taemin really wouldn't.. and probably never. But he'd lose nothing from trying. And that's what he was gonna do. He had decided to find the key to spare the locket that trapped the lost soul inside.. and maybe, just maybe, it would spare him from his ill forgotten sins as well.







Another day once again passed.. and day by day, everyday seemed to grow longer than how it used to be.. A rumor suddenly caught Minho's ear saying, the school president was already dead and Taemin was the suspect. But it turned out that everything was all just a gimpy rumor because after a few weeks of resting inside the hospital, Onew returned with a smile on his face. The bruises and cuts were still visible and very noticeable, but Onew insisted that he was the school president and he had so many responsibilities to do. .


And so was the principal.

An unfamiliar student suddenly peeked in the classroom and shouted, "L-Lee Taemin! The principal wants to see you in the office" stuttering a bit. Taemin didn't seem to hear his words so the young man repeated it, "L-Lee Taemin!! The principal is calling for you!" in a louder voice. Taemin's classmates were too scared to approach him so they left the poor boy suffer with calling out the so called king. His classmates knew that Taemin didn't want to be disturbed at times like this, and other than that, rumors were floating everywhere about Taemin beating the president because apparently, before the president was sent to the hospital, The whole school knew that Chanyeol was seen following Onew around.

And Chanyeol was one of Taemin's companions.

"Lee Taemin!! Ahh! What should I do !? I dont want to disturb him..." The young man panicked..

"hey, what is it?? Do you need something??" Minho asked from behind.

The student turned around and his face immediately lit up upon seeing Minho. "I.. I ..Taemin! Taemin is being called in the principal's office!" The student said, hoping that Minho would get a hint.

"Why is that??" Minho asked, furrowing his eyebrows a bit.

"I dont know..but the principal asked me to call him" the other replied,

"Well then he's over there," Minho pointed him out. "I'll go now."

"HEY WAIT!!!" The student said before Minho took one more step away from him. Minho stared at the younger one in confusion. "M-minho... I've been calling him out.. but it seems like he's busy over something else.." The kid explained.

Now Minho got what the other was trying to say, "Alright." He simply stated and casually went inside the room.



"Hey" Minho said as he stood in front of Lee Taemin who was busy reading his book. "Someone's out there waiting for you Taemin."

but Taemin didn't respond to his calling.

"Taemin!" He called once again but Taemin stayed still, comfortably leaning his back against his seat as he turned his book for the next page. Minho lost his patience because he was being ignored.. until he noticed something - he lifted his hand and removed the earpiece that was stuck inside Taemin's right ear -- and that caught his attention. Taemin immediately looked up to see who dared to intrude him from his peace but.. who else would it be? Taemin glared when he saw Minho eyeing down at him.

He abruptly snatched the earpiece to put it back to where it was previously placed but Minho took it off once again.

"What!??" Taemin grunted in annoyance.

"Someone's looking for you." Minho said. Taemin averted his gaze to the person who was said to be looking out for him.

"Make him go. I have no business with ." he said, but before Taemin could return back to his passionate reading, Minho said, "The principal wants to see you."

It was a small froze and a bit of silence but Taemin immediately stood up  after hearing what Minho had said. He immediately stormed out of the classroom and the young student once again peeked in and said, "Thank you Minho sunbae-nim!" and with that, he left.





It was already their next subject but Taemin had not returned yet.. and it worried Minho so much. For sure he knew that no one could lay a finger to the person who almost killed another several times, but still, Taemin wouldn't leave his things if he wanted to escape class.

Could it be that he was just imagining things?


Maybe something happened?


Maybe Taemin needed help??


Minho was shaken from his deep thoughts when he realized that his professor was calling out his name. "Y-yes Sir!??"

"Why are you spacing out!? I need you to go to the faculty . Go get the green folder on my table! And don't peek in it!" The teacher said.

Ever since Lee Taemin had joined their class, Minho became the most trusted student by their teachers and professors. Everything started with just a one simple showcase of courage. That day when he held back the arms of Taemin. That day when he was hailed the savior. That day when he got caught with Lee Taemin's pitiful life. And up to this day, he was still holding to that 'day' when he saw the most intriguing expression Taemin had showed but never really. It was the pain he'd been hiding all along.. and will still try to hide for his sake.




Minho was slowly walking back to his class after taking the green folder he was told to get. He was enjoying this peacefulness, students were all inside their class during this time of day that was why the hallways were silent and unoccupied. But amidst the deafening silence he heard a small yell from an unfamiliar voice,

"You are such a shame!" The good looking man who seemed to be in his 40's said.  He looked very respectable. He was clad in a business suit and behind him was indeed a very luxurious and expensive looking car. But the man was frowning in anger towards..

"Lee Taemin!?" Minho muttered exasperatedly.

He couldn't be wrong. He was facing the back of the young man but he knew that figure, that hair and everything. That was certainly Lee Taemin.

"How could you still ruin my name despite living far away from me!? Are you trying to bring my company down!? Didn't I tell you to stay away from all of this mess!?" The man continued.

Taemin remained silent. He didn't even make a single glance at the furious man in front of him.

"Why aren't you answering me!? Are you really trying to insult me!? If I had known that I would have a kid like you, I HOPE I NEVER MET YOUR MOTHER!" The man said.

And upon hearing such words, Minho came to realize that this man was no other than Taemin's father. 


His father who was supposed to show love and support but never did. Minho clenched his fist tight as he continued listening to the harsh words Taemin's father had been telling him ever since he was a kid. Words like you didn't belong, you are an embarrassment, I hope you never lived,


I hope you never existed.


And indeed it was too cruel, for not only did the world shun him down. His father, his one and only father never treated him like a son. He was just...


"A MISTAKE! YOU HEAR ME!? YOU ARE A MISTAKE!" His father said as he pointed his finger at him in a degrading way and looked at him with raging eyes. But no matter how harsh and sick words he'd been hearing, Taemin never once tried to defend himself. He didn't even shed a single tear. And Minho figured out, maybe Taemin was numb..or maybe he was already used to be called like this...

But Minho was not.

And just then, Taemin's father raised his arm to slap him.. but Minho immediately ran to his place and was slapped instead..


Taemin was shocked upon seeing what Minho just did. He was pushed to the side and Minho took the hit he was supposed to receive. Taemin's father was shocked as well.

"Violence.. is against the rules of this school Mister... I know I shouldn't interfere, but if you were talking about the incident a few days ago.. please don't hit him like this. Taemin is innocent.. so if you want to beat him, beat me instead.." Minho said.

It was the strongest slap Minho had ever received in his life. And he wondered how Taemin must have felt everytime he experienced such aggressiveness when he was a kid. Minho's father never slapped him nor punched him. It was more of making him realized his actions that's why Minho grew up to do just like how his father did.

Taemin's eyes widened when he saw what Minho had done, "H-hey what are you doing!! Get out of here!" Taemin said , pushing Minho away.

"I didn't know you have friends. But just like you this kid's just as worthless. I should leave now." His father said.

"...what? How could you call your son 'worthless'!? If he is, then that makes you worse. You are his father! You shouldn't treat him like this!" Minho said.

Taemin's father ceased and stared at him, "What did you just say?? What do you know huh!?"

The situation was getting unpleasant. Taemin's father was irritated and Minho was mad. Taemin tried to push his way in between the two and asked his father to leave, "Mr. Lee please you can go now.." He said as he took a gentle hold of his father's arms. Wrong move. 

"Don't touch me!" His father yelled and swayed his hand away. Minho couldn't believe what was happening. Was it really possible? Was there really father who could treat his child like this? Taemin didn't even address his father in a rightful manner - but maybe he did the right thing? Afterall, this man didn't deserve it. 

"Please leave. I respect people. But not everyone."

Taemin's father was startled by how Minho had ordered him to leave. " What? Dont you know who I am!? How dare you!?"

"I dont know who you are and I dont care. You must be really rich Mister, but your life is something I will never want to have." Minho stated.

"Choi Minho get out!" Taemin demanded.

Taemin's father suddenly spoke out, "It's not a surprise that your friend is the same as you. ILL-MANNERED BASTARD."

"Minho, LEA-"

but before Taemin could even start speaking again, Minho said,

"NO SIR. You're wrong. Taemin isn't like that. He's not perfect. But he's not as worthless as you think he is. Why don't you try to look at yourself and see which is the worthless one? You've lived for so long.. and yet you're living a very unhappy life. You are successful in money, but you are not successful in exceeding yourself. I pity you."

Taemin stared at Minho in disbelief. He gazed at him with amazement for saying the things he had lost the courage to speak.. but more than that,

"What did you say!?" Taemin's father retorted. "You..pity me??"

"Yes Sir. I pity you so much.. and you know what? Taemin doesn't deserve to have a father like you. You are not worthy of being one." Minho stated with integrity.

"HOW COULD YOU--"  Minho was already prepared for it, he knew that he was gonna be taking another hit from a man he had never once seen before -- but.. he didn't feel anything. Not a single pain. Nothing.

"Mr. Lee... please, go home." Taemin said to his father as he took a hold of his arms. "....You are no longer needed in this place."

And it took one small step forward. It took courage to speak back to the person he had hated his whole life. And he didn't regret it.. because he knew that it wasn't gonna be pointless. Not anymore.


"Remove your hands off me." Taemin's father said with anger on his face... and because of so much anger and embarassment, he left.




Taemin felt like he emerged from a small cocoon to be something else.. Just like how butterflies are.


And for the very first time,

Someone decided to look at the things no one had seen for they were all deceived with a simple act..


And more than that..

for the first time,

Someone stood up for him.. Someone named Choi Minho.


it's almost christmas!!!



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Chapter 13: Please updateeeee
NethShawol #2
Chapter 13: Please updateeeeeee!! I love this storyyy!!
NethShawol #3
Chapter 13: Please updateeeeeee!! I love this storyyy!!
Chapter 13: GOD !!!!!!!!Plz plz plz update........
Chapter 11: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh please update sooooooooooooooooooooon
hallowyellsrawr #6
Chapter 13: Mooooore Dx this is amazing!! Dx
Chapter 13: uuuuuuh keeey uuuuuuh key xd
so he likes minho
aahh ;;;; i can feel the love triangle coming~
cant wait for more sjdnksndnss
des2bfree #8
Chapter 13: My gawd ur updte really great it worth waiting this long for ur updte.....
minhoandtaemin #9
Chapter 13: wow nice one this time